To be honest, compared with other electronic payment companies, NewPay is too disciplined. It is so disciplined that it is difficult for American people to imagine that it is an American company.

The dead bodies of your peers are your best food. By devouring the existing customers of a series of payment software such as NewPay and, NewPay has actually achieved a growth rate of tens of millions of users in a single month.

Looking purely at data rather than proportion, this is the year with the fastest growth in the number of users since its establishment.

The second half of 2007 kicked off in a storm. First, the Madoff fraud case was made public, and then the middle class who suffered losses in the financial crisis began to launch the Occupy Wall Street movement. Black friends took the opportunity to cause trouble.

As a Chinese, I can only smell the financial crisis from the plummeting stock market, and the big A plummets.

At the beginning, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell 2.14%. Experts from securities companies issued an article saying:

“The decline is a normal technical adjustment

The Shanghai Composite Index stopped before the 5,000 mark and the market took advantage of the trend.

The market experienced a large adjustment on Thursday, falling by 104.43 points, or 2.14%, and the Shenzhen Component Index fell by 269.37 points, or 1.65%.

From the perspective of external factors, the continued decline of overseas stock markets has become a very important inducement.

However, the internal reasons of the market itself make this decline inevitable. First of all, the stock index has exceeded 4,900 points and is facing huge psychological pressure at the 5,000-point round number."

Since then, the Shanghai Stock Index has been falling continuously since July, and it was still plummeting in January 2008. Not to mention that it has not broken through the 5,000-point mark, if it continues to fall, it will return to 3,000 points.

A-shares’ eternal defense battle of 3,000 points.

After the launch of the new core lithography machine, the peak market value exceeded 600 billion yuan. Now it has been adjusted back to 300 billion yuan, which has dropped by half, and it is expected to drop by another half.

To be honest, the financial performance of Xinxin Lithography Machine in the first half of 2007 was quite good, occupying 100% of the market share in the high-end market. With the increase in shipments, the performance will continue to rise in the future.

It is clear that the financial report is better and the potential is further realized, but the market value is not far-sighted.

This is why it is said that there are only good prices but not good companies.

The halving of the market value of Xinxin lithography machines is just a microcosm of the plummeting A-share market.

Of course, if you have not traded in stocks, you are unlikely to be aware of the financial crisis.

Because China has relatively strict risk control and is in an upward cycle, domestic and foreign funds cannot flow freely. For most ordinary people, the coming financial crisis can only be felt from the news.

Just by looking at the chaos on Wall Street in the news, with tents camping and incendiary bombs being thrown, those who didn’t know it thought they were old American pills.

Lao Hei followed these crazy middle-class people and bought everything for zero dollars, causing Matrix to want to withdraw from the entire New York market.

The Matrix flagship store in New York has been robbed several times, with direct losses exceeding one million US dollars.

“NewPay, as the largest company in financing in the world since entering the 21st century, is about to face its own IPO test.

As we all know, NewPay is the absolute king in the field of electronic payment. They are also the earliest players in this field. As early as the end of the last century, when there was no electronic payment software on the market, NewPay turned out to provide users with unprecedented convenient services.

Since its inception, NewPay has firmly occupied the No. 1 position in the electronic payment market. During this period, there were independent electronic payment software Over attack.

There are so many competitors, and they have never even seen the back of NewPay.

Baidu Pay, the only electronic payment software that has any hope of catching up with NewPay, collapsed after being deeply involved in the Madoff fraud case. There are internal reports that the reorganized Baidu board of directors intends to package and sell the entire electronic payment business.

Whether Baidu Pay, whose reputation has been completely ruined, can find a buyer willing to take over is still unknown.

NewPay has become an electronic payment software that essentially monopolizes the entire market since all electronic payment software was involved in the Madoff case and fell into a deep crisis of trust.

Oh, I forgot about WeChat Pay, which is also an electronic payment software under the name of Newman. Because it is parasitic on WeChat, its more active scenarios are offline payment by scanning QR codes. The application scenarios are limited, and WeChat does not have much ambition to use it. Vigorous promotion of WeChat payment.

In addition, WeChat Pay naturally has WeChat as a carrier, and it is difficult to promote it as an electronic payment software alone in major application scenarios. Neither Amazon nor eBay want to see a new NewPay appear, so WeChat Pay is used in offline payment scenarios. The sense of presence in other places is weak.

