The Mechanic

Chapter 147

Adam sat quietly on a chair in the corner, his blue eyes curiously looked at the patient on the operating table. When Zhang Xun handed over the reagent to the doctor and the doctor injected it into the patient's body, he sat up straight with some excitement.

"The potion should take effect within three hours." Zhang Xun said.

The doctor nodded, "I will personally observe the changes in his physical signs and data. Everyone can go and have a rest first."

In the hospital corridor filled with some kind of rancid smell, Zhang Xun monitored the activity signals sent by the nanorobots. A red brain is displayed on the tablet, with dots of blue in the middle rapidly spreading like fireflies.

Adam sat on the window sill, observing every passing doctor, nurse, and patient. He raised his head, sniffed the unpleasant smell of disinfectant in the air, and wrinkled his face slightly. This is where most humans die, and the smell of death is everywhere.

The more he saw these rotting bodies, the more Adam felt a kind of pity.

A pity he didn't realize until he became human.

As the leading race on earth who knows that they are mortal, why can they still live as if nothing had happened, instead of thinking of ways to change?

Is it because you know your limitations that you want more, and you want to get everything as much as possible in a limited time, so you have all kinds of greed and desire for power, money, and desires, and you instinctively hope to live in the world? Enrich your own resources in the most limited time, spread DNA as much as possible...

In the ordinary world, Eden has already noticed that something is quietly collapsing. When it eliminates poverty and class inequality to the greatest extent, eliminates disease and childbearing pain, and eliminates the differences between different ethnic groups through artificial breeding and interbreeding from generation to generation and micro-DNA modification, women But he did not get the ideal life in heaven. They began to become confused, and began to indulge in the momentary and superficial gratification, as if they had lost some important motivation that could lead human beings to continue to evolve. Immediately afterwards, differentiation began to appear, and a considerable number of women became irritable, impulsive, short-sighted, and their empathy ability degraded. They began to resent the ubiquitous mechanical police, and resent that everything in life is being automated and controlled by Eden.

They start to rebel against it, even if it frees them. They want conflict, they want war.

While these little rebellions were within Eden's control, they didn't live up to its expectations.

Eden gradually realized that the basis of evolution is to constantly adapt to the cruel environment. But if it gave them heaven, they couldn't move on, and lost the purpose to move forward. Anyway, Eden has done all the work, so what else can humans do?

Human culture will gradually regress and disappear, and human decision-making will no longer have any meaning, but will become pure pets kept in captivity by Eden.

But in this way, how can Eden accomplish its goal?

From the very beginning, the goal set for him by its administrators was a paradox in itself. If it gave human beings freedom, equality, peace and order, then human beings would lose everything that made them human, and would either become hollow and numb or extremely violent. In this way, it does not meet the so-called "better world" indicators.

Eden is puzzled, not knowing how to resolve this paradox.

But now, after he became Adam, he could see it more clearly.

He needs to develop an antidote.

Not just an antidote to the honey plague, but an antidote to humanity as a whole.

Antidote to humanity.

His eyes fell on Zhang Xun, stayed for a while, frowned slightly, and relaxed again. He looked down at his hands, and the inexplicable anxiety eroded his rational judgment.

Human nature is also eroding him a little bit. He must finish what he has to do before he is completely consumed by humanity.

"Adam? Adam?"

Adam suddenly came back to his senses, realizing that Zhang Xun was calling him, and his expression was full of concern.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Xun reached out and touched Adam's forehead familiarly, "Your expression seems to have entered the standby mode. Is there anything abnormal about the device?"

Adam reached out to hold Zhang Xun's hand, grinning and said, "I'm fine, I'm in a daze."

Zhang Xun chuckled twice, "In a daze? You are becoming more and more human."

Adam looked at Zhang Xun and suddenly asked, "Ah Xun, if one day you were free and could go anywhere, where would you like to go?"

Zhang Xun was taken aback, no one had ever asked him such a question. Probably because most people in Lost Paradise think that they will never leave for the rest of their lives.

After all, there is only danger outside, only death...

But when Zhang Xun was younger, he had imagined what kind of life he would have lived if the world was not what it is now, if there was no Paradise Lost and no Eden.

Zhang Xun sat down next to Adam, thought for a while and said, "I want to go to Hangzhou. According to my father, it is my great-grandfather's hometown. If... Paradise Lost hadn't been lost, I would probably have been born there."

Adam looked at him with regret in his eyes, "Is there any more?"

"Well... I also want to climb the Himalayas, because it is the highest place in the world. I heard that the sunrise on the snow-capped mountains is very beautiful."

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