The Mechanic

Chapter 146

"No, the machine is enough."

At this moment, Jabari suddenly said, "Let me go, Commander. I'm also familiar with Lab."

Jabari suffered serious injuries, one eye was wrapped in gauze and was still oozing blood. Zhang Shuo frowned, "You..."

"It's all minor injuries. And my eyes are probably going to be replaced with mechanical eyes, just let me go to the Lab to pick them up in advance~" Jabari's tone was relaxed, but Zhang Xun could feel something tense and about to break thing.

He was a little uneasy.

Jabari took another soldier and drove a small truck to help Zhang Xun transport the precision instruments that could be manipulated at the nanometer level back to the Lab. Pan's robot helped move the things to an unused research room on the fourth floor. After another soldier left first, Zhang Xun turned around and saw Jabari taking off the gauze from his eyes.

Zhang Xun gasped.

His eyeballs seemed to have exploded in the eye sockets, a bloody hole, and even burnt muscles could be seen...

Zhang Xun looked away uncomfortably.

The usual relaxed expression on Jabari's face disappeared, and he said to Zhang Xun, "Can you make a new arm like the one you made for Adam?"

Zhang Xun was taken aback, "But is your arm okay?"

"Didn't the people in Feather Snake City saw off their limbs and replace them with prosthetics?" Jabari said, with a strange light burning in his eyes.

Jabari's mental state is not quite right. Zhang Xun tried to soften his tone, and said, "No matter how fine the prosthetic is, it is still different from your own arm..."

"My best brother is dead." Jabari said in an evolution-numbed voice, but filled with suppressed hatred, "I tried to save him. But those mechanical soldiers... they were too fast. They were hard Ripped him into five a fucking orange."

Zhang Xun was speechless.

"This time, this time I realized that if they want us to die, we have no power to fight back. They are infinitely stronger than us, they won't hurt, they won't get tired, they don't need to eat or sleep, they don't need to stop... We're just a bunch of damn blood bags running around, sprayed with reagents all over our bodies trying to hide, we can only run, we can only hide..."

Jabari was a little incoherent, but the resentment in each word was extremely strong.

That dead soldier was probably someone very, very important to him...

The Jabari that I saw on weekdays always had a carefree and funny look, but now, he was a different person.

"I want to kill them." Jabari raised his head, stared at Zhang Xun with his only eye, and said through gritted teeth, "I know they are not alive, but I also want to dismantle them and tear them apart , crush them into ashes... But the human body is not enough, no matter what! I need to become stronger. We all have to become stronger!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who cast mines~~~: Xia Ran Xia Ran 2;

Chapter 65 Human nature antidote (3)

With sophisticated instruments that can work at the nanometer level, coupled with Adam's knowledge and experience, it is not difficult to make nanorobots. Zhang Xun and Adam retreated in the laboratory for a week and developed the first batch of reagents. After being tested on mice injected with the honey plague virus, 90% of the mice gradually recovered, and only a few of the mice died after the infection entered the final stage.

Due to time constraints, they were unable to observe the cured mice for a long time, so they directly began to let volunteers conduct human experiments.

Zhang Xun looked at the patient lying on the bed. A thirty-one-year-old man, his whole body was covered with yellow mucus that could never be cleaned up, his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of blood film, the whites of his eyes could not be seen, and blood threads were densely entangled everywhere. His breathing was extremely noisy, as if every breath would bring extreme pain.

His hands and feet were all tied to the operating table, because the brains of these patients were eroded by the virus, and their minds were extremely unstable, and incidents of sudden attacks on others often occurred.

A doctor in full protective clothing measures a patient's blood pressure.

Zhang Xun held an injection in his hand, and the light blue liquid contained tens of millions of nanorobots. Each robot carries an antibody reagent, and after entering the patient's bloodstream, they quickly infiltrate the central nervous system, looking for all the cells that have been eroded by the virus.

The surrounding doctors and councilors sent by the round table stared curiously at the injection in his hand, as if they couldn't believe that such a little blue liquid contained countless robots...

Zhang Xun himself was a little nervous. It is also the first time for him to make such a tiny robot. Without Adam's help, it may be difficult to develop it smoothly. But he still isn't sure how much of the robot will stay permanently in the patient's body after metabolism, and how much it will affect the patient's later life.

The honey plague is spreading rapidly, and panic has already affected the people. These days, the crime rate in every urban area is significantly increasing. After nine o'clock in the evening, the whole Lost Paradise is like a dead city, and no one dares to walk on the street.

They have no time to look forward and backward, and the antidote must be developed in the shortest possible time.

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