The Mechanic

Chapter 132

He wanted to activate more functions, but he was worried that there would be surveillance in this prison and his actions would be recorded. He couldn't let Chief Six see where exactly he hid the controller.

In the dark cell, the walls are covered with black mold. The dust-filled ventilation ducts kept making rumbling noises, blowing out stale air that smelled like dead rats. The quilts on the wooden bed were also damp, exuding a strong rancid smell, and worms would occasionally crawl out of them.

Zhang Xun hated the dirty environment, but at first he thought he could bear it. He just needs to know Adam's safety.

There is no clock here, no windows. There was no sound outside the door. A minute seemed as long as a year. He didn't know how long he had waited, how long he had been lying on the door listening to the sound. As soon as he heard footsteps, he would rush to the door and ask loudly if there was any news about Adam.

But no one ever responded to him.

At this time, Zhang Xun realized that the most painful thing in this world is the unresolved waiting. Like another shoe hanging in mid-air waiting to fall. Like a cat whose life and death are uncertain until the box is opened.

Two days later, the door of Zhang Xun's cell was opened for the first time.

At that time, Zhang Xun was already infected due to the wounds on his forehead and wrists that were not treated in time, and he started to have a low-grade fever. He curled up on the dirty bed in a drowsy state, only feeling that he heard a loud noise vaguely. Sun Xué was throbbing in pain, he opened his heavy eyelids, and saw two tall figures walking towards him, pulling him up arrogantly.

"Aren't you the robot who has been clamoring to see you?" He heard a rough voice say sarcastically, "Now we can meet."


Zhang Xun's eyes opened immediately. He struggled a bit, pushed away the hand holding him, and forced himself to stand up straight, "Adam? Is he alright?"

"He's the hero of Paradise Lost now," said another soldier. "It's scary how one man blocked Eden's attack and destroyed his air force."

"Yeah, who knows if he will turn around to deal with us one day? Our broken systems are just invaded by him."

"That's why there has to be a mechanic in charge of him. The problem is that if you look at this mechanic, you will be brainwashed directly by him."

"Hasn't the Round Table dealt with that Adam?"

"How to deal with it? Now that so many people regard him as a hero and idol, they can't repay their kindness with revenge, right? Even if this continues, something will happen sooner or later."

Chatting with each other, the two soldiers pushed Zhang Xun out of the cell, passed through several rusty iron doors, and passed through a series of tightly closed, silent cells. This is the first time for Zhang Xun to know what the prisons in Paradise Lost really look like. There are mold and rust everywhere, and there is a damp smell and a faint smell of corruption everywhere. There was even a lot of water on the ground, not even an inch of dry place could be found.

Such a harsh cell environment almost caught up with the Middle Ages.

But Zhang Xun didn't care at all, and even felt a bright jump in his drowsy mind. Adam is not dead, Adam is fine, he knows that Adam will not do things that are not sure.

And above the third floor, in a clean and bright room, Adam waited anxiously.

After he landed, he was immediately taken to the headquarters by the guards. At that time, Eden had already withdrawn his army, and the mechanical soldiers who had surrounded them so tightly were gone now. When he entered the headquarters, everyone stood up and applauded him, cheering him. But he went directly to the sixth chief and others who came forward.

"Adam, you did a great job." The sixth chief was obviously imitating Zhang Xun's tone of speaking to him, with an elegant and approving smile on his face.

But Adam's first words were: "Where's my mechanic?"

At that time, Adam was not unscathed. There were bruises on his cheeks, and the clothes on his body were damaged in several places, especially the sleeves, which were completely crushed due to several deformations of the arms. His blond hair was disheveled and stuck to his cheeks with sweat. But his blue eyes were burning with a bright and charming flame, a kind of excitement caused by the intensified secretion of adrenaline, secretly jumping in that light.

Adam liked that feeling. That thrilling feeling of a close call, life and death, and final victory. He thought it was probably a genetic trait of the body he occupied, but he had to admit that it was a fascinating feeling.

It's not hard to explain why some human beings like life-threatening extreme sports so much.

His eyes were blazing and vaguely aggressive, a tone that made it impossible to escape or refuse.

"He betrayed Paradise Lost and is now in prison." The third chief said next to him.

"Betrayal of Paradise Lost? Because he let me go? Then should I be locked up too?" Adam took a step forward aggressively, and there was something majestic in his eyes that made several chiefs involuntarily Take a step back. The surrounding soldiers also suddenly became nervous and raised their weapons one after another.

Everyone in the headquarters was stunned. They didn't know why all of them suddenly raised their guns in an atmosphere of cheering.

"Zhang Xun is your mechanic. He is fully responsible for you. At that time, the order of the round table was to bring you to the war room, but he let you go privately and refused to give up control over you. This is Serious disobedience." The sixth chief said calmly, "Even if you have made great achievements, you must distinguish between public and private. He violated the law of Paradise Lost, and he has to bear the consequences. I think you should be the most clear about this.

. "

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