The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 537: Trouble on the Road

"Did you dream last night? I have something to tell you."

When he woke up in the morning and opened his eyes, even though Lindang summoned his teammates to discuss, everyone had not changed out of their pajamas, and several of them were holding water glasses and toothbrushes.

Hearing his question, everyone nodded, indicating that there was indeed a dream visitor last night.

Linde shares his conversations with dream visitors.

"The Supreme God is a mind flayer mastermind. The dream visitor claims to be able to protect us from the mastermind's control and prevent us from transforming into a mind flayer. What do you think?"

"You are actually able to interrogate so many secrets. That mysterious man kept silent to me." Ying Xin couldn't help but look at Linde with admiration, "It seems that you will be a very good bottle opener. Well, the bottle opener I am talking about is Refers to the interrogator."

"Our mysterious guest advised me to exploit the potential of the Mind Flayer Tadpole," Gale said.

Raizel looked depressed and crossed his arms, "Damn it, it's impossible for me to accept the power of a brain-eating bastard! This dream visitor definitely has bad intentions."

Will raised his hand and said seriously: "No matter what her purpose is, she did stop my transformation process. Maybe we can trust her a little."

Lind looked at Will thoughtfully. In this way, the pained expression Will showed when he was sleeping last night was not due to foot odor, but because he was beginning to transform into a mind flayer.

"Is there something on my face?" Will looked confused.

"No. It's a long story...that's probably what happened."

Everyone looked weird. Ying Xin's expression was particularly shameful and angry, and her cheeks turned red for a second.

Will touched the back of his head and asked Lind curiously: "Whose feet do you think have the smelliest feet?"

"How do I know? Am I a pervert who sniffs my teammates' feet in the middle of the night? Anyway, I propose to set up a bathing tent in the camp in the future."

"Isn't it too luxurious? Adventurers don't have to pay so much attention when they go out. It's good to have a good night's sleep and a pot of hot soup." Will spoke from experience.

Linde shook his head and said: "Our camp still has many shortcomings. It doesn't mean that you can't arrange your life well when you go out. Gale, if you went on a long trip before, would you prepare the mansion technique?"

"Ha, are you talking about Mordenkainen's mansion spell? A spacious room, 100 magic servants on call, and a dazzling and sumptuous dining table. This is of course a must."

All the friends couldn't help but feel a little sour when they heard this, and murmured what was so great about the mage...

Lind waved his hand and said, "As for the construction of the camp, I will entrust Sir Fuse Lamp to be responsible for it."

"Sir Fuse Rumple? Who is that? When did you meet your new friend?"

Lind raised his hand to greet the corner of the camp: "Sir Fuzelump, Pastor Eldra, you all come here. Friends, let me introduce you, these two are mercenaries I recruited. They were both recruited by the Supreme God during their lifetimes. We were harmed by believers, so we are willing to return from death and help us. Don’t worry about their loyalty, they will never betray.”

The rock dwarf Fuze Lump saluted the adventurers solemnly, and the golden dwarf Eldra smiled warmly.

"Where did they come from?" Asdalen's face was particularly ugly, and his tone was a little guilty. Just in the early hours of this morning, he quietly got up and went out, but he didn't notice that there were a few more outsiders in the camp. He was worried that his little actions would be exposed to the mercenaries.

Linde chuckled, "Remember the gravekeeper? The undead creature in the coffin of the ruins. He provided help."

"Then who is he?" Everyone was confused.

"Who knows?" Linde pretended to be confused. "In short, he will be beneficial to our adventure. The tombkeeper will be stationed in the camp in the future. If you have any questions, you can talk to him alone. Believe me, you won't get the answer. Yes, that guy is the Riddler."

Before starting the day's adventure, Linde commissioned two mercenaries to apply buff spells to everyone.

The strength of mercenaries is related to their lifetime wishes. Eradicating the power of the Supreme God can restore their strength. The current strength of the two mercenaries is only at the level of a novice adventurer. Each has only four first-level spell slots and two second-level spell slots.

The mage Sir Fuse Rumple casts a first-level ritual spell [Stride] on each member of the team, casts a second-level spell [Dark Vision] on Gale, and casts a first-level spell on Lind, Gale and Will [ Mage Armor].

Priest Eldra gave Lind and Gale the second-circle divine spell [Chain of Protection]. (The Larian house rules are adopted here, the duration of the chain of protection is extended from one hour to one day, and the effective distance is extended from 60 feet to unlimited)

The chain of protection can establish a mysterious connection between the caster and the person being cast, and improve the overall resistance of the person being cast. The disadvantage is that the damage suffered by the protected person will be equivalent to the caster.

The golden dwarves have a strong vitality, and Eldra is a priest of the life domain, so she can withstand damage very well.

Such a set of buffing procedures is what Linde calls morning exercises. In the future, as the level of mercenaries increases, the buffing spells will become more and more diverse.

Seeing the benefits brought by mercenaries, the others no longer objected, and even enjoyed it a little.

"A new day, a new job. Don't forget, there is still a little reptile in our brains that covets brain tissue. Friends, pack your things, it's time to go."

"Please lead the way." Everyone said one after another.

Before solving the serious problem in the goblin camp, Lind is going to find Edge's hunting target, the barbarian Karak from Hell. She is also a potential ally. If she can turn her enemy into a friend, future adventures will be smoother. .

According to Will, Karak fled all the way north, and was probably in the area of ​​the Promotion Road at this time.

As they walked along the mountain forest path leading to the promotion road, they heard a barking of dogs. After walking a few dozen steps and pushing aside the grass, they saw the fresh corpse of a young man lying on the forest clearing. A white dog paces back and forth.

The dog is a medium-sized dog, young and healthy, with white fur and a very cute appearance.

"Hey, puppy." Lind greeted, "What are you doing here?"

The white dog was very alert and said: "Go away! Don't come close!" There was a tag on the collar around its neck, with its name written on it - Scratch.

"Don't be nervous, your name is Scratch, right? We don't mean any harm." Linde greeted with a smile.

Behind him, Ying Xin said with envy: "It's really convenient to be able to communicate with animals at any time."

Gale said: "If conditions permit, we can prepare some animal conversation potions. Small animals are actually very interesting and candid."

"Ha, actually corpses are also very interesting, and more candid." Ying Xin talked to the corpse on the ground.

The young man who died in the wild was actually a messenger heading to Baldur's Gate, but unfortunately he was killed by a gnoll on the way.

The messenger came from the promotion road. According to the information he revealed, the business road is now occupied by dangerous jackals. Next, the group of them will also have to face this problem.

Linde just felt that there were not enough enemies to kill. As a righteous paladin, it's time to eliminate harm for the people.

The puppy was very loyal and lingered near the body of its owner. In its opinion, the owner was probably just tired and lay down to take a nap. The puppy did not understand what death was.

Linde smiled and said: "Tidua, you remember our smell and you can come to us at any time."

The puppy barked twice and agreed.

"Good dog." (End of chapter)

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