The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 234 The Butterfly Effect

After Mphone's press conference in Huaguo, the number of reservations on the official website exceeded 200,000 in just half a month. This number of users determines that both WeChat and Weibo have a basic number of users.

When Mphone was attacking the city in Huaguo, Jiaotong University held a press conference of Hanxin-1 in Huaguo.

If there is no Zhou Xin's butterfly effect, the development of Hanxin No. 1 will be completed by the end of 2002, and then a press conference will be held on February 26, 2003. The relevant departments of Shenhai City will personally host the press conference.

Because of Zhou Xin's participation, the press conference was brought forward. In September 2002, the same person in Shen Hai planned to start the show earlier.

"I'm very pleased to introduce to you the successful development of Hanxin No. 1, the first 0.18-micron multimedia chip with independent intellectual property rights in China designed by the Chip and System Research Center of Jiaotong University, which has reached the international advanced level." Chen Jin said on stage. Complacent.

"Hanxin-1 also has a 32-bit computing and processing core, which has reached more than 200 million instructions per second. It has the characteristics of high speed and low power consumption, and can be widely used in information appliances, audio processing and other fields."

After Chen Jin briefly introduced Hanxin One, the spokesperson of the relevant department made a supplementary speech:

"Both DSP and CPU belong to the core technologies of the chip industry recognized by the world. The R\u0026D team of Jiaotong University, led by Professor Chen Jin, spent two years of arduous research and development. , Professor Yan Xiaolang and other top experts in the domestic chip industry for the review.

The expert group made a unanimous conclusion: Hanxin-1 and related design and application development platforms have reached the international advanced level. In the future, Jiaotong University will do a good job in the transformation of production, education and research, and try its best to tap the commercial value of Hanxin. "

The audience are all the media who have been called to the platform by the government, and hardly ask any sharp questions. The questions are all focused on the breakthrough significance of Hanxin-1.

The launch of Hanxin-1 is undoubtedly a success. The new core technology is very strong, and it has realized a 0.13-micron CPU design technically, but this is not Huaguo's original technology, and the participation of Huaguo's R\u0026D personnel is very low.

In the process of cooperation between Xinxin Technology and Shenhai University, a lot of cooperation is concentrated on the student level, and there is very little cooperation with professors from the Department of Microelectronics.

In fact, no matter during Guan Jianying's management of Xinxin Technology or Hu Zhengming's later management of Xinxin Technology, he thought about cooperating with Shenhai University on some scientific research projects, but found that they could not meet the requirements, so they gave up.

Hu Zhengming, as a scientist who has been communicating with the academic circles in Huaguo's integrated circuit field since 1985, is well aware of the current stage of Huaguo's integrated circuit field, where scientific research results lack practical value and are difficult to transform into commercially valuable results.

This has nothing to do with Huaguo's backwardness in the field of chips in the past, so Hu Zhengming's idea is that it is better to focus on cultivating Huaguo's college students and graduate students who have just graduated. If you want to cooperate, you have to find someone who has overseas study experience. cooperation with young researchers.

It is precisely because of these reasons that although Xinxin Technology has been in Huaguo for a long time, Xinxin Technology is not very popular in Shenhai and even the academic circles in Huaguo.

From the perspective of their own interests, the interests of Hanxin No. 1 are much greater than that of Xinxin Technology. No matter how large the revenue, profits, and scale of Xinxin Technology are, they have nothing to do with them.

However, the more successful Xinxin Technology is and the more outstanding the results are, the less meaningful Hanxin-1 will be. This is why Hanxin-1 has to hold this press conference about half a year in advance.

Anyway, they bought the chips from Motorola and changed the logo. There is no difference between the release half a year earlier and the later half a year.

Zhou Xin was already in Silicon Valley at this time. He received the email and found out that Hanxin-1 was released half a year earlier. He was a little stunned, and after making an appointment with Hu Zhengming, he made a phone call:

"Professor, did you attend the press conference of Hanxin-1?"

Hu Zhengming said: "Shenhai sent an invitation letter to Xinxin. I thought we had talked about Chen Jin before, and the research and development projects they were working on at Jiaotong University. We were relatively weak in DSP. , so I didn't ask other executives to go on my behalf, I went to see it myself.

Judging from my personal experience, Chen Jin does not have this ability. If he had this ability, he would not have been a test engineer at Motorola back then. Later, I asked my friend who worked at Motorola to help me investigate Chen Jin's resume. It was indeed the same as what you said. He was not in the chip design team at Motorola, but mainly engaged in chip testing.

It is not uncommon for testing to switch to chip design, but it is relatively rare to start directly from DSP chips. Of course, if the research team of Jiaotong University is strong enough, Chen Jin will bring back Motorola's advanced experience in chip design and project management. Under the leadership of R\u0026D personnel, it is also possible to make this achievement.

The problem is that I asked Jiaotong University later, saying that I want to further cooperate with them around Hanxin, and I hope they can take a few samples for us to test. They refused very simply, saying that it is not mature enough yet, and it is a laboratory product.

What I mean is that it doesn’t matter what the laboratory products are. It just so happens that we can jointly develop and put Hanxin to the ground. It just so happens that we lack a production line for DSP chips, and there is a natural basis for cooperation between us and Hanxin.

You must know that Jiaotong University was very active in cooperating with Xinxin before, but this time it pushed back and forth, which made me suspicious. "

When Zhou Xin returned to China before, he chatted with Hu Zhengming about the domestic academic phenomenon in the chip field, and then mentioned that Chen Jin also said that when he was at the CAAS meeting in Silicon Valley, he heard that some Chinese engineers who had worked in Motorola returned to China as Professor, or a professor in the field of chip design.

Zhou Xin mentioned the names of Chen Jin and Chen Jin's projects to Hu Zhengming in a casual chat, which led Hu Zhengming to send an email to Zhou about the Hanxin No. new.

At this time, it has been a week since Hanxin's press conference.

After listening, Zhou Xin said helplessly: "I feel that there is still a problem, so I will communicate with Huaguo to see if they can get a sample of Hanxin-1. Then we will test the sample and see what is going on. Something happened."

Naturally, Cao Yongluo was the one to look for. People from the Science and Technology Department under the Ministry of Information Industry participated in the Hanxin conference. Cao Yongluo’s family has been in business since the Ministry of Machinery Industry, the predecessor of the Ministry of Information Industry. It is not enough for him to get a sample.

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