"Are the academicians responsible? They must be responsible. As members of the appraisal committee, they are participants in this collective scientific research fraud and academic misconduct.

But is it useful to only blame academicians? I don't think it will be of much use. A few days ago, I saw a lot of understandable and emotional abuse from netizens on some forums. But there was a strange phenomenon: many of the netizens were defending Chen Jin, but almost all of them were scolding the members of the expert group, especially the academicians, thinking that they had taken Han. Core money is a representative of academic corruption.

Personally, I think it is a pity that Hanxin’s counterfeiting is a black sheep; but for these academicians, they are also victims of reputation damage in this incident, and they are actually very wronged to be scolded.

I myself have been engaged in the integrated circuit industry for a long time, and I have received expert groups for my own application projects; at the same time, as an expert in the industry, I have joined expert groups and reviewed other people's projects.

First of all, I can tell you that being an expert in the expert group is not a lucrative errand. The project review takes half a day and the project review takes one day. The expert fee I get is lower than my salary for the same length of work.

Sometimes the time spent on traveling and traveling is added, and this remuneration is even more just a kind of hard work.

Second, cracking down on counterfeiting is not the functional responsibility of experts. Just as the editors of academic journals cannot be responsible for the fraud of the authors, the academicians of the expert group cannot be responsible for the fraud of Hanchip.

What the experts can do is to check the normativeness of the report documents, the rationality of the design principles, the integrity of the design process, and the rationality of both the report materials and the report results. Anti-counterfeiting and anti-counterfeiting is a function that is impossible for the current project expert team to have.

Third, compared with the review by the editors of articles in academic journals, the members of the expert group have a bigger obstacle: trade secrets.

If an academic article is true, then another person or group can obtain the same result based on the same experimental description; the key to the experiment/article is to publish how to do it. As far as the project is concerned, experts in the same industry are also potential competitors, and it is absolutely impossible to tell experts how to do this.

Experts have to rely on past experience, with less disclosure, to judge that the project was indeed completed as the reporter proposed, and they are likely to make mistakes, not to mention dealing with elaborate fraud.

In fact, the integrated circuit industry itself also has a strong demand for anti-error. Sometimes there is such a situation in academic articles, the expected academic results. That is to say, the results of a certain experiment may not support a certain conclusion, but academics did not intend to falsify, but came to wrong conclusions.

This kind of error in academics is mostly discovered and solved by peers. After all, the loss of academic mistakes is relatively small. However, in a real high-tech project, a chip design with millions of gates, there are endless traps in itself, but it is unable to bear the economic losses caused by such mistakes. Therefore, integrated circuits have their own set of working principles to deal with such unintentional mistakes, which is called "functional verification."

Functional verification, like design, is currently a part of the integrated circuit itself, and engineers spend more time and money on functional verification than logic design itself.

Therefore, in order for our experts to have the ability to verify Hanxin, this requires a mature team of several people, and it will take several months and millions of dollars to achieve it.

Only Zhou Xin's Xinxin Technology, or Motorola's professional team, they spend time and energy to do it.

Moreover, even so, it can only verify that the functions of Hanxin are indeed correct, but it is impossible to find out the current situation of Hanxin: the chip itself that was handed over to them can work normally, but it is a stolen counterfeit.

If our expert group is set to function like this, and the entire social structure revolves around anti-counterfeiting instead of establishing credit, then the social cost will be too high. "

Before Chen Jin's recording was exposed, this was an explanation that an expert from Huaguo helped the experts of the appraisal committee come up with during an interview.

In order to defend the academicians, experts in other fields even did not hesitate to pull themselves down:

"Before I took a group of experts to a certain city's science and technology committee to evaluate a project. At the beginning, they said that you must evaluate this project. We did so all morning and finally got 500 yuan.

To put it bluntly, experts participating in project review are actually going through the motions according to the procedures, ideas and even results stipulated in advance by others. We do not have much authority when doing project review.

