The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 242 Second Grade Students Hunting Competition (21)

She said good night to the live broadcast, switched the live broadcast to privacy mode, and then grabbed the live broadcast ball and stuffed it into the space buckle.

Then, immediately use the sympathy between the main pet to watch the field of view of the little rattan, looking for a large animal that can be used as a mount.

The main pets are not worried at all about the other party's lack of cooperation after finding a suitable animal.

Emperor Zhi is above, even if it is a low-level alien plant or animal, he must bow his head and bow his head.

It didn't take long for them to find an eye-catching target.

A group of tall and beautiful deer.

At this time of wind and snow, no matter how fierce the beasts are, they have to hide, but this group of big deer with thick fur are still leisurely looking for food. Their thick eyelashes make them not afraid of the wind and snow.

The point is that they are really tall.

The young deer in the herd are as tall as the shoulders of an adult horse, and the adult male and female deer are even taller. They seem to move slowly and gracefully, but the distance of each step can reach several steps of human beings.

[Is this an ordinary animal or a strange beast? 】

[Soil system. 】

[This group of deer is good, but the number is a little less. Three people are carried on the back of a big deer, two people are carried by a sub-adult deer, fifteen people are carried by five large deer, eight people are carried by four sub-adult deer, a total of 23 people, There are thirty-six of us, and there are still thirteen short. 】

[We need to find another herd of deer. 】

[Yes, you follow this herd of deer. I am spawning some vegetables and berries now. When I call you later, you can pick me up and feed them for goodwill. Let them lead us to find other herds of deer. 】


Cen Wen immediately started to take out the planting box that she used to produce local plants every day. After spending more than an hour, the harvested berries of local plants piled up into a mountain bag in the pet planting space.

Calling again, the little rattan teleported over to pick up Cen Wen.

Because of the wind and snow, it was already dark, and the group of big deer were still walking and looking for food, and there was no sign that they were looking for a place to spend the night.

Cen Wen didn't care so much, let Guaibao release Emperor Zhi's coercion and keep the deer.

The herd of deer really stopped. Except for the sub-adult deer who was a little panicked, the big deer were all calm. The leading male deer raised his head and nodded in the direction of the pressure, as if saluting Emperor Zhi. .

Cen Wen slowly walked out from behind a bush with the camping lamp turned to the maximum brightness.

The little rattan recovered its real body, and appeared behind Cen Wen with a patter.

The herd of deer nodded again to Emperor Zhi, and then the big deer blocked the little deer behind them, lowered their heads, and looked peacefully at the little Twolegs on the ground.

Relying on the instinct of strange beasts, they knew that the little one in front of them was also very strong.

Cen Wen released her supernatural coercion. She is not in full bloom now, but if she forcibly mobilizes her power, she can show it for a short time.

With a wave of her hand, piles of fresh fruits and vegetables immediately appeared in the snow, as fresh and tender as the delicious food only available in spring and summer.

The little deer, who was blocked by the big deer, smelled the delicious food and couldn't help screaming.

Cen Wen's nervousness was half relieved, and Xiao Lu's greedy mouth was easier to deal with.

Guaibao is in charge of communicating with the leader of the deer herd, providing enough vegetables and fruits for them to eat every day. The condition is to use them as mounts and send a batch of small Twolegs to a place, and because the number of their deer herd is too small, We have to find another herd of deer, and when it is done, they will be rewarded with the same amount of food as this herd of deer.

The big deer barked a few times, but Cen Wen didn't understand, so everything was left to Guaibao to negotiate.

So in this windy and snowy night, from time to time, I heard the big buck yell twice, and then there was silence. After a while, I heard it yow again, and then there was silence again.

After going back and forth like this for half an hour, the sound of the big buck disappeared, replaced by the cheerful cry of a sub-adult fawn.

A large pile of small berries with tender leaves was eaten up in a short time under the mouths of this herd of deer.

The herd of deer looked very satisfied, the big bull took the initiative to approach Cen Wen, lowered his head and arched her with his mouth, pushing her behind him.

Cen Wen held the camping lantern in one hand and the thick fluff on the back of the deer with the other. With a kick, he rolled over and sat on it.

The buck took the lead and led her to find other herds.

The little rattan flicked its roots and walked beside Cen Wen, using the wide leaves on its branches to shield her from the wind and snow.

After another nearly two hours of walking, they finally found another herd of deer resting in a cave, which was also two larger in number than this herd.

With the same remuneration, they hired a second group of big deer as mounts, and while they were eating, they gave the same food to the first group of big deer.

This is the promised reward for leading the way.

The two herds of deer had a full meal and were very satisfied, but there was too much wind and snow outside, even if they were not afraid of the cold, they hated walking around without sleeping in such weather.

Cen Wen had no choice but to let the little rattan teleport directly to the camp with the deer herd, and she then spawned a large number of plants to form a shelter that could accommodate two groups of big deer.

After setting them up, I was teleported back to the tent by Guaibao to sleep.

Little Rattan returned to the edge of the shed and guarded for a while, seeing that the deer herd had fallen asleep before going for food.

It took a lot of energy to move a group of deer with such a large distance over a long distance, and it needed to make up for it.

That night, in order to avoid the wind and snow, many of the medium and large animals sleeping soundly in their respective nests became the fresh food of a certain Emperor Zhi.

Emperor Zhi was a picky eater, and he didn't like animals with low abilities. He only looked for mid-to-high-level prey, and dealt a severe blow to the food chain in this large area. Time can re-develop a high level.

The reason why it takes a long time is because there are still high, middle and low-level heterogeneous plants that need energy-filled food.

Alien plants and beasts of the same level are competitors.

Without mid-level and high-level alien beasts robbing food, local alien plants will have a chance to develop, and maybe a plant of Emperor Zhi on this planet will be born in a few years.

After dawn, the wind and snow stopped, and the team members who got up saw the snow that could bury their calves, and their faces were full of bitterness.

" are you going today?"

With a tube of nutrient in his mouth, Cen Wen put away his tent, and at the same time called the captains to ask the team members to pack up the tents and make room for a big public tent.

"Aren't you in a hurry to go?"

"There is such a large amount of snow, it's useless to rush, open a big tent, light a fire and cook some hot food to keep warm."

Everyone took action immediately, and Cen Wen took out the live broadcast ball from the space button at this time, resumed the live broadcast mode, and then turned around and walked out of the camp while everyone was busy.

The audience in the live broadcast room were so dumbfounded to see that Cen Wen prepared a group of tall, gentle and elegant mounts for the whole team.

[Fuck, did I not wake up? ! 】

[It's amazing, there is such a huge deer! 】

[Where did such a large herd of deer come from? 】

【Hmm...Boss Cen closed the live broadcast quite early last night. 】

【Last night, there was such a big snowstorm, did Boss Cen go out in the snow? 】

[No, how did you find the deer in such a snowy night? 】

[Fuck, the more I talk about it, the more I feel that Boss Cen's strength is unfathomable. 】

[Oh my God, if you hit it head-on, you'll die, right? 】

[At least one concussion did not run away. 】

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