The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 69 Things in Asgard

In fact, obtaining the information about the origin of this hammer was already a worthwhile trip for Nick Fury. Inviting Richard to New Mexico was just a casual question. Considering that this was someone he couldn't invite despite repeated invitations, Fury didn't really have high hopes for his answer.

Unexpectedly, Richard did not refuse directly: "Okay, but will there be any reward?"

Fury was unhappy at the time. I, the dignified Director of SHIELD, repeatedly asked you to come over and refused to meet me. Then a hammer fell from the sky and you agreed to go there in person without even thinking about it. Does this mean that my face is not as good-looking as the hammer?

But of course Fury wouldn't mind such details, and he didn't talk about any big principles like "not talking about salary for the sake of peace and ideals." He simply said straightforwardly: "If you are willing to help, I can temporarily help you." Counted as a specially hired consultant, there will naturally be consulting fees.”

Richard did not hide the disdain in his expression. Consulting fee? Once you hear it, you won’t feel like it’s too much. He suddenly felt that this stewed egg was stingy. SHIELD was so wealthy and stingy even when it paid him some money.

"So how much is that?" Flies are also meat, so something is better than nothing.

Fury slowly took out a check, took out a pen from somewhere in his coat pocket and filled in a number. Richard suspected that he might be familiar with the operation of braised eggs. Otherwise, how could the movements be done so naturally and in one go?

Fury handed him the check and asked, "How about this number?"

Richard glanced at the pile of zeros at the end of the check and immediately accepted the check with a smile: "It's okay, just so-so."

This check made Richard's view of Fury change drastically in one second. Fury's image of a little family that had almost hit rock bottom suddenly changed, and he suddenly became tall and majestic.

Even a consulting fee is followed by so many zeros. This is the style that Director SHIELD should have!

"So we have an agreement?" Fury asked. He didn't care that there were a few zeros written on the check he just handed over, since he didn't pay for it himself. "Hiring a consultant" is a public matter, so of course the money spent must be public funds.

Besides, compared with the kickbacks he gets from the funds allocated by the council every year, this amount of money is not even a drop.

In fact, when Richard talked to him about remuneration, Fury found it more reassuring. Because since the other party is willing to collect money, it means that the other party is willing to abide by the rules and systems established by humans - even if the other party has no need to do so. After all, with Richard's true ability, money is simply dispensable.

After receiving Richard's affirmative answer, Fury said: "Then we will arrange agents to pick you up tomorrow in New Mexico where Thor's hammer fell." After saying that, he stood up, hesitated slightly, and asked again, "So Now can you share the real reason why you agreed to go to the scene so simply?”

Of course he saw that Richard didn't agree to go because of the check - obviously it couldn't be because he, the Director of SHIELD, personally came to invite him. Due to the other party's previous lukewarm attitude towards SHIELD, Fury knew that he didn't have that much face.

Then he must have some other reasons.

Richard thought for a moment and did not answer the question directly: "I just mentioned the owner of Thor's Hammer, Thor of Asgard. Do you know his identity?"

Fury tried his best to search his brain for his limited knowledge of the Nordic pantheon, and then said: "Do I know whether he is the God of Thunder or the son of Odin?"

"Yes, and Odin is the king of Asgard. He is called the 'Father of the Gods' in mythology. So you can imagine what kind of strength he has. Let's put it this way. If Odin has a whim one day, If we attack the earth, there is absolutely no chance of victory with human military power."

Fury heard what he said with certainty and couldn't help but wonder: "Is it so powerful?"

Fury was still thinking just now that Thor's main weapon was nothing more than a hammer. So Asgard must have used cold weapons in combat? What's there to be afraid of from a group of barbarian tribesmen wielding swords?

If Richard knew what Fury was thinking, he would only sneer. Hey, did you know that there is a man in a red cloak next door who can dismantle your mothership with just his fists instead of a hammer?

Although Fury didn't know the combat power of the Asgardians, he knew how powerful Richard was after his transformation. If Richard told him that Odin could easily sweep away the Earth's army, then he felt that his credibility should not be low.

"But they have no reason to go to war with Earth, right?" Fury said.

Richard nodded: "Yes, not for the time being and it is only temporary."

"How to say?"

"Legend has it that Thor and Mjolnir are inseparable. He never lets his weapon leave his hands for too long. But now that the hammer has been lying in New Mexico for so long, Thor has not appeared. What do you think might be the reason? ?”

This situation is very reminiscent of some Eastern swordsmen or warriors who say "the sword is with the person, but the person with the sword dies". Fury naturally made the connection: "Does this mean its owner is dead?"

"That's the worst possibility. But if you have some understanding of the situation in Asgard, you can easily guess that this may involve a coup."


Richard nodded: "Yes. Nordic legends on earth generally believe that Loki, the god of trickery, is Odin's brother. In fact, this is not the case. Loki is the son of Odin and the brother of Thor, and has been coveting the throne for many years. But God King Odin is not optimistic about him. On the contrary, Odin has always wanted to pass the throne to Thor."

Fury understood: "You're saying that the hammer fell to Earth possibly due to a court conflict in Asgard?"

"Yes, and there is a high probability that Thor himself is also on Earth. Since he has not summoned his hammer back for a long time, it means something must have happened to him."

Although this is still somewhat different from the facts in the movie, it is not too different.

"But it has nothing to do with us, right?" Fury crossed his arms. He feels that whether it is a coup or a palace struggle, the role of the people on earth is to eat melons, and a group of gods cannot hit them in a fight.

"It was originally like this, but now the situation is different." Richard said, "It would be fine if Thor finally won and successfully took over the power, but Loki... he is the kind of person who is more ambitious. Type. If Loki really seizes the throne in the end, I would not be surprised at all if the first thing he does is to lead the Asgardian army to attack the Earth at the center of the nine kingdoms."

Fury's expression became a little serious.

"Even if Loki failed to seize the throne, Odin's most precious son Thor had an accident and burped on the earth." Richard paused, "Let me just say this, But when it comes to his son, the old man has a real bad temper."

(Thanks to book friends 20170217193326006, 20190823232520060, Xingye Daluotian, and Ling_Cangyu for their rewards!)

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