The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 243 Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish

"I think this incident has caused such a big disturbance in China. You even held a press conference in public to express your importance to this incident. The past two years have fully proved that you have joined us. Only Zhangjiang can embark on the road of rapid development.

I have been paying attention to the development of Zhangjiang, and I am also very familiar with the past achievements of Xinxin. Xinxin has fully proved its strength. Xinxin is capable and has even achieved a world-leading position in some fields.

By becoming the core supplier of strong traditional technology companies, it proves the authenticity of the product, including the leading level of Bluetooth chips. I don’t need to read professional magazines, just read business magazines to understand. Against such a background, your personal attitude is crucial to Xinxin's investment in Zhangjiang and Shenhai and its long-term future strategy.

I thought that under such a premise, even if Jiaotong University wanted to confuse this matter, Shen Hai would not allow them to confuse this matter.

Based on this logic, coupled with the explanations of people around me and me, I also believed that Hanxin was done by Chen Jin alone.

I didn't expect them to be so bold. A nest of snakes and rats did this. We have sent a multi-departmental investigation team to conduct a thorough investigation of this matter. The experts involved in this matter will definitely be based on their participation. Severe punishment will be given for the degree of bad nature. "

The boss seemed very distressed. Since the two sides met at the beginning of the millennium, Zhou Xin would come to chat for a while every time he returned to Yanjing. Progress and industry trends and more.

From the past chats, Zhou Xin found that the other party’s learning ability is indeed strong enough, and he will look for information on the new technologies he mentioned later, so that he can tell the reason and his future development for the next time we meet trend perception.

The other party went on to say: "It's still the problem we talked about when we first met, and the following information was seriously distorted when it was passed on.

Based on my understanding of Shengwu, he is not someone who will cover up for Chen Jin or an expert from Jiaotong University, let alone cover up for the students in the Hanxin R\u0026D team. Just think what it is.

There will be serious information distortion just from the front-line participants of Hanxin to Shengwu, and after it reaches Yanjing, the distortion in the middle will be even more serious. "

After listening to it, Zhou Xin could fully understand the distorted information transmission between the upper and lower layers. The more layers there are in the middle, the higher the degree of distortion.

"I can understand, this is why it is said in the Tao Te Ching that 'governing a big country is like cooking a small fish', and I also manage several companies under my command.

During my management process, it is sometimes difficult to find out the real problems of the enterprise. Like emerging investment, is there money swallowed by the management in the name of investing in the company?

Wu Shiqiang and I have known each other for several years. Wu Shiqiang is the person in charge of Xinxing Investment in China. There is a foundation of trust between us. Know, will they do such a thing?

Or would Wu Shiqiang cover it up for them if they did such a thing? Control the matter to the extent that only Xinxing Investment Huaguo Branch understands? I think probably it will.

This does not necessarily mean that Wu Shiqiang has a problem, but he does not want similar things to be known to me, such as senior executives and project managers from the investment and research department cooperating to invest in some companies that obviously do not conform to the principles of emerging investment and investment. They rebate, and in this way embezzle the assets of emerging investments.

Wu Shiqiang may or may not know, but he definitely doesn’t want me to know. After I know, firstly, I will suspect his poor management, and secondly, it will affect his autonomy. After similar things happen, I will definitely hope to know more about Xinxing The operation of the Huaguo branch is either to increase auditing efforts, or to airborne executives to decentralize power with him.

Even for a company with over 100 employees like Xinxing Investment Huaguo Branch, I still have no way of knowing the real situation, let alone whether you can really understand the Hanxin incident far away in Shenhai.

The annual management capital is 2 billion RMB, and when the year is good, there are more participating projects with a profit rate of 30% in the year when they are successfully listed. They feel that eating up some profits will make the profit rate become 2%. Ten, the problem is not too big, we have made some contributions, but the current salary does not match my contribution to the company, so I have to rely on means outside the rules to eat some of my benefits.

