The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 561 The group destroys the engine

The Underdark is vast, and the planet Toril almost has a second surface.

Linde was falling, at an unhurried speed. Above his head were his teammates, talking among themselves.

This cave is very deep. It was completely dark at first, as if everything was empty.

After more than ten seconds, a cold, fresh wind suddenly blew under my feet.

At this time, when you lower your head, you can see the stars lighting up in the distant ground.

Blue, purple, turquoise, various pigments and fluorescence, their sources are some minerals and large fungi, the magnificent and fantastic ecological circle is completely different from the surface world.

Falling out of the deep cave tunnel, the world in front of you suddenly becomes clear.

However, this is not a paradise where chickens and dogs meet each other, but a terrifying place where even the air is filled with cold malice.

The water here kills people, the plants kill people, and the animals kill people. The monsters here look forward to eating the freshest meat, and the people here look forward to the death of others.

The light of the good gods cannot penetrate the thick rock formations, and the race that believes in evil gods is rampant here. As people say, if you are smart enough, you will never set foot in the Underdark.

Lind landed on a towering stone cliff. The body of the Phase Spider Queen was not far from him. It fell miserably, but due to the protection of its strong exoskeleton, the body was still mostly intact.

This also saves Linde the time to piece it together. After all, the integrity of the corpse directly affects the strength of the undead.

Teammates fell next to him one after another.

This area is full of dim fungi, dense mushrooms, and torch-like luminous mushrooms, like a pond dotted with stars at night. Those lights flicker far and near, providing poor and confusing dreamy illumination.

"Oh! Not bad." The Yankee girl praised her words like gold, with a melodious ending in her hoarse voice. It seems that the scenery of the main material plane can also surprise the warriors from the star realm.

Will's livid and gloomy face softened a little, and his teammates clicked their tongues in admiration.

"I didn't expect the scenery in the Underdark to be so amazing." Shadow Heart breathed out, "I will remember this place well."

Gale reminded: "It is worth noting that the dangers of the Underdark are comparable to, or even better than, her beauty. Before confirming the environment, everyone should be careful with every step they take."

Asdalen narrowed his scarlet eyes and listened attentively, "Uh, dear friends."

He pointed downhill, where the huge red fungus canopy had become lignified, forming platforms ten feet square, and a muscular tauren stood on the towering fungus platform to look around.

The tauren stared with copper-bell-like eyes as he saw this group of fresh meat falling from the sky.


It is said that the wind is like a roaring cow, and the cow's head is like a blast of hot wind, which makes everyone's goosebumps explode.

"There are cows! Get ready to fight." Lind narrowed his eyes and waited until he heard the rumble of footsteps - eighteen tauren running over in a row, which was much more than in the game.

"Is this the 18th Bronze Man of Shaolin Temple?" His expression changed and he said righteously, "Guys, the wind is blowing!"

He hurriedly performed another Feather Falling Technique, reloading the whole team, then turned around and jumped off the cliff, and the others hurriedly jumped off the cliff with him.

The group of tauren chased them to the edge of the cliff, roaring angrily at the impenetrable darkness.

The adventure team landed in a mushroom field.

This mushroom field is definitely not natural as there are two main types of mushrooms here.

One is the ghost-headed mushroom, which releases spore dust that has a strong hallucinogenic effect.

The other is the Torch Mushroom, which looks like a giant glowing orange but explodes when someone approaches.

The spore dust released by the former can cause a stronger explosion when exposed to an open flame.

These two combinations together form a very terrifying circle of death.

"Don't move!" Linde slowed down his breathing and did not dare to breathe out.

The first crisis of team destruction came just like this quietly.

Everyone in the adventure team broke out in cold sweat.

However, when Karak became nervous, the hell engine erupted uncontrollably, burning a ghost-headed mushroom. It trembled and spewed out a huge amount of gray-black spores, forming a huge smoke.

What follows is a chain reaction, and all the ghost-headed mushrooms are stimulated.

"Run away! Hold your breath!"

Linde's expression changed, he looked at the open space outside the mushroom field, and escaped with a confused step.

The Yankee girl gave herself a jumping spell, then jumped dozens of meters across, and escaped from the mushroom death circle. Others were not so lucky.

They were holding their breath in the spore mist, and when they accidentally inhaled a little, they suddenly started to giggle.

"Hehehe——" Yingxin lost control of her expression and jumped up on tiptoes happily.

"Hehehehe——" Karak opened his arms and started running.

"Hahaha——" Will forgot about his missing father and laughed heartlessly.

"Ho ho ho—" Gale drooled with his mouth crooked and his eyes squinting.

"Quack, quack—" Asdailun couldn't hold himself any longer. He got down on all fours and scurried around.


Linde and Yankee Girl couldn't help but cover their faces.

boom! ——

The torch mushroom exploded, and then more explosions.

Boom boom boom——

The explosion was mixed with screams. When everything settled, Linde and Yankee Girl stepped forward to check the situation.

Not bad, not completely dead, Karak still has one breath left. The remaining few will die miserably.

Lind shook his head and poured life potion into Karak.

The tiefling fierce girl resurrected with full health after drinking the drink. She turned over and stood up, shouting frantically: "Don't let me know who grew these damn mushrooms!"

Linde sighed, "I know."

"Who?" The Yankee girl also asked curiously.


Myconids are intelligent fungal creatures in the Underdark. They can release a special kind of psychic spores, and those who inhale the spores can contact their collective consciousness.

It sounds similar to the illithid, but unlike the mechanical, cold hive mind of the mind flayers, the collective thoughts of the myconids are usually gentle and kind, and they maintain an open and welcoming attitude towards outsiders.

Linde introduced the creature to his two companions.

"It seems that there is a 'ring' of myconids around here, which is their colony. We can be our guests."

"What about them?" Yankee Girl pointed to the corpse on the ground.

Linde suddenly had a strange idea. He took off Shadow Heart's magic necklace - this piece of equipment can perform [Conversation with the Dead].

He cast a spell on Asdalen, whose body was still intact.

*The corpse sat up and looked at you expressionlessly.

"Are you a vampire?"

"It's...a vampire spawn...the owner is Kazador..."

Yankee Girl and Karak looked at Linde blankly.

"Just to confirm." Paladin shrugged, "Don't you think he is suspicious? His skin is pale, his eyes are blood-red, and there are two sunken scars on his neck that look like tooth marks."

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