“Everyone knows that the economy is now in crisis, and everyone is facing the huge uncertainty caused by the financial crisis.

The same is true for Matrix. We have been severely affected by the financial crisis. Upstream and downstream suppliers may have financial problems and cannot guarantee delivery time.

Whether consumers still have enough spending power under the financial crisis, to be honest, the pricing of Mphone is not cheap.

This Mphone3 equipped with the latest technology will not be cheap either.

There is also huge uncertainty in the market. We have various internal opinions on whether to launch Mphone3 under such great uncertainty.

Some executives believe that we should adapt to the market environment and launch mid-range models priced at US$500. Others believe that we should wait a little later and wait until the situation becomes clearer and governments of various countries introduce bailout policies before launching Mphone 3.

But Newman and I agree that consumers have been waiting for the new Mphone for too long, and the consumer electronics market needs the new Mphone to boost confidence.

At the same time, technology in the field of consumer electronics is changing with each passing day. Xinxin Technology’s Bluetooth technology has been iterated for four generations. Fingerprint chip technology is also maturing. Memory chip technology is developing rapidly. The 128M storage on Mphone2 cannot meet the increasingly large number of applications and more and more applications. mobile phone photos.

The development of mobile phone processors is even more rapid. From 90nm to 65nm and now 40nm, the advanced chip manufacturing process has been iterated for three generations.

The consumer market needs Mphone3 to boost confidence. Consumers need new Mphone to bring them freshness and a new flagship experience. Similarly, Mphone has been waiting for this opportunity for too long. This upgrade will definitely make all Mphone Loyal supporters will not be disappointed. "

Regarding the future development of Mphone, Zhou Xin plans to launch a smartphone similar to the later iPhone 6 this year.

The key products of iPhone, iphone 3GS, iphone 4, iphone 6 and iphone X, have gradually become lackluster since iphone

Mphone 3 will compete with iPhone 6, and when the financial crisis passes, Mphone 4 two years later will compete with iPhone X, and at the same time, a more radical conceptual full-screen product will be launched.

After the release of Mphone4, Matrix has become a golden brand, and the follow-up will be based on years, squeezing out toothpaste every year, and releasing new phones every year.

This is a big macro strategy. As for the blank period between Mphone3 and Mphone4, tablets can be released to improve Matrix's consumer electronics ecosystem.

“Mphone3 uses the brand new A3F chip, which is manufactured using a 40nm process. It is the world’s first 64-bit chip, consisting of a dual-core CPU and a triple-core GPU, based on the latest ARM architecture.

It’s a bit difficult to understand the technical parameters. Simply put, its performance is 10 times that of the Mphone2 mobile phone chip, whether it is the page loading speed or the application processing speed.

The A3F chip has the characteristic of dynamically adjusting the CPU frequency. According to actual task requirements, the main frequency of A3F can automatically adjust between 550MHz and 1.3GHz, minimizing power consumption while ensuring performance requirements.

Mphone3 is equipped with a 2000 mAh battery, which can operate for more than 8 hours at full load and display for more than 40 hours with the screen off. "

Lei Jun's introduction at the beginning mainly focused on performance and battery life, because Mphone2 is still up to date in terms of product design to this day, but the most criticized thing by consumers is chip performance and battery life.

Consumers who bought Mphone2 in 2003 have only four hours of battery life today, which is equivalent to having to charge it every half a day.

So much so that the business of replacing Mphone2 batteries on eBay is particularly popular. Amerikan alone has nearly 50 million Mphone2s in stock, and these customers are enough to support a massive battery replacement business.

"In addition to the chip, Mphone3 has a larger screen, better wifi connection effect and stronger signal function."

“At the same time, we are equipped with an ISP chip designed by Xinxin Technology, which has a stronger camera effect. This is a comparison of the camera effect of Mphone3 and other mobile phones.

We can see that the photos taken by Mphone3 are obviously clearer.”

The content of Lei Jun's product launch conference was very substantial, and almost every functional upgrade point was explained in place. Compared with Zhou Xin's scrawled style, Lei Jun was undoubtedly more in line with the style of a traditional mobile phone launch conference.