It is precisely because NewPay is so powerful that even major electronic payment software offers financial products with a yield of 10%, but they are unable to catch up with NewPay. This has also led to NewPay having conducted more than 5 rounds of financing since its launch, and raised more than 100,000 yuan in total. $20 billion in funding.

This is a very exaggerated figure. You must know that even though FaceTalk has a market value of US$50 billion, it has only raised a total of about US$2 billion in previous venture capital investments. NewPay has raised more than ten times that amount.

Because some financing news did not disclose the specific amount to the public, such as Walmart, we still don’t know the specific content of the cooperation agreement between Walmart and NewPay.

From Citigroup to Merrill Lynch, from JPMorgan Chase to Goldman Sachs, a number of Wall Street's top financial institutions are the shareholders behind NewPay, and they willingly accepted the A/B share structure and handed over control of NewPay to Newman.

This is why Newman’s will can be implemented so thoroughly in NewPay. According to internal sources at Citi, their executives had never been able to understand why Newman insisted on not cooperating with Madoff, but now they are glad that they did not fall into this trap.

Of course, NewPay has developed to this day. Although the world is in a severe test, liquidity is at risk of being completely exhausted at any time. Even if the Federal Reserve announces a US$700 billion rescue plan, it cannot awaken investors' confidence in various financial markets. Even if Wall Street is facing Despite the unprecedented siege and the superposition of various unfavorable factors, it is still a good time for NewPay to go public.

Because it may be the only unicorn company listed on the US stock market this year, and it is also an indirect beneficiary of the Madoff fraud case, I predict that NewPay’s listing market value will be approximately US$200 billion, making it the largest IPO project in this century. "

Not surprisingly, the news that NewPay will be listed has become the focus of the entire Wall Street project because this project is so big.

Take Facebook as an example. Historically, the market value of Facebook's listing was around US$100 billion. NewPay's number of users is no less than Facebook's. From its profit model to its industry status, it is not inferior to Facebook's, and is even far superior to Facebook's in terms of industry status. Stronger.

In addition, NewPay is deeply involved in supply chain finance. It is not just an electronic payment company, and its valuation of 200 billion is within a reasonable range.

There are many people in the market who want to do this business, and there is a high probability that it will be assigned to multiple investment banks at the same time to jointly operate and list it.

As a key project of Amerikan’s Ministry of Finance, there is no problem in listing. Zhou Xin seized the last time window before listing and asked NewPay and WeChat to sign a data-level cooperation agreement.

Both parties can call each other's data and share the data after desensitizing the customer data.

It's very simple. The customer's basic information, such as name, ID number, precise address, and active range, is hidden, and then other data such as consumption data, loan data, and repayment data are shared.

This is beneficial to both parties. Considering that NewPay has a larger user base, WeChat Pay has an advantage. Even if it loses control of NewPay in the future, WeChat will still be able to firmly occupy the ecological niche of offline payment and will not be overwhelmed. Get rid of it completely.

The financial crisis is getting worse. A large number of funds whose underlying assets are subprime mortgage loans are bankrupt and closed. The stock market is far from improving. Against this background, Matrix held its autumn press conference.

"Globalization has created a fragile and closely linked economy, which appears to be non-recurring and very stable on the surface. Even when the financial crisis has evolved to this point, we still firmly believe that economic globalization can bring better things to mankind. The future and better products.

I am very happy to bring you our latest generation of Mphone, Mphone3 at this time! "

A promotional video shot by Zhou Xin himself when he went abroad. The entire film shows Zhou Xin sitting on a chair with an Mphone3, and there is a large blank space around him. After he finished speaking about his views on the financial crisis and economic globalization, he showed it to the camera. Mphone3 is over.

It is such a simple and unpretentious promotional video. After it was released on YouTube, it quickly became a hot video. The number of views quickly exceeded 5 million, making it the most popular video nowadays.

Americen's large-scale network infrastructure transformation began in 2003 and was completed in 2005. Therefore, YouTube was also established in 2005. Applications are inseparable from the development of underlying technology.

Due to the merger of Google and Baidu, YouTube was not acquired. Emerging Investment also invested in this company and participated in three rounds of financing.

