Xie Lengyun and Leader Zhang visited the working city and then set off to the next scenic spot.

On this day, they came to the foot of a big mountain in Xiangjiang. Xie Lengyun recalled the temple in the mountain, and asked everyone to go to the mountain to see it and return the wishes of the Bodhisattva at that time.

So a few people went up the mountain. The temple was built thirty miles south of Xiangjiang County, on the mountainside. Every New Year's Day, the place is always extremely lively, attracting not only people from the county, but also people from the villages and towns to the north of the county. I was attracted here. It is said that the temple fair of this temple is the most attractive market in the area. She is no stranger to temple fairs. In her hometown, temple fairs are held every year on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of the sixth lunar month. I thought at that time, not only would the village perform a three-day opera, it would also be a day for relatives to interact with each other, and it would also be a day that children looked forward to in addition to celebrating the New Year.

The group of people rode out of the foot of the mountain and saw a continuous flow of people halfway up the mountain, all heading towards the temple.

Leader Xie Lengyun, Zhang and Xiao Li happily joined the flow of people heading towards the mountainside. As we approached the temple fair, before we arrived, we heard the sound of gongs and drums coming from the front, with constant cheers in between. This lively atmosphere aroused the hearts of Xie Lengyun and others, and they hurried up.

Someone next to him looked forward with a smile,"This is the ritual ceremony being performed at the temple to pray for blessings. Once this ritual is done, next year will be a good year."

Although Xie Lengyun disagreed, who doesn't like the lucky draw? Then Zhang led Xiao Li and others to the direction where they were doing things.

He came closer, but was blocked by a solid wall of people. Xiao Li was jumping around anxiously. Xie Lengyun saw that most of the people around him were farmers dressed in short and brown shirts. They all looked pious and solemn, so it was not easy to disturb them. I also saw that two young monks had set up a merit box over there, and many people were queuing up to donate merit inside, so I pulled Xiao Li and said,"Go over there and queue up. Even if we encounter this blessing ceremony, we will also Donate some merit." He said and handed Xiao Li a handful of red tickets. Someone next to him saw it and curled his lips:"What kind of merit can a handful of red bills donate?"


Xiao Li donated the merit money, and several people went inside again. In addition to some stalls selling incense, incense, and sacrificial supplies for the New Year, the temple fair mostly sells New Year paintings. Couplets, lanterns and other things used to celebrate the prosperous New Year. Xie Lengyun took a few people with him and bought a lot of bright red lanterns, bright red windmills, and mud dogs full of strong New Year flavor. He also picked some dried rabbits, pheasants, etc. from farmers' stalls. , she picked in the front, Xiao Li paid in the back, and leader Zhang was responsible for carrying the things.

I bought a lot of things to eat, use and play. Leader Zhang pulled Xie Lengyun and said:"Lengyun, let's go to the main hall to worship the Bodhisattva and fulfill our previous ambitions in the temple." When we come to the court, the Bodhisattva will remember us." Then he bought incense and candles and went to the temple to pay homage to the Bodhisattva devoutly.

The young monk recognized Xie Lengyun and Leader Zhang, and then bowed his head and returned the courtesy:"The two benefactors are well and well. It seems that these two rich and powerful people have successfully completed their work for the benefit of the people, but they still have to continue their efforts. Save the suffering from water and fire, and give all people a clear and bright world."

He took out the pure water on the side and sprinkled it on Xie Lengyun and Leader Zhang, murmuring, hoping that Xie Lengyun and Leader Zhang could get rid of illness and disaster and prolong their lives. Leaders Xie Lengyun and Zhang were pious and silent, with sincere expressions on their faces.

After bidding farewell to the monk and coming outside the hall, they heard about touching the stone monkey. Everyone was eager to try it. The stall owner thanked Leng Yun for his generosity and shouted from behind:"This girl touched the stone monkey, and she can also touch the money eye. If you have the eye for money, your dreams will surely come true in the coming year.……"Xie Lengyun and everyone arrived at the location and were shocked by the scene in front of them. They saw people standing on both sides, old and young, standing in a dark atmosphere. Most of them looked up eagerly, and some gathered in small groups with acquaintances to chat. After touching the stone monkey, these people followed the flow of people and rushed to the other side. From a distance, they saw a large copper coin hanging in front of a tall stone wall. There was a small copper bell in the copper coin hole, with the inscription"The ringing of the bell means good luck" Four words, there is a pool of water under the stone wall. Many people stand on the edge of the pool and throw copper plates at the stone wall.

