"If, I mean if, if Hanxin-1 is really suspected of being fake?" Hu Zhengming asked.

Zhou Xin said categorically: "To be public, we held a press conference to disclose all of this, and publicly condemned Jiaotong University's behavior, from Chen Jin to his R\u0026D team to the experts and scholars who helped him with technical appraisal.

I'm going to do everything I can to make this a big deal. "

Hu Zhengming did not expect Zhou Xin to be so resolute. Although he has stayed in American for many years, he is still a native of Huaguo in essence. He hopes to resolve this matter and maintain a decent face on the surface: "Will this put the The relationship between us and Huaguo is at a standstill.

I participated in the press conference of Hanxin No. 1, and there were a large number of high-ranking officials for the Hanxin No. 1 platform. "

In fact, Zhou Xin also thought about whether to remind the Jiaotong University through an anonymous report when Chen Jin first joined, saying that Chen Jin's resume was false, and that the other party had worked in Motorola and IBM, but had not worked as a chip design engineer.

Later Zhou Xin gave up this idea, why? Zhou Xin thinks that instead of stopping this incident at that time, it is better to wait for the release of Hanxin-1 and make it a landmark anti-counterfeiting event in academia.

At his level, he is already strong enough to do whatever he wants without breaking the rules.

Zhou Xin said: "Professor, I also had a similar idea, can we discuss with Shen Hai first, and then communicate with Jiaotong University, and quietly handle this matter.

But if this is done, there is a high probability that people in this chain will not be punished as they should, and similar things may happen repeatedly in the future.

We realized that there might be a problem with Hanxin-1 after the press conference, because we knew that Chen Jin’s professional experience was not related to chip design. Know it so early, wait until the consequences are serious before discovering it?

After more serious consequences occur, Huaguo may stop funding support for all chip research and development projects under the idea that overcorrection must be overcorrected.

It is better to warn people who have similar thoughts from the root this time, and be prepared to bear the consequences before doing it. "

After Hanxin was finally exposed, nothing similar happened in the academic circle of the chip field. Instead, the industry began to engage in similar operations.

Zhou Xin continued: "As for the rift between Xinxin and Shenhai City, or the rift with Huaguo, I think this matter should be divided into two aspects. First, the affected individuals, They will definitely have bad thoughts about us.

Can this kind of thinking affect Xinxin's investment and operation in China? If it is because of the antipathy of a very small number of people, this antipathy is caused by us doing the right thing, and it can affect the layout of Xinxin Technology's tens of billions of dollars in China, then I think I have to re-examine the business of Huaguo. business environment. "

The last sentence was not a joke or a threat, but Zhou Xin's true thoughts. Whether it is the present or the future, the scale of tens of billions of dollars is very exaggerated.

Zhou Xin continued: "Professor, you don't have to worry too much. No matter what happens, this matter is only limited to a small area, and it will not affect Xinxin Technology as a whole."

Zhou Xin still has this confidence.

After reaching an agreement with Hu Zhengming, Zhou Xin obtained two original films of Hanxin-1 from Cao Yongluo. Cao Yongluo said on the international phone call: "The value of Hanxin is indeed high. I heard from their professionals that Hanxin It may reduce tens of billions of foreign exchange losses for our country.

Since 2000, we have spent tens of billions of RMB to import DSP chips every year. After Hanxin No. 1 is industrialized, the foreign exchange on it can save a lot of money. Hai went to Hanxin's press conference.

The combination of Hanxin and Xinxin may not necessarily be a strong cooperation. "Cao Yongluo said.

Cao Yongluo is in Pengcheng, and his source of news is mainly Yanjing, so he naturally doesn't know the problem of Hanxin.

After receiving Hanxin-1, Xinxin Technology kept a piece in Shenhai for testing by itself, and then sent the other piece to Silicon Valley to provide to Zhou Xin. Zhou Xin found a special testing agency in Silicon Valley for testing.

After Zhou Xin received Hanxin No. 1, he secretly felt Cao Yongluo's supernatural powers. As an industry insider, Zhou Xin had heard many rumors about Hanxin-1. He knew that the original chip of Hanxin-1 had only 10 chips.

Chen Jin bought 10 pieces from abroad and replaced the Motorola logo with Hanxin. This amount is as precious as the treasures of heaven and earth in Xianxia novels.