But in fact, they never imagined that the reason why they can have such a high profit is because they stepped on the right trend, stepped on the trend of China's rapid economic development, and regarded the trend as their own ability.

Of course, I am just giving an example, and it does not mean that there is really a problem with the Huaguo branch of Xinxing Investment. If similar events happen in the future, they may also think that they are fine, because the ledger on the books shows that emerging investments are growing at a high speed.

For you, at most it is just a few short lines on the internal report to summarize this matter to you in the way they want to express it.

Now that Chen Jin has also broken the news in the media, and some people have come forward to reveal the details of Hanxin, we can now say that we have a relatively complete picture of the matter.

Looking back at the Hanxin incident now, if we found out that Hanxin was counterfeit and did not hold a press conference to expose the Hanxin counterfeiting, then with the support of experts in the Hanxin No. 1 Appraisal Committee and Chen Jin’s hands With their black material, most of the Jiaotong leaders may be able to profit from it.

Under the collusion of the three parties, whether it is the country or Jiaotong University, more funds and greater support will be invested in Hanxin's R\u0026D team. With such support, it may not be possible that Hanxin's R\u0026D team will not be able to develop multimedia chip.

But there must be a problem, that is, the formation of path dependence. The people in Hanxin have become accustomed to the benefits brought to them by fraud, and they will definitely hope to continue to obtain more benefits through academic fraud. The multimedia chip actually developed and the multimedia chip they announced to the outside world are likely to be two different things.

This is human nature, and human nature cannot be avoided. I don’t find out that Hanxin is fraudulent. In the future, people who know the inside story will come out because of the uneven distribution of benefits, or because of conscience, they may be discovered by Motorola, because Chen Jin’s original source of technology is Motorola.

The longer Hanxin delays, the worse the impact will be on Huaguo's scientific research environment and the industry-university-research transformation environment of integrated circuits.

Such a clumsy falsification can bring a lot of benefits to those involved, and in the end, Chen Jin may be the only one who needs to bear the corresponding responsibility. The demonstration effect of this case is very scary. "

What Zhou Xin didn't say was more conservative than the reality. The reality is that in the end Chen Jin didn't bear the legal responsibility, but his academic title was deprived, and he didn't even pursue the research funding. It's almost like trying to turn Hanxin into a typical case of academic corruption, and it's okay to encourage everyone to do so.

Zhou Xin continued: "If it's just a single incident about Hanxin, I don't need to come forward in person, hold a press conference, and ask Motorola to come out and issue a test report.

I don't want similar incidents to have a bad impact on the overall environment, and I don't want Huaguo's integrated circuit industry, which is already on the right track, to be affected.

Looking at Hanxin now, Chen Jin's fraud is very clumsy. Their methods are very rough, and they can even be described as crude, without many confidentiality measures.

The result is that such a simple method and such random fraudulent behavior can fool experts from Jiaotong University, Shenhai Science and Technology Committee, and Huaguo Academy of Sciences. "

After Zhou Xin finished speaking, the two fell into an unspeakable silence.

The boss is recalling the past: "Didn't you be in Lion City a few days ago? The integrated circuit industry in Lion City was very similar to that in Huaguo for a while.

It was in the 1990s, about 1990s. At that time, some domestic leaders pointed out that we were seriously backward in the field of integrated circuits. I asked some ministries and commissions to jointly investigate and finally decided to start the 908 project, that is, Huajing.

At that time, it was planned to introduce technology from Lucent and build a fab with a monthly production capacity of 12,000 wafers. As a result, it took 3 years of research and another 3 years to build the factory. From the decision to do this in 1990 to the start of production in 1998, Huajing It took a total of eight years.

Chartered Semiconductor in Lion City also began to get involved in semiconductor production in 1990, and they started production in 1993. By the time Huajing started production, Chartered Semiconductor's fab had even recovered its investment.

I don't know how many problems there are, and I don't have the ability to know. The reason below is all attributed to spending too much time on research and judgment. Is it actually because of this reason? I have no idea. "

When I look back later, I feel how fast Huaguo developed in the 20 years from the 1990s to the first decade of the millennium, full of a lot of opportunities.

