The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 538 Advancement, the Demonic Contract of the Blade

Path to promotion.

The prosperous business road on the north bank of the Chongsa River is responsible for freight and communications. Usually there should be an endless stream of carriages, horses and messengers here, but now there are no pedestrians, only tragedies on the ground.

The wild attacks and massacres by the gnolls have made the road to promotion no longer safe. No letter will reach Baldur's Gate from here, and the news sent from Baldur's Gate cannot pass through this road.

Wrecks of carriages were scattered on the road, and hyenas were feasting on the corpses of merchants, travelers and draft horses. The dogs' bellies were so distended that they looked like they were expecting to give birth.

They stared blankly at the visitors of the adventure team, motionless. The saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth was mixed with blood, and there were fragments of internal organs embedded in the interlocking teeth.

"There's something wrong with these hyenas," Will Edge reminded Lind.

There was a hyena lying on the ground, twitching all over and looking in pain.

Linde stepped forward to check.

The hyena ate too much. Its stomach was burst open by the huge amount of flesh and blood, its eyes rolled back, and it said in pain and ecstasy: "My flesh is turning into new flesh."

It began to twitch and roll, and a new life was gestating in its body - not a hyena cub, but a gnoll created by evil rituals.

Linde raised his foot and stepped hard, crushing the hyena's neck bone and interrupting the ceremony.

The other hyenas were instantly hostile. They howled, and their thin bodies were torn apart from the inside. The newly born gnolls with strong physiques tore apart their mother's womb and stood on the ground bloody.

"Meat!!!" They stared at the living people greedily.

"Kill them!"

Linde shouted, drew out his short spear and stabbed the jackal in front. The holy light of the Holy Slash spurted out from the tip of the spear. The enemy who was stabbed was covered in milky white flames, burning away the dirty blood on his body. The body melted in the high temperature, and the muscles and bones curled up into the posture of a baby.

The Yankee girl picked up the ever-burning sword and slashed it across the waist. The upper body of a jackal flew out, leaving the lower body in place like a tree stump on fire.

Asdalen stabbed the dagger into the Gnoll's abdomen, but was scratched by a claw, almost losing his face. Will recited a spell and fired a magic blast, penetrating the opponent's skin and bones and blowing off an arm.

During the chaos, a hyena managed to escape and took a side road, calling for more jackals.

The battle group is expanding, and more than ten jackals can already threaten the safety of a village. The enemy's new force is not a newborn. Every one of them is wearing armor and soldiers. They look like armed bandits, and their threat instantly increases.

"Someone is providing weapons and equipment to these jackals!"

"Leave a few intact corpses. Ask about the situation later."

After a chaotic battle, everyone could not be said to be unscathed. Everyone was more or less defeated.

Linde looked around at his companions. At present, the combat effectiveness of this group of people is still a bit weak. It is already difficult to deal with a group of jackals. If they attack the goblin camp by force, there may be attrition in the battle.

In this case, we can only use outsmarts. When the time comes, we must establish a legal identity, sneak into the enemy camp, and act according to the opportunity.

Shadow Heart learned from the corpse that the leader behind these jackals was the Supreme True God Sect. They were ordered to intercept and kill passing caravans. In addition, there was also one of their leaders, the True Soul Man, who was hunting down the survivors of the caravan nearby.

"What should we do?" Everyone looked at Linde, hoping he would come up with an idea.

Linde was not in a hurry to express his position, but first took out the ancient book to check the growth progress of the magic contract.

——Magic Pact: Tower King (112% at level 2)

Sacrificed spirituality:...Gnoll*6 (30%)

Magic contract advanced! (Level 3 12%)

——Choose a magical favor

Magical Pact of Chain: Learn the spell [obtain a familiar] and can cast it as a ritual. You can choose to summon an ordinary creature, or the following special creatures: imp, pseudo-dragon, kwashiork, or goblin.

This magic contract is suitable for those magicians who play with power. Usually, they have an extra magic pet as a helper. With the [Voice of the Lord Binding] in the magic invocation, they can establish a spiritual connection with the magic pet and can sense it through the magic pet's senses. The world can also speak with its own voice through the magic pet, which is equivalent to a secret monitor and messenger.

Book of Magic: Obtain a magic book called the "Book of Shadows", which allows you to choose three cantrips from any class's spell list.