If you finish all the lectures, it will not be a problem to speak for more than two hours.

But he was not given a chance to finish his speech. When Lei Jun was talking about the power of the Mphone3's camera function, gunshots rang out in the venue.


"Bang! Bang!"

The audience immediately began to commotion, screaming, roaring, and wailing, and the entire open-air venue became a mess.

Lei Jun was already numb and did not bother to call on everyone to calm down. Instead, he hid in a safe place.

"A shooting incident broke out at the Matrix conference, and more than 200 people were injured. Matrix officials expressed their condolences. The Mphone3 conference will be suspended and will not be held again in the future."

“A gunman bypassed security restrictions at the Matrix conference”

All the news on Amerikan that night revolved around the shooting at the Mphone3 launch event. A large amount of content about this matter filled the media, and global media reported on it.

Zhou Xin originally didn't want to go to Amerikan, but now that something like this happened, it was impossible not to go.

And he thought that he had just completed a deal with American, so American would not attack him now.

This doesn't make sense.

Moreover, Paulson happened to be visiting Yanjing in the past few days and met with the No. 1 figure. He invited Paulson to fly back to America on his private plane.

If there is an accident on the plane, then Paulson will be finished too. As for returning to China, he will invite Bill Gates to visit China on the pretext of discussing cooperation.

"What's the specific situation?" On the eve of going to America, he called Lei Jun to find out the situation.

Lei Jun said: "According to the San Francisco police, the criminal is a bankrupt white man. His cash flow was interrupted because of his investment in Madoff financial products. He believed that the culprit was Matrix. If we hadn't brought the smartphone, he would have You won’t learn about the Madoff Hedge Fund from your smartphone.

It will not cause him to go bankrupt. After he went bankrupt, he thought of using the Mphone3 launch event as an opportunity to make a big fuss.

Originally, he did not expect to be able to bring a gun into the press conference. He originally only thought about bringing incendiary bombs into the venue. "

Zhou Xin felt a headache. He didn't know if there might be a conspiracy. If this matter was not handled well, it would cause a major blow to Matrix's brand image.

"What are your follow-up preparations?" Zhou Xin asked.

Lei Jun said on the other end of the phone: "Because the impact of this incident is too bad, the press conference will definitely not be held.

We plan to launch Mphone3 as originally planned. We will provide each of the frightened viewers attending the launch with a discount coupon worth US$500.

In addition, we plan to bear all the medical expenses for the injured spectators this time.

For the dead viewers, we plan to give each family $1 million in compensation. "

To be honest, these expenses are reimbursed by the insurance company, and Matrix only needs to bear a small part.

"Then there is the organizer of the press conference. We will fully hold them accountable. Their lack of security caused this incident.

Finally, we plan to donate US$100 million to establish a charitable foundation dedicated to supporting the families of the victims of the shooting. "

To be honest, it is not easy to take all aspects into consideration in such a short period of time.

Zhou Xin thinks it is a reasonable and feasible plan.

But the identity of the murderer is too sensitive, Matrix's competitors will definitely make a big fuss, and the media will also swarm it like hyenas that have smelled the scent.

It’s a good time to dig deeper into the negative impacts of technological progress. The white left media are lacking this kind of material.

“This matter will definitely be made a big fuss by our competitors in order to damage Matrix’s image among consumers.

This may seriously affect the sales of Mphone3, and even affect our survival.

You must always pay attention to media trends, especially similar content linking Mphone and Madoff. Once there is similar content, contact the media with whom we have good relations and ask them to refute such content.

In addition, let the matter ferment for a period of time and help me contact Amerikan, an interview program that is influential enough. I will come over after a while to respond positively to this kind of content. "

Matrix is ​​too important. Once the Matrix brand collapses, the new semiconductor strategy will be missing a link.

It cannot form a complete closed-loop logic.

Therefore, even though he knew that going to America at this time would be risky, Zhou Xin planned to go.

"Henry, how was your visit to Yanjing this time?" Zhou Xin's private plane took off at the same time as Paulson's business plane, but Zhou Xin was on Americen's business plane.