"I haven't seen Newman for a long time. When I see Newman, I feel like I'm meeting an old friend I haven't seen for a long time."

"Man, I have similar thoughts. Young people today must not know that Newman's large photos often appeared in magazines and newspapers at the turn of the century.

Every time Newman held a press conference in person, users from as far away as Alaska would come to attend. "

"Mphone3 is finally coming, do you know how long I have been looking forward to it!"

"Newman never takes the usual path. He only launched two mobile phones and built a top mobile phone brand."

"In order to wait for Mphone3, I didn't even buy the N97 launched by Nokia this year."

"To be honest, Newman's products are all good. I spent $600 this year to find someone to bring me a Xiaomi Mi 4 pro from China. The Android system is quite easy to use."

"I think you must have been deceived. The top version of Xiaomi Mi 4 Pro is less than $500."

Mphone has only been launched for two generations, but Xiaomi has already released 4. As a brand that focuses on cost-effectiveness, Xiaomi releases new products every year, and even if they are slightly newer, they still have to publicize them.

Xiaomi's strategy is undoubtedly accurate. Xiaomi is rapidly expanding by relying on the Chinese market and the Southeast Asian market. At the same time, it is also encroaching on market share with the Android system.

MOS, Android and mobile versions of windows are now competing on the market. Simply looking at the number of installed machines, Android even has an advantage.

"Lei Jun, I leave the Mphone3 launch conference to you. This should be the first time you host the Mphone series launch conference after taking over as Matrix CEO." Zhou Xin said.

To be honest, Zhou Xin really wanted to go to San Francisco to hold this press conference. He could imagine how popular he would be if he went there. Let alone 20,000 people, even if there was a venue with 100,000 people this time, he could all sit there. Manchu.

But he didn't dare. If he was interrupted by someone, it would be more than worth the loss.

Or on the return flight, it is not impossible for the plane to have an accident.

Mphone has not been updated in more than three years, but MOS is iteratively upgraded every year.

In the past two years, Mac OS has been completely integrated with MOS. Now Apple and Mphone use the same operating system.

As the vice president of Matrix, Jobs presided over the release of Apple mobile phones, iPods, and Macs every year, but Lei Jun had never experienced such an occasion. This time he finally had the opportunity, and he was very excited.

"I will definitely do it well. I found a speaking teacher specifically for this press conference to correct my speaking." Lei Jun laughed at himself.

Zhou Xin laughed, it would make him laugh, he thought to himself: "Actually, there is no need to be so deliberate.

Neon has Neon English, India has Curry English, and it’s normal for us to have Chinglish. "

Lei Jun said helplessly: "President Xin, it is difficult for you to understand the mood of people like us who are not good at English. That is to say, I attended Kazuo Hirai's press conference before, and he was a typical neon English.

When talking about some places, I can hear the Matrix executives around me snickering. I really don’t want to be laughed at when I talk about it. "

(Kazuo Hirai is the CEO of Sony)

Although Lei Jun spent a lot of time and effort on speaking, there is definitely no way to completely correct it. It can only be said that the content of the speech can be accent-free.

“The past two Mphone launches were hosted by Newman. This time, I will help Newman host the Mphone launch. It is such a critical generation product, and I feel very uneasy.

In the past four years when Mphone has not released new products, smartphones have become the consensus of the industry and even consumers around the world. The proportion of smartphone shipments has increased from 30% in 2003 to 90% today.

Today, for every 10 mobile phones produced in the world, there are 9 smartphones. Friends are launching new models almost every year. Samsung releases two flagship models, three mid-range models and a large number of low-end models every year. .

Nokia is releasing new products every quarter, trying to replace Mphone through quantity.

It is a great honor that the Mphone2, which we launched in 2003, is still a frequent visitor on the mobile phone recommendation list today, and is still the first choice for users to upgrade to a new phone.

So much so that there is a saying among consumer groups that when you don’t know which mobile phone to change, just buy Mphone2, it will definitely not let you down.

This makes us very proud, but also very scared. We are worried about what to do if the next generation product does not do well, or what if the next generation product cannot be recognized by consumers.

I was under a lot of psychological pressure and was very afraid that I would not be able to report to Newman. He would ask me when the time came, and this was not the case when I handed the Matrix over to you. "

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