Does Chen Jin have the ability to make dsp chips? If Hanxin hadn't been exposed, he would have applied for a large amount of funding from the Ministry of Science and Technology and Jiaotong University, and then recruited the best scholars and the most experienced engineers to cooperate, and it would have been possible to make it in the end.

In fact, there are many similar cases around me. I applied for key disciplines, and after the application was approved, I packaged and invited good scholars.

In his book on academic fraud, William Nicholas points out that for every major fraud uncovered, there are about 100,000 frauds large and small hidden in the swampy waste paper of the scientific literature.

Therefore, so far there is no evidence to prove that scientists are generally moral people. If there were certain periods in history when scientists showed a relatively high moral standard, it was not determined by internal factors in scientific research activities, but just Because at the time, scientific activities were relatively unprofitable.

Therefore, in today's professionalized scientific research, it may not be reasonable to require scientists to be moral models outside of scientific research.

I believe that the academicians only went through the evaluation process of Hanxin-1 according to the established level of Jiaotong University, and they were not very aware of the problems of Hanxin. "

There are not a few experts who come out to help academicians stand on the platform. Of course, there are also scholars in the field of humanities and social sciences who believe that academicians need to be responsible for this matter.

In the end, after Chen Jin's recording was released, everyone kept an embarrassing silence. I had already thought about how to wash it for you, but I didn't expect you to actually do it?

The scholars who wanted to explain to them didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear that Chen Jin still had some recordings in his hand, and he would be slapped in the face after it was released.

It is not surprising that Chen Jin would do this kind of thing. It has been doing this kind of thing for many years to transform other people's chips into self-developed chips. In the end, no one in the entire chain assumed legal responsibility, not even himself.

If there is no Zhou Xin, this matter will be reported by a user with the screen name "jubaoxin168" on the BBS of Jiaotong University.

After the incident was exposed, the degree of discussion has been very high, especially on the Internet, netizens have various speculations about the outcome of Hanxin. Zhou Xin later met people in the industry who graduated from Jiaotong University and worked in the integrated circuit industry. They were talking about Hanxin. At that time, I felt that Chen Jin must have some reason to let Jiaotong University and relevant departments let him go.

Because in the original time and space, the scientific research funding that Chen Jin cheated was not a little bit.

After seeing the domestic news reports, Zhou Xin finally knew what Chen Jin had in hand. It turned out that there was a recording.

For him, there is not much difference whether there is a recording or not, but his behavior has stronger legitimacy after the recording.

In order to cooperate with Mphone's entry into the Huaguo market, Zhou Xin also opened an account on Huaguo's Weibo. During the Hanxin incident, his Weibo became one of the public opinion battlefields of the Hanxin incident.

Netizens with various opinions are discussing in the following discussion, because to be able to afford an Mphone, they have a certain economic strength, which means they have a certain social experience, and everyone will naturally have different opinions on this matter. , and be able to find reasons for their views.

The few accounts on Zhou Xin Weibo who refute the experts of the Appraisal Committee like to quote various scriptures and say that they just made mistakes that everyone will make. After Chen Jin's recording was broadcast, other netizens who were refuted began digging their own graves, turning over their previous remarks and slapping them in the face.

No one could have imagined that in the Internet self-media management regulations twenty years later, even the act of digging graves would be stopped. It is estimated that the bound book stung some people's hearts.

During the carnival on the Internet forums, the media silenced, and Chen Jin was the only participant in the Hanxin incident to speak out, Zhou Xin returned to Yanjing from the Lion City by special plane.

"Zhou Xin, the news I got is that the participants of Hanxin will be punished according to the degree of participation, and the two experts who are deeply involved in it, like Yan Xiaolang and Xu Juyan, will be held criminally responsible.

According to inquiries from various parties, Zou Shichang did not participate in this matter. He just signed a letter as an expert, but he also has to bear corresponding responsibilities. At least he only retains his academic status, and all other political identities are marginalized. Retired early. "Cao Yongluo and Wu Shiqiang came to pick up Zhou Xin together. On the special car to the hotel, Cao Yongluo told Zhou Xin what he knew.