Paulson said: "The conversation was okay. Hu and I have a lot of consensus. Our attitudes on the financial crisis are the same. We must prevent the financial crisis from coming."

Paulson's communication in Yanjing was an expected meeting, and no major announcement would be made in such a meeting.

Zhou Xin didn't know the specific details of the talks, but from a historical perspective, China did not sell off U.S. debt and followed Amerikan's footsteps, indicating that the results of the talks were indeed good.

Zhou Xin nodded: "It seems that you are confident in solving the financial crisis. If you are confident, then I am also confident."

Paulson smiled first: "Newman, it's rare to see you in trouble."

Then he immediately changed his face and showed a look of mourning: "The tragedy at this Matrix conference is something that no one wants to see."

Zhou Xin asked: "Why can't America ban guns? Banning guns can greatly reduce the recurrence of similar tragedies."

Paulson said: "The right to bear arms is a historical tradition, a constitutional guarantee, and a cultural identity. This is one of the cornerstones of America and is unlikely to be shaken.

You are Chinese and cannot quite understand this. "

Zhou Xin said: "The impact of this incident is too bad. Now I see that there are comments on the Internet calling Mphone3 a bloody phone. This is not a good thing."

This name is not pleasant. The Mphone 3 has already been released. It is impeccable in terms of configuration, appearance and performance. However, there are so-called avant-garde artists who dye the Mphone 3 blood red and then take photos and post them on Weibo.

It has attracted a lot of praise, but such praise is harmful to the brand image. There are too many user groups. This kind of positioning will only cater to a small number of consumers and offend the majority of consumers.

Not to mention linking vicious events with mobile phone brands. Those who would like this kind of publicity are only a minority among the minority.

Paulson said: “Because Matrix is ​​so strong, even your sub-brand Apple puts pressure on Nokia and Motorola, let alone the Matrix brand.

This is a rare opportunity for them and they must seize it. "

It's already 2007, and whether it's Nokia or Motorola, it's no exaggeration to say that the mobile phone business is in full decline.

"Alas, to use our ancient Chinese saying, these are troubled times."

The jet plane is 25,000 miles away, and emotionally it feels like a world away. The last time I was in San Francisco was four years ago. In the blink of an eye, I have been in this time and space for almost ten years.

"The new president, Oprah, Ellen, Charlie Rose, and Bill Maher have all expressed their strong desire to invite you to participate in their interview shows."

Zhou Xin thought for a while: "Considering our seriousness, Oprah and Ellen are not suitable. As for Charlie Rose, I have participated in his interview programs too many times, which will give the outside world the impression that I am doing public relations." Feel.

Just Bill Maher. "

Bill Maher has been hosting real-time interviews since 2003. This program was named the Crazy Horse Show by Chinese viewers. It focuses more on political issues. The format of the program is not like Oprah's usual routine, but a tit-for-tat debate.

Zhou Xin believes that this type of program is in line with the tone he wants to express.

"This is a crisis public relations, I just do the part I can do, you also need to put in a lot of efforts, don't be stingy with the money you should spend, and let the media put in good words for us and explain to us.

Then regarding the Mphone3 review video, review posts must also keep up. We want consumers to focus on the Mphone3 product itself.

Rather than linking it to the gun case. "

Lei Jun felt that he was in bad luck during this period. He even encountered a shooting at a product launch conference, and it also caused such serious consequences.

I think a lot every night, and the mental burden is too great.

Zhou Xin also felt unlucky. He even felt that someone among them was playing a trick, otherwise it would have been so easy to bypass the security check.

In his previous life, he had heard of various shootings in America, which occurred in various scenarios, including shootings at major football games, but he had never heard of a shooting at a press conference.

This can be considered a first of its kind.

Zhou Xin saw the frowning Lei Jun next to him and comforted him: "This is a crime other than war. No one thought that a shooting incident could occur at a tmd press conference.

The organizer of the press conference must be traced to the end and sued until they go bankrupt. How can they let people like this in for a living?

You didn't just find a conference company to host it, did you? "

Lei Jun shook his head repeatedly: "How is that possible? This is my first time hosting an Mphone launch event. I asked them to find some of the oldest conference companies in San Francisco."

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