The Mechanic

Chapter 148

Adam has never seen a sunrise in the Himalayas, even though Eden's network has coverage there. Because as Eden, he cannot appreciate the beauty of the sunrise.

Zhang Xun continued, "I still want to go to the Bermuda Triangle by boat, because I heard there is an alien base there."

Adam was stunned for two seconds, and when he saw Zhang Xun's raised lips, he realized that the other party was joking.

Zhang Xun seldom tells jokes, which makes others unable to react at all. Adam laughed, "Aliens vs. Artificial Intelligence can make a good commercial movie."

"Well, like Alien vs. Predator."

"...Then am I an Alien or a Predator?"

"You're that blond-haired robot who made aliens." Zhang Xun looked at him sideways, "Well, you look a bit similar."

At this moment, the warm sunlight shone on Zhang Xun's side face, adding a soft halo to the mechanic. Adam felt the familiar throbbing in his heart when Zhang Xun gave him his arm that day.

He leaned forward slightly, his eyes filled with ethereal tenderness, "One day, I will accompany you to these three places."

He said it carefully, as if it was a promise, an oath.

Zhang Xun's heartbeat also lost control immediately, watching Adam approaching him a little bit, approaching his lips, feeling Adam's breath falling on his face. But he didn't escape, he even raised his face slightly and closed his eyes as if looking forward to it.

Just when the four lips were about to stick together, someone rushed out of the ward excitedly, shouting, "Success! The antidote was successful! He woke up!!!"

Zhang Xun immediately rushed to the ward.

Adam was not surprised by this result. He looked at Zhang Xun's back with a slightly disappointed expression. But he quickly raised his smiling face and followed Zhang Xun into the ward.

The patient who was covered in mucus before was sitting up and wiping his face with a wet towel. He raised his head, and the red blood film in his eyes had disappeared. Although his face was still pale, at least he didn't continue to secrete yellow mucus, and he obviously regained consciousness.

His partner—a young man about twenty-seven or eighteen years old hugged him tightly, weeping with joy. He also couldn't believe it, holding his lover in his arms, his face was still a little dazed.

The moment Zhang Xun and Adam entered, all the doctors applauded. The attending doctor strode over and gave Zhang Xun a big hug, "You succeeded! It really worked! Paradise Lost can be saved!"

Immediately afterwards, he wanted to hug Adam again, but for some reason, Adam's sweet and perfect smile made him a little... afraid to approach. So he just held Adam's hand enthusiastically...

After several clinical trials, it was basically confirmed that the antidote was effective. Therefore, the three machines in the Lab continuously produce nano-robots every day, mix them with the antibody drug developed by Adam, and distribute them to each hospital. For a while, Zhang Xun and Adam once again became the heroes of the lost paradise. Countless thank you letters and gifts were pulled in box by box by Pan's robot, filling the entire storage room.

The repair of the shield and the anti-radiation shield of the fifth district were also basically completed, and the crisis seemed to have finally passed. A large number of mechanics returned to the Lab to continue working, and the damage caused before was gradually repaired.

The lives of Zhang Xun and Adam entered a certain pattern. They go in and out together every day, inseparable. Rumors circulated between the mechanic and the researcher that they were already lovers.

Only Zhang Xun knew that they hadn't reached that point yet. Although no one is stopping them now.

The first snow falls, and the end of the year is approaching. The whiteness of the mountains and plains covered all the devastation suffered by the surrounding environment of the Lost Paradise this year, as if everything was still new and nothing had happened.

Zhang Xun, who originally liked to watch the snow, was not as happy as expected that day.

He quietly kept the little white mice that were used to test the effectiveness of the nanorobots, and continued to observe. Just that morning, he noticed something strange.

A few sporadic mice lay motionless on the wall of the glass container, their small bean-sized eyes seemed to be looking at him. They no longer sniff around or habitually search around like ordinary mice. It doesn't seem to be sleeping, because even if it is sleeping, there will still be some random movements that only living creatures can do.

The mice were obviously still alive, but they were as motionless as objects, not even blinking their eyes.

This made Zhang Xun feel a little uneasy...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines~~: Xia Ran Xia Ran, Nicolekef 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution~~: 21856274 33 bottles

Chapter 66 Human nature antidote (4)

Zhang Xun put on a dark brown woolen coat, put on boots, put on a scarf, hat and gloves, and waited for Pan to open the door of the Lab. The cold air of the winter morning hit his face, and the breath he exhaled condensed into a dense mist that evaporated quickly.

It snowed all night again last night, and the uneven dirt roads in the entire Lost Paradise were covered with thick snow, making it more and more difficult to walk. The muddy mud and snow were overwhelmed by occasional passing cars and mixed into long lines like cultivated fields. Zhang Xun trudged through the muddy road, watching the people who went out to work in the morning wrapped themselves up like him, Hastily locked the door and shuttled back and forth between the narrow alleyways. Some breakfast shops on both sides of the main street have already opened, and the aroma of hot coffee and toasted wheat permeates in the faint sunshine, soft and warm.

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