It is not easy to get 2 pieces of Cao Yongluo out of 10 pieces.

Zhou Xin belongs to the fact that he has the results to find the answer, and it doesn't take a week to find a specialized agency to test it.

The Matrix brand was purchased from Motorola, and Hanxin No. 1 was Motorola's 568 chip. Zhou Xin brought Motorola to prove it, and by the way, it was very easy to find them to jointly sue Chen Jin and the subjects and individuals involved. thing.

"Professor, have you read the investigation report I sent you?"

Hu Zhengming said: "After reading it, Chen Jin's behavior was worse than I expected.

We have also done tests. I thought that Hanxin-1 just couldn't meet the standards they advertised. During the test, it was indeed found that Hanxin-1 did not meet the publicized standards.

For example, Hanxin-1 cannot implement the MP3 playback and fingerprint recognition functions mentioned in the demonstration, and it does not have 208 pins, only 144 pins and so on.

As a result, I didn't expect the chip itself to be a Motorola DSP chip.

This is too exaggerated, Chen Jin's behavior is far beyond my imagination, how did this pass the technical appraisal? There must be something wrong with the process in the middle. "Hu Zhengming was very angry about this behavior.

Hu Zhengming even felt sad: "I knew everyone who gave Chen Jin the platform, academician Zou, he was a material engineer, and he was the core research and development personnel of the atomic bomb's core component A separation membrane.

Later, when he went to be the director of Shenhai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Academy of Sciences, it was the first time I came to Yanda to give lectures. After he heard about it, he insisted on letting me give lectures there.

He shouldn't be unable to see the problem of Hanxin, how could it pass the inspection like this, and say it meets the international first-class standard.

Including Xu Juyan, I also know him. When Huajing was established, he served as the chief engineer of Huajing. I talked with him several times about Huaguo's chip industry. Zou Shichang didn't see that it was possible. After all, he I have a background in materials chemistry, so I may be what others say.

However, Xu Juyan was one of the first batch of semiconductor talents after the founding of Huaguo. He has been exposed to integrated circuits since 1956. It is impossible for him not to see that there is a problem with Hanchip. What happened? "Hu Zhengming didn't know what to say after that.

Not long after Huaguo was founded in 1956, two senior experts, Huang Kun and Xie Xide, held a semiconductor professional training class at Yanda University. In this class, Wang Yangyuan, the later chairman and one of the founders of SMIC, There is the chief engineer of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, and there is also Xu Juyan.

Zhou Xin said: "Perhaps during the two decades when the chip industry in Huaguo has been developing slowly, everyone's original intentions have long since changed.

You just said that Xu Juyan was the chief engineer of Huajing before, and Hua Hong only had Huajing's failures. He has seen many failures, and his mood will be different. "

Hu Zhengming sighed: "I support you to make this matter a big deal. Even the academicians are cooperating with them. If you don't make a big deal in the future, maybe something will happen in the future."

Hu Zhengming continued: "Fortunately, you discovered the connection between Hanxin-1 and Motorola's DSP chip. Otherwise, we would have nothing to do with Hanxin and Chen Jin just starting from the chip itself."

As far as Hanxin is concerned, it can be said that they have not reached the level of publicity. This is a normal category because of the need for publicity.

However, the DSP chips of Hanxin One and Motorola are exactly the same except for the logo, which cannot be explained anyway.

Hu Zhengming reminded: "There is one last question. Where did these two sample chips come from? If the source is not correct, I am afraid that Jiaotong University will deny it and say that it is not Hanxin-1."

Zhou Xin said: "Don't worry, this is a sample submitted by Jiaotong University to the Ministry of Information Industry for filing. I will ask the Ministry of Information Industry to find the filing form and issue a letter to clarify this matter with the Ministry of Information Industry. They estimate that I wish I could cut it off with Hanxin and Chen Jin."

After Zhou Xin clarified the cause and effect of the matter with Cao Yongluo on the phone, Cao Yongluo opened his mouth wide on the other end of the phone: "Zhou Xin, you really screwed me up. Shen Hai just held a press conference, and you are about to slap them in the face .