This magic contract is suitable for academic sorcerers. When combined with the [Book of Ancient Mysteries] in Magic Summoning, magic rituals can be copied into the "Book of Shadows", which is equivalent to expanding the spell reserve.

Magical Pact of the Blade: You can create a contract weapon, or transform the magic weapon you hold into a contract weapon through a ritual. If the contracted weapon stays in an area 5 feet away from the owner for more than 1 minute, it will naturally be transferred to a different dimension space and can be summoned again by casting a spell.

This magical contract is very suitable for combat. With the magical invocation [Hungry Demon Blade] at level 5, you can use the contracted weapon to attack one more time per round. The magical invocation [Life Drinker] at level 12 can make the contracted weapon Deals additional necrotic damage.

And the most important thing is that the Demonic Contract of the Blade can make up for the biggest shortcoming of Linde's current damage output system-the lack of strength attributes.

The main attribute of the paladin is strength. He can run horses with his arms and crush boulders with his chest. Therefore, he can wear strong swords and is a standard macho man.

However, the strength of Linde's body is only at the level of ordinary people. The lethality of the enemy in battle needs to be guaranteed by the Holy Sword.

The magical contract weapon can take advantage of the charm attribute. It is wrapped with a layer of magical aura, and its strength is closely related to the belief of the magician. In the past, brute force could not penetrate the iron armor. Now, with the help of the magical aura of the magical contract weapon, it can penetrate Gold penetrates stone.

Naturally, he chose the Blade Demon Contract without hesitation.

——Magical Pact: The Demonic Pact of the Blade

With the ability to create contract weapons, that short spear can be laid off and kept for sale.

Linde recited a mantra softly, and in full view of everyone, he lit a silver candle in his hand.

"What is he doing?" Ying Xin asked uncertainly.

Will, who is also a warlock, is familiar with this process, "He is creating his own magical contract weapon. I also had this ability before, but the mind flayer tadpoles weakened my magical contract... There is something you don't know, from evil The magic contract weapons created by the magician can reflect the type of the other party's sect master."

"Oh? Can you tell me?"

"Happy to answer. In my case, my sect master is a devil from hell, so the weapons I created are made of black hell iron and engraved with flame patterns.

"If it were the Supreme Fairy Sect Master, the weapons created might be entangled with green vines.

"If the sect master comes from the heaven, then the magic contract weapon may be decorated with luxurious jewelry.

"If it were the master of the old rulers from a distant country, the weapons would be like ancient relics, dotted with dark evil eye gems."

Gale said: "Lind's master is the creator of the Silver Tree. It is a great plant that stands on Sky City. I don't have much research on this aspect, but in Waterdeep City, there are many believers of the Silver Tree. . I guess Linde’s status among these congregations should not be low.”

"In other words, we are following a cultist to attack another cult group?" Asdalen summed it up well. He covered his mouth and smiled, "What a wonderful conspiracy flavor, this adventure is getting more and more exciting." Charming.”

The silver candle in Lind's hand was like a forge in Sky City. A blazing red spear tip rose from the fire, followed by a long pole as thick as a duck egg. The total length of the spear was twelve feet, and it was a pair of strong hands. Polearm.

When the end of the gun handle emerged from the fire, Linde put his five fingers together and grasped the gun handle. The silver candlelight was like a rising light, quickly rising from the tail of the gun, and finally stopped at the connection between the gun head and the gun shaft, turning into a The eternally burning white gun tassel.

Linde grabbed the magic contract spear. The metal tip was as red as blood, and the barrel was white. It had both toughness and strength, and was better than the fine pewter barrels. The entire spear looked like a piece of pure silver, except for the end, which was bright red and dazzling.

If anyone who has seen the silver tree is here, they can see that the material of the barrel of this magic contract spear is very similar to the branches of the silver tree.

"Well, it's still easy to hold a big gun." Linde nodded with satisfaction, "Let's go find the jackals nearby and kill them all if we can. Since the Supreme True God Religion has sent jackals to block trade and communications , let’s go against them. The more the enemy opposes, it means we are doing the right thing.”

The Yankee girl was the first to respond. She showed a warlike and bloodthirsty smile, "Gnolls, their doom has come, and Vlaakis's blade will tear them apart!" (End of this chapter)

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