But in fact, in the past two decades, corruption has been the most obvious problem, just because people were in the process of going from 0 to 1 or even to 10 at that time, people would not pay too much attention to someone going from 0 to 100, to 1000 . After all, there was no self-media at that time to tell everyone what 100, 1000 or more days were like.

"Later, Hua Hong of the 909 project did not achieve the expected results, which led us to not know where to start when we wanted to develop the chip industry.

Until Xinxin landed in Zhangjiang, comrades in charge of integrated circuit industry research in the Ministry of Information Industry went to investigate Xinxin many times, and every time they went, they had new feelings.

The more we study, the more we think that our previous development path did not respect the laws of the market, and was still based on the thinking of a planned economy. After I built the fab, there will naturally be a market, and naturally there will be consumer groups to pay for the chips we produce.

If we start from this perspective, after successive failures of the 908 and 909 projects, coupled with the outbreak of the Hanxin incident, there may be no local governments in the future, and no enterprises want to invest and dare to invest in the integrated circuit industry.

Our already weak integrated circuit industry will face a fatal blow. "

The boss’s guess is not far from the original development track, the only difference is that in the future, it will be rushed to the shelves and have to develop the integrated circuit industry. Even local governments have borrowed money to develop the chip industry locally.

As for the specific situation, it is difficult to elaborate too much, but you can get a glimpse of the leopard with some examples:

Dehuai Semiconductor, which was established with a capital injection of 2.2 billion yuan from Huaiyin local finance, persisted for a year, and then began to default on suppliers’ payments and employees’ wages. In the three years from 17 to 19, Dehuai Semiconductor actually invested 4.6 billion in this project. The actual cost was roughly doubled.

Like EPC general contracting, the project quotation of the same specification generally does not exceed 1 billion yuan, and the winning bid price of Dehuai's EPC general contracting is 2 billion yuan.

In the years when domestic semiconductors were booming, there were many similar incidents.

Zhou Xin said: "Let's talk about Hanxin first, and then the integrated circuit industry.

For Hanxin, I think there needs to be a mechanism to prevent similar incidents from happening. For example, the national level only invests in basic research, and for applied research, enterprises are allowed to intervene.

Of course, this kind of classification is too rough, and it can be more refined. For projects with market value, enterprises are responsible for investment, and schools and relevant institutions are only responsible for matchmaking, not specific investment.

For projects without market value, first judge whether they have academic value, and then judge whether the team applying for funds is capable of completing them, and then grant research funds in batches.

To strengthen supervision when reporting the results after the event, I just mentioned a general idea.

It is too difficult to grasp this degree in actual implementation. "

Later, the practice of various funds was similar. The boss was responsible for applying for funds, and the small bosses and scientific research dogs were responsible for the output of the results. Scholars who are good at handling leadership can stand out from the crowd of scholars. In a sense, this is also a reverse elimination.

The difference between Zhou Xin's ideas is that more companies are involved, and the invisible hand of the market is allowed to decide the life and death of some scientific research projects as much as possible.

The boss said: "Your idea is to introduce the management model of venture capital in the scientific research field, and let private capital participate in it, because they have the purpose of transforming results, so they will be more cautious in controlling the results.

I will let the following people study the specific implementation plan, and let them fully refer to your suggestions in the process of formulating the plan.

Not being able to do so is the rule of man, not being able to do so is the rule of law, and not being able to do so is the goal we want to pursue. Indeed, as you said, we need to consider avoiding the emergence of academic fraud in the future.

Let the honest and down-to-earth scientific researchers get the honor and treatment they deserve, and let those who cheat and cheat get the punishment they deserve.

But this is indeed not easy, because the relevant systems are not perfect, and the means of supervision and punishment are not in place, leading to major problems in the identification of scientific research results.

Hanxin is just a concentrated outbreak of these potential problems. "

I have been working overtime almost every day this week, and I don’t even want to code when I get off work at night

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