You also need me to cooperate with you to find the Ministry of Information Industry to issue a letter to explain, and this really tricked me into it. "

Zhou Xin said: "What do you call it? Sooner or later, someone will reveal this matter. Chen Jin has done it so rough. Do you think you can keep it a secret for the rest of your life?

It is impossible to deceive everyone all the time. Sooner or later, someone will find out. The sooner they find out, the less damage it will do to the entire academic community and even the industry. It is also a cut for the Ministry of Information Industry, avoiding follow-up accountability. They come up.

This is a good thing for them, and I believe you can make this matter come back. "

Cao Yongluo smiled wryly on the other end of the phone: "This matter is really difficult to handle, I will try my best to help you find them to send a letter, but I cannot guarantee confidentiality.

As you know, the news spreads the fastest in this kind of organization. I guess I will find someone to help you write the letter on the front foot, and Shen Hai will know it on the back foot. "

Zhou Xin said: "Understood, all I need is a letter, and my chain of evidence is complete only after I have the letter."

Things went as Cao Yongluo expected. The letter from the Ministry of Information Industry was mailed from Yanjing the next day, but Xinxin Technology hadn’t received it yet. Shenhai came to the door: "Mr. Hu, the relevant personnel of Hanxin will definitely deal with it, but We hope that this matter can be handled as low-key as possible.

Don't make it public. After all, we have just held a press conference to certify the technology. "

Hu Zhengming said: "Sorry, I can't decide this matter. Zhou Xin said that he would handle this matter himself. All the evidence is with him. Although he is my student, I have no way to influence his decision."

"Can you persuade him? If this matter is made public, it will have a great impact on Shen Hai's reputation."

Hu Zhengming said that he had no choice: "I tried to persuade him, but I couldn't persuade him. This is not something I can stop. I can only say that I can try my best to help Shen Hai and persuade him not to make things worse."

When Hu Zhengming and Shen Hai were arguing, Zhou Xin had already held a press conference in Pengcheng, with Cao Yongluo as his plenipotentiary representative.

The southern media don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement. It's Shenhai who makes a fool of himself. What does it have to do with my Pengcheng?

Originally, at the city level, Pengcheng was in direct competition with Shen Hai.

Cao Yongluo himself is also a well-known entrepreneur. He has a lot of media resources in Pengcheng. With the addition of Zhou Xin and Motorola, almost all the reporters from well-known media were present.

The president of Motorola China was still in a daze and didn't know what happened, so he was arranged by the headquarters to come to Pengcheng to attend the press conference.

The overall atmosphere is very serious, and the scene is almost only decorated in black, white and gray tones. Cao Yongluo walked up to the podium with a stack of speech papers, his face extremely heavy:

"Today, on behalf of Mr. Zhou Xin, I will hold a press conference here to respond to the Hanxin No. 1 conference held by Jiaotong University in Shenhai half a month ago.

The following is Mr. Zhou’s original text:”

The reporters in the audience had a hunch that something big was about to happen, and Shen Hai went to Pengcheng to hold a press conference.

Involving Jiaotong University and Zhou Xin, if this is not a big deal, what is it?

After Cao Yongluo finished speaking on stage, a short video appeared on the screen behind him:

"Hanxin-1 has passed Motorola's internal testing, and it is believed to be a Motorola 568 series DSP chip. Its source code is downloaded from Motorola's intranet. We have found the employee who helped Chen Jin download the source code. We will investigate The responsibility of all the people involved in this matter, including the subject involved such as Shenhai Jiaotong University."

The reporters in the audience didn't know who the white man in the video was. The president of Motorola China knew that it was Mr. Galvin, the president of Motorola.

Cao Yongluo explained: "Just now this is Mr. Galvin, the president of Motorola. At the same time, we also invited Mr. Robertson, the president of Motorola China, to be present. Motorola will pursue Dr. Chen Jin's legal responsibility in the future.

I went on to read what Mr. Zhou Xin said:

The Hanxin incident caused serious damage to Huaguo's scientific research and technological innovation reputation. Problems along the entire process chain.

I would like to ask the experts in the technical appraisal team, how did you certify that Hanxin-1 is original? Chen Jin stole the source code from Motorola, he had no idea what the source code meant. Why did Chen Jin claim at the press conference that Hanxin One has achieved many functions that Motorola's original chip could not achieve?"

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