There is a clear boundary between the myconid circle and the outside world.

That is the spreading area of ​​mind spores.

As soon as they stepped into the spore area, the adventurers heard a dull, ancient, and warm voice in their ears, as if it were the aggregation of countless voices, a great symphony.

[More are coming. Here they come. You are here. 】

Karak was so frightened by the sudden sound that he became angry.

At the edge of the circle, they saw the myconids for the first time, in the form of corpses.

They look like tall, thin men wearing exaggerated wooden armor, like alien monsters from special-photography movies. The head is an enlarged multi-fold canopy, the face has no clear facial features, and two small black bean eyes are hidden in the folds.

There was a battle here not long ago, and the opponent was a group of gray dwarves.

Gray dwarves are one of the slave races of the Mind Flayer Empire. Compared to their distant relatives on the surface, they are more ruthless and crazy. They take pleasure in slavery, regard patience as a virtue, and use heavy work to squeeze themselves and their slaves.

Gray dwarves are all ruthless forging machines. It seems that the only purpose of being born is to dig and cast. Even if there is no fun in the process and they curse, they must continue to complete this long cycle of rushing to death.

The group of gray dwarves who died near the circle fought in pursuit of an escaped underground dwarf slave and the myconids who took in the slaves. Obviously, they suffered heavy losses in the myconids' territory. Both sides left behind some corpses and called a temporary truce.

The arrival of the adventure team made the myconids who had just experienced the battle very nervous.

Linde walked forward and said hello to the myconids standing at the entrance of the circle, [Hello everyone. have you eaten? 】

【No need to eat. ] The myconids answered slowly, and then they all fell silent.

In the ring's singing, other melodies gradually peeled away, and finally only a sharp, majestic voice remained.

【I am the king of mushrooms. Tell me why you are here. 】

The resonance of the soul conveyed the Myconid King's warning intention, and an illusion of himself being bound to death by fungus roots appeared in front of Linde's eyes. That was the consequence of lying.

He had no intention of lying.

[We are going to find an ancient furnace to cast adamantine armor and pass by you. By the way, we were bombed by a bunch of mushrooms before. Did you plant those? 】

The roots of the fungus seemed to be wandering in his cerebral cortex, itching, as the Myconid King searched for the truth.

Then it played a warm but cautious song of welcome.

[Come to me and let us communicate face to face. 】

Linde turned to his companion and said, "Okay, let's go in and have a rest."

The Myconid Circle is probably the safest area within dozens of miles of the Underdark, just like the Novice Village in the game.

The mushroom people living here all do their own thing. Although it is a micro-society, there is also a division of labor, mainly divided into the working population and the military population.

They can produce an activated spore that can be injected into the corpse of a humanoid or monster to transform the corpse into a mindless spore servant.

There is a spore society in the Druid sect, which also has similar technology. It is most likely learned from the myconids.

Linde's two companions saw with their own eyes a gray dwarf corpse covered in myconid spores, with fungi sprouting from the pores. They stood up unsteadily and followed the myconid in a daze.

They were both disgusted.

"Oh, come on, Linde, if I die, don't let them touch my body."

"I am more unwilling to accept this outcome than death."

Lind waved his hand, "Don't worry, my necromancy is better than theirs. You will become very smart dead bones by then."

Karak and Yankee Girl glared at him with anger and fear, which was so cute.

The Myconid King is on the big mushroom platform in the center of the ring, and this is his throne. Dozens of myconids guarded the king, and on the edge of the platform lay a female underground dwarf.

Her face was in pain, and it looked like she had been poisoned. The toxin used by the gray dwarves was not a big deal, but the myconids didn't know how to detoxify it, so they could only watch the underground dwarfs suffer here.

Linde smiled and stepped forward, squatting down to check the injury, "Okay, okay, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Who are you?" The underground dwarf girl stared at this surface man with fear and vigilance.

"A passing paladin."

"Save me!" The girl's eyes lit up.

Linde carried with him many common potions made by Sir Fuselump, and the antidote was one of them.

After feeding the underground dwarf, her condition improved greatly.

Previously, Linde rescued an underground dwarf who was hung up to fly a kite at the windmill of the Moon Sanctuary. In fact, he was in the same group as the female dwarf in front of him, and they were both members of the Iron Hand clan.

"Can I ask why you saved me?" The dwarf was very vigilant, and then she said to herself, "Oh yes, you are a noble Paladin. That's okay. I have to go, my My tribe still needs me... ugh - it hurts."

Her injuries were not completely healed.

Linde shrugged, "Just lie down and leave the task of saving the people to me."

"What? Ah, thank you, you are so kind. I mean... people like you are really rare. I guess Paladin is as kind as you? By the way, my name is Tula, take this. Take these boots, I snatched them from Gray Dwarf when I escaped, and kick their asses with them!"

Tula took off her ill-fitting boots and handed them to Linde, her purple feet trembling slightly.

"Hmm." Linde looked weird, "You should dress yourself, don't catch a cold."

Tula thanked him again. She pointed out the destination to Lind, which was on the other side of a large underground lake - which happened to be Lind's destination, the ancient Temple of Shar, connected to the adamantine furnace.

The main purpose of his trip was to cast two pieces of adamantine plate armor, one for himself to wear and one for the Yankee girl.

After rescuing people along the way, Linde came face-to-face with the Myconid King.

The myconid Wang Sibo was a guy who rarely spoke. He told about the battle with the gray dwarves and asked Linde to avenge the ring. After that, he would be rewarded.

When Karak learned that the myconids fought against the gray dwarves to take in an unrelated underground dwarf, he couldn't help but admire him and said, "You guys are so amazing!"

The Myconid King sang a shy yet proud melody.

Linde smiled, he really liked these kind-hearted mushroom people.

The gravekeeper quietly appeared at the adventure team's temporary camp, and Lind stepped forward to resurrect his dead teammates.

The price for an ordinary person is 200 gold coins, or 800 gold coins for four people. Linde really can't get the money on hand.

So he put the Yankee girl in charge of stealing the gravekeeper's pockets. He handed over the money with one hand, and the Yankee girl stole the money with the other. The tombkeeper was calm even if the money was stolen, and the Yankee girl felt confident and bold in his pocket.

All four companions have returned from the Realm of Obscurity.

They all have lingering fears about the scene before their death and their memories are still fresh.

"Damn mushrooms!!!" Shadow Heart was furious, "Don't let me know who planted them!"

When the mushroom people around heard this, they all came over.

【We planted it. 】

Shadow Heart: "..."

She was silent for a moment, crossed her arms, and said deeply and seriously: "In the final analysis, it's all the tauren's fault!"

The teammates nodded, "Yes, yes, the Minotaur deserves to die!"

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