The Legendary Ruler

Chapter 9 - Eight Years

A purple-haired teenager holding an iron sword stood in the middle of a forest, in front of him there were hundreds of thin and almost imperceptible wires connect to the trees around him.

The boy took a deep breath and swung his sword, cutting all the wires. Immediately, thousands of arrows were thrown in his direction.

The sword in his hands seemed to disappear as he blocked hundreds of arrows in an instant, however, in that same moment, another wave followed right behind.

The teen didn't seem to be worried, he sidestepped and sprinted forwards, dodging all projectiles. The barrage of arrows didn't prevent any of his movements. It was like a walk in the park as he moved and blocked everything that came towards him.

After a few seconds, everything was over. The purple-haired boy had sweat all over his body as he stood still for a few seconds. Around him, thousands of arrows were nailed in the ground, it was like a war scene.

"That was close"- The boy murmured as he lifted his sleeves. There were two large cuts near his wrists

"Prince, they are calling for a meeting"- a deep voice sounded behind one of the trees as a cloaked dark figure appeared and threw a white towel towards the teen.

" seems like they already began to move"- Henry said as he cleaned the sweat on his face.

Eight years passed since Henry got the Chaotic God Cultivation Technique. Since then, he trained arduously, even skipping nights of sleep in order to reach new realms of strength.

"Let's go"

The towel in Henry's hands burned in a purple fire as he walked towards Godfrey's position.


The Palace hall was so large that it occupied almost a football camp in area. The white walls were decorated with hundreds of different flags, that represented all the previous rulers of the Anvil Kingdom, each one of them had a flag that narrated their history and accomplishments.

In the middle of the hall, there was a silver throne with a ferocious lion carved on it. The lion's eyes seemed to move as it looked at everyone in the hall. It emanated a mighty aura that commanded everyone to kneel down and bow their heads.

In front of the throne there were three middle aged men. They were members of the four most influential clans in the Anvil Kingdom and although they seemed to get along really well, inside, however, each one of them were planning how to exterminate the other.


Suddenly, a creak sound resonated inside the hall as Henry followed by Godfrey strode with big steps towards fhs throne. He didn't even spare a glance to those disrespectful bunch that didn't even saluted him when he entered the hall. He just walked straight to his throne and sat down.

"Speak"- Henry spoke with an imposing tone.

The five under the throne deviously smirked. Let this prince act all high and mighty for a little longer, soon he will be begging for his life.

"Prince, in these last eight years the life conditions of the peasants have reached worst baseline since the war"

"I request an increase of taxes and more gold coins so we can improve it"

One of the middle aged man wearing a clean white robe stepped forward as he said while waving a piece of paper in his hands.

Henry looked at the man with a chilling gaze, filled with killing intent. The palace had already transferred millions of gold coins to every city to improve the life conditions of the commoners. Henry was the one who ordered it, so he was sure, but it seems like those bastards had put everything in their own pockets.

"The Tang Clan sure has a lot of requests..if I am not wrong, last year I commanded the transference of three million gold coins to your area"- Henry clenched his fists as he looked at the little rat in front of him.

" it wasn't enough my prince"- The man shamelessly said.

Henry thought of killing him, but he remembered that it wasn't the right time. If he killed the man at this moment, unrest would take over the kingdom, making it an easy target to the neighborhood countries

"I will see what I can do"- Henry said with a slight smile. 'Just you wait little c.o.c.kroach'

The Tang Clan man bowed his head, hiding the hideous smile plastered on his face.

"Next"- The prince called.

A middle aged man wearing a long black robe with a serpent embroidered on it, stepped forwards.

"Prince, the unrest in the borders created by the neighborhood kingdoms caused huge losses to the west region. I request more money to repair the damages and hire more soldiers"- The man said as he bowed his head.

Henry obviously knew that it was a lie. The west region was never so calm since the other countries were waiting for unrest to be installed in the Anvil Kingdom to make their move.

"We will see what we can do"- Henry coldly said.

"I hope so my prince"- The man bowed and stepped backwards.

Hearing that rude tone in the man's voice, Godfrey put his hands on his swords, ready to kill, but was stopped by Henry.

"Next"- Henry said, his voice already filled with killing intent.

Noticing the killing intent the others just smiled, like nothing happened. This prince was just a puny insect that have never cultivated, they didn't need to worry.

"Prince, bandits are raiding throughout the country. We need to deploy a team of mercenaries immediately to suppress them"- A man clad in a grey cloak said.

"The Sefris family had a difficult time hm...I will see what I can do"- Henry sarcastly told the man.

It seems like these bastards came to wipe me clean. They are trying really hard to leave me broke and without resources.

"You may leave"- Henry said. He really didn't want to waste his time with this kind of people.

Hearing it, the three people bowed and left the room.

"Prince, you should let me kill those little shits"- Godfrey was covered in killing intent as he said. He just wanted to kill those disrespects beasts.

"It's not the time yet Godfrey"

"It's yet not the time"

Henry stood up from his throne and walked towards the door.

"Gather the Imperial Umbra Organization"- Henry left those words to Godfrey, leaving the room without looking back. 

"Yes, my prince"- Godfrey disappeared in the darkness.

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