Thor's hammer Mjolnir, if Richard couldn't even recognize this, then he would be so sorry for the many Marvel movies he had done before time travel.

I remember that Thor in the movie "Thor" did not listen to Odin's dissuasion and secretly took three or five good buddies to attack Jotunheim (commonly known as Baiji) where the frost giants lived. In the end, he was punished by Odin as punishment. Deprived of divine power and demoted to Midgard, which is the earth.

Thor's exclusive weapon Mjolnir was thrown away by Odin, and it was thrown to New Mexico with a bang. In the movie, the hammer was a bit nervous when being used by SHIELD. It was like a hammer coming from the sky at home. Experts from SHIELD said that I can understand that it rains, hails and even meteorites fall from the sky, but I have never heard of any weather conditions where hammers will fall from the sky?

Although Richard probably figured it out the moment he took the tablet, this might be the plot of the movie "Thor". But he couldn't tell the truth immediately. Instead, he held the tablet and pretended to look at it for a while, carefully browsing the photos of the hammer from various angles, wishing to enlarge each photo to a microscopic level and study it carefully, then frowned and posed He had an expression that was unpredictable and seemed like the situation was not optimistic.

Fury's heart sank a little when he saw his expression. You must know that this person in front of you is a master who can sweep armies and tear apart aircraft carriers. If the situation is difficult for even this guy, wouldn't it be a disaster on the level of destruction of New York?

"Do you recognize this?" Fury asked tentatively. "My experts all said they have never seen anything like it. They said this kind of thing has never appeared in any records."

"Then you can fire all your experts." Richard said seriously, "We usually call this a hammer, and we usually use it to nail things or hammer people."

The second half of Fury's words was swallowed back in his stomach immediately. He stared at him with one eye and said nothing for a long time, with an expression as if he wanted to eat someone.

What nonsense do you still want to talk about? Labor and management also recognize that this is a hammer. Do you want you to say "hammer"?

"Okay, don't be angry, I know what you mean." Richard shrugged, "I may indeed know this, but I need more details to be sure."

Fury nodded in understanding, came up to take the tablet, and began to retrieve various data for him. Richard took a look and saw a lot of messy data curves such as energy spectrum analysis, radiation level assessment, and isotope detection.

Richard held the tablet and pretended to study, but within a minute he couldn't help but start to feel sleepy and wanted to yawn. This experience reminded him of when he got the test paper for the physics and chemistry exam and started reviewing the questions. This was almost the same feeling every time he saw some temperature curve atomic structure diagram.

Finally, he pointed to an enlarged picture of a hammer: "Did you notice there are words on it?"

Fury leaned over to take a look, and there was indeed an inscription engraved on the hammer, but the words were very small and did not appear to be in any language he could understand.

"So what does it say?" Fury asked.

Richard wanted to say that I couldn’t understand it either, but he still pretended to translate to the photo: “‘Anyone who can lift this hammer can gain the same ability as Thor’.”

If you don’t understand it, you can’t understand it, but Richard remembers that the inscription on Mjolnir is quite famous on the Internet.

"Thor?" Fury raised his eyebrows, "Who is that?"

"The owner of the hammer. But now you probably know its origin." Richard put down the tablet, finally no longer needing to look at this pile of data and symbols that hurt his brain. He leaned back and said, "It is the legendary Thor's hammer in Norse mythology. It is called 'Mjolnir', which means 'smash'. It is the exclusive weapon of Thor, the Nordic god of thunder."

Fury was stunned for a moment after hearing this: "Thor? Isn't he the Thor I thought?"

Fury thought to himself, isn't that nonsense? Even if aliens are real, why are myths and legends starting to come true? Fury is familiar with the more famous Eastern and Western myths. He looked at Richard with an expression of extreme distrust, thinking, are you going to tell me next that the monkey who almost stabbed the sky with a stick is also real?

"Of course, unless you also know that the second Thor appeared with a hammer and lightning effects." Richard said, "Don't hold too many prejudices. Many myths and legends are not groundless. Legends often have traces. It follows. Many years ago, the Asgardian protoss visited the earth and were worshiped as gods by the Nordic locals at that time, so the legend was passed down."

Fury stared at the hammer in the photo and pondered. If that were the case, things would get complicated. Not only would they be convinced that the hammer was indeed an alien object, but that it even had an owner. And since the hammer is here, does that mean that its owner, the protoss named Thor, is also on earth?

That's a big problem.

Richard continued to ask: "Did you also find that no one can lift the hammer? That it feels very heavy?"

Fury nodded: "That's what the on-site report said. They said that they couldn't move it even if they used heavy machinery including a crane, as if the hammer was planted in the ground."

"That's it, Mjolnir must have not escaped. Only those who are recognized by the hammer can pick it up, and anyone who can pick up the hammer will gain the power of Thor."

"Get recognized? How can I be recognized?" Fury didn't hear much of the other parts, but he heard the last sentence. Anyone who can pick up a hammer can gain the power of Thor? Does that mean that if Coulson or someone else lifts the hammer, SHIELD will have an extra Thor brother?

"Well, noble moral character, I guess." Richard said vaguely.

It's not that he doesn't want to go into detail, but the setting of this thing is just so painful. In fact, he feels that Mjolnir probably has its own intelligence. Simply put, it can lift people it likes, but cannot lift people it doesn't like. This is true even for dead things like machines. Sometimes when it is in a good mood, I put it in the elevator and the elevator can lift it up. Sometimes it gets too proud and doesn't want to move, and even if you call in a thousand-ton crane, it won't move.

After all, this thing is produced in Asgard and involves magic, so whether it abides by the laws of physics depends on Hammer's mood.

Fury was thoughtful and felt that it was necessary to find a few more agents to try. If no one lifted it up, forget it. If someone did, it would be a bloody gain.

But let’s not talk about this for now. He turned to Richard and said: "The matter involves alien forces. We are slightly inexperienced in this area and may encounter some resistance in handling it. Earlier today, I sent Agent Coulson to fly to New Mexico to take charge of this matter. That’s it, do you have time?”

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