Zhou Xin said: "This is within my expectations. What I am curious about is that the relevant leaders of Jiaotong University should be responsible, right? Chen Jin said in an interview that he only received 20 million of the 50 million scientific research funds involved. The person responsible for the matter should be more responsible, right?

Including Jiaotong University's announcement to cover up the core members of Hanxin's R\u0026D team.

From my personal point of view, I don't really care which specific person is punished. I don't know them. It has nothing to do with me. What I care about is the mechanism. Can we have a mechanism to avoid similar things from happening in the future? . "

Cao Yongluo said: "It is estimated that I have only heard that the Special Committee on Ethics and Rights of Scientific and Technological Workers of the Association for Science and Technology will be split up in the future, and the Ethics Committee will be separated to assume greater powers and responsibilities.

The new ethics committee will be responsible for the management of academic ethics, and I don't know the specific implementation rules. "

"The industry is very concerned about Hanxin, because it is very negative for the entire industry. Although things happen to individual people, it is essentially in the scientific research and evaluation system.

During this period of time, a lot of internal meetings have been held around this matter, and you have increased your investment in the Lion City. Originally, Hanxin was the focus, but now it is an urgent problem to be solved.

Including the 985 and 211 university principals who came to Beijing to participate in the seminar, all for the purpose of discussing how to avoid academic fraud from the perspective of the mechanism.

My family also put pressure on me, let me persuade you. "Cao Yongluo continued.

Wu Shiqiang added: "As a representative of emerging investment, we have a certain status in China's domestic research and research, so I also went to the expert seminar organized by the Association for Science and Technology.

Some experts believe that the focus of government investment should be basic scientific research rather than applied technology.

Some experts also believe that it is right to focus on basic scientific research in developed countries, but it is not so applicable to Huaguo's development stage. Because what Huaguo lacks is support for the industrialization of scientific research results.

If the research work is not combined with industrial application, it is difficult to judge the authenticity of the results, and it is also difficult to achieve the purpose of promoting industrial development through independent innovation. "

Wu Shiqiang said: "Hua Guo attaches great importance to this matter, and also attaches great importance to how to do it to achieve results."

In fact, the subtext of Cao Yongluo and Wu Shiqiang is to let him almost do it, let him stop, but because everyone's status is different, we can't say it clearly, so we can only tell Zhou Xin in this euphemistic way.

If there is no Wu Shiqiang present, only Cao Yongluo, he can speak more straightforwardly.

Zhou Xin could hear the subtext, and the two of them didn't necessarily want him to stop, but because he was going to meet the big shots when he returned to Yanjing this time, and they were afraid that he might not have a good chat with the big shots because of his youth.

Even if there is no good talk, Zhou Xin is fine, but it will affect Zhou Xin's domestic investment and business operations, which in turn will affect them.

Both Wu Shiqiang and Cao Yongluo rely heavily on Zhou Xin's domestic career map.

Zhou Xin is not too worried. This is an upright move, and there is nothing to be afraid of when he has righteousness in his hands. After the Hanxin incident is over, he will never find such a good opportunity to intervene in the operating mechanism of academia.

Under such a premise, Zhou Xin went to meet the big shot on the second day in Yanjing.

"Little comrade, we met again, and this time I specially asked you to come back."

"Mr. Hello, I didn't come here on purpose. I have always had the idea of ​​increasing investment in the Lion City and using the Lion City as a base to radiate my influence to the entire Southeast Asia. I didn't find the opportunity to go to the Lion City to talk to them in detail before." .

This time is equivalent to going to the Lion City first and then returning to Yanjing. After talking in Yanjing, I can go to Zhangjiang to see it. It is a rare opportunity to come back. I also really want to see Zhang Jiang's changes. "

The old man sighed: "Hanxin sounded a wake-up call for me, the people below kept telling me that Chen Jin alone had problems, and the experts were doing bad things with good intentions.

The result is what it is now. Because Jiaotong University is my alma mater, I have been paying attention to this matter. "

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