The Mechanic

Chapter 133

During the conversation, everyone was staring at Adam's arm, especially the generals. They have never seen such a prosthetic limb, which can change shape at will. If such things can be weaponized and installed on all soldiers, it will greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the guard army.

"I want to see Zhang Xun." Adam didn't intend to spend too much time talking, and made a straightforward request.

But he too underestimated the inefficiency caused by human beings pushing back and forth, plus countless unnecessary procedures. He was interrogated for two days by a psychiatrist named Patty and another face-to-face mechanic whom he had met before. He would talk for hours to these humans. In the end, Adam's eyes were rarely tinged with anger and impatience.

He decided that before meeting Zhang Xun, he would not speak any more.

The interrogators who had no choice but to torture him and confess his confession had no choice but to report Adam's appeal. So Adam finally entered the room two days after Eden's invasion, and waited.

Finally, the door opened. Zhang Xun walked in.

His footsteps were sloppy, his figure was slightly hunched, there were thick dark circles under his eyes, and there was an abnormal blush on his cheeks, but his expression was very bad. There seemed to be a wound on his forehead that was not healing well, and it was slightly red and swollen.

But the moment he saw Adam, Zhang Xun's eyes began to turn red. But as always, the mechanic controlled the emotions he was about to reveal, and just stared at himself for a long time with a pair of deep eyes.

A pair of eyes that can speak thousands of words on behalf of the master.

Adam only felt the artificial heart in his chest, which should have been unconscious, twitch, and the stuffy pain spread like an undercurrent.

Both of them understood that even if Adam lifted the crisis of Paradise Lost, even if he saved tens of thousands of people again, even if he began to be regarded as an omnipotent existence by many people. But he couldn't let Zhang Xun retreat completely.

When Zhang Xun decided to break the glass and let him go without permission, he was doomed to doom. The fifth chief died, and Commander Zhang Shuo's status was at stake. Zhang Xun's backstage and protective umbrella disappeared overnight, leaving only people who disliked him.

All he has is Adam.

Then Adam strode forward, opened his arms with metallic luster, and hugged Zhang Xun tightly.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who cast the mines~~: Xia Ran Xia Ran 2; Oh, Anan 1

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution~~: Xuan 40 bottles; myvanillaworld 5 bottles

Chapter 59 Doom (5)

Taking the opportunity of a short hug, Adam quickly assessed Zhang Xun's physical condition. The body temperature was higher than the average value measured during normal contact with him, probably due to the inflammation of the wound. The uncontrollable shivering was probably due to the cold feeling caused by the difference in body temperature. It's not life-threatening, but it's certainly uncomfortable.

Adam felt that anger began to condense in his heart, and at the same time, another emotion that was more intense made his chest tight, and he wanted to hold that trembling body tightly all the time, and pass on his own warmth.

But he understands that their time is very limited.

He leaned into Zhang Xun's ear and said, "You have to put me on standby."

Zhang Xun opened his eyes wide, trying to push Adam away. But Adam did not let go, and continued to trap him in his arms, "The sooner the better, the best is now. Timing is very important."

Zhang Xun vigorously turned his brain, which was slower than usual due to the fever, and gradually understood the meaning of Adam's request.

Adam was the only one who stopped it after Eden showed that it was powerful enough to plunge the entire Paradise Lost into an irrational state of panic. And now, although Eden has temporarily withdrawn its troops, no one knows whether it will return with more troops.

At this time, Adam is their only hope.

How ironic, obviously everyone wanted Adam to die and sacrifice in exchange for the chance to linger in Eden's hands. But now, they regard Adam as salvation.

Perhaps Eden was right from the beginning, human beings do not have the ability to make correct decisions for themselves. Human beings are like a group of short-sighted, poor self-control, and panic-prone children who need a stronger "adult" to control them. The so-called free will is like a dangerous double-edged sword, handed over to human beings is tantamount to handing over the most dangerous weapon to a group of children who don't know how to use it.

Now, these "children" regard Adam as a hero who can protect them and make decisions for them, but this absolute trust may only last for a short period of time. Once the crisis has passed and the forgetful people have forgotten their fear and despair in the face of death and their gratitude and joy in redemption, Adam will once again be regarded as an unbelievable heretic.

But in this short period of time, Adam has absolute authority in Paradise Lost. And Zhang Xun is currently the only person who can restrain him.

As long as he puts Adam on standby, no one can wake Adam up. And if Eden turns back at this time, no one can save Paradise again.

Adam wants to save Zhang Xun, and wants to get a gold medal for Zhang Xun and Lab who lost their asylum. So he wants Zhang Xun to exercise absolute restraint on himself, so as to tell the entire Paradise Lost who has the real power.

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