After asking people around, I found out that as long as you can throw the copper plate into the small copper bell, your wishes will come true. This is the so-called money trick.

Xie Lengyun and Xiao Li exchanged a handful of copper coins and stood by the pool, imitating others and throwing the coins at the bell. Feeling discouraged, Leader Zhang took a copper coin from her hand and threw it away. There was only a"ding" sound, and it hit the copper coin. The onlookers nearby let out bursts of cheers.

Leader Zhang stroked his hair and made a head-shaking gesture, which was so coquettish that Xie Lengyun couldn't help but feel a chill. Throughout the ages, this man's way of pretending to be cool has not changed at all.

After passing the place where the money eye was made, there is the mountain path of the temple further ahead. The flow of people is even more turbulent than before. Xie Lengyun squeezed in the crowd for a long time, and after playing the money eye for a while, he felt a little tired. Feeling tempted to quit. Seeing a stall selling snacks next to him, he stopped Leader Zhang Li from wandering around and said,"It's better to have something to eat here and have a rest." Leader Xiao Li Zhang reluctantly followed the others. aside.

Xie Lengyun and others took a break at the food stall, then went to watch the ceremony to welcome the gods, and watched juggling and shadow puppet shows for a while. She wandered down the stalls selling gadgets and bought some gadgets that she didn't know when she would need.

Walking all the way to the end of the stalls selling gadgets, their car was in front of them. Xie Lengyun let out a long breath, straightened up and was about to walk towards the car. Suddenly he seemed to see something familiar and stopped. Looking back, I saw a young man, wearing patchwork clothes and a pair of straw sandals stained with yellow mud, sitting quietly next to the clay seller's stall. He looked like he was selling things for the first time. , slightly cramped. There was a piece of cloth in front of him, and on the cloth were several jars of old colors.

Xie Lengyun came close to the jar and took a deep sniff. A floral fragrance mixed with sweetness rushed straight to his forehead, honey!

Xie Lengyun quickly squatted down and looked into the jar. I saw only a few jars filled with thick liquid that was either slightly white or slightly yellow.

I didn’t expect that this temple fair in Xiangjiang would have such good things.

Xie Lengyun squatted down, looked at Honey, and talked to the man. He felt that the man was a little familiar. He thought carefully, oh, isn't he the man who robbed people in the mountains back then?"Brother, it turns out that you started doing small business. What a shame." Congratulations."

The man had been staring at Xie Lengyun since just now. When he saw her asking, he quickly replied in thick dialect:"Oh, my benefactor, it turns out to be you, right? Now I won't do any bastard things anymore. I picked it from the mountains. Look how good this honey is. You can do business here and earn some money."

Xie Lengyun smiled and said,"How are you living now? How are you all doing?"

The man rubbed his hands. hand."We are still like that, we grow from the soil and make some living from the soil."

Xie Lengyun motioned to Leader Zhang and Xiao Li to visit the man's mountain village, which could be regarded as a revisit to the old place.

So the man closed the stall and led Xie Lengyun and others towards their home.

Residents in the mountain village saw people coming and going in this man's house and he was busy working, so they all came to inquire about it. They heard that a girl came here with a few people. After careful inquiry, they found out that it was the benefactor of the year.

So everyone gathered in front of the man's house, with expressions of gratitude and excitement on their faces, and whispered about something. Xie Lengyun and Leader Zhang walked out of the door and greeted everyone. Those people's eyes turned red. They looked at Xie Lengyun and bowed to Xie Lengyun together, calling for their benefactor with choked sobs.

Xie Lengyun also looked at the crowd with tears in his eyes. After discussing with Leader Zhang, he planned to set up a few banquets at the man's house and invite the neighbors to come and sit at his house. These people burst out with good-natured laughter. A few bold women came up in the middle and chatted with Xie Lengyun casually. One of them, a tall and thin woman with a bit of shrewdness in her eyebrows, about thirty-five years old, said with a grateful and slightly flattering smile. :"My benefactor, I am diligent and clever, so it would be great if I came to help." As soon as the woman finished speaking, someone in the crowd rushed to help. Xie Lengyun glanced over, and most of these people had expressions on their faces. With a sincere expression, I felt relieved that I had done nothing for everyone.However, everyone is completely loyal to him.

In the evening, as soon as Xie Lengyun poked his head out, he was startled by the people surrounding the gate. He glanced over and saw that most of the faces were familiar to him. They must have been residents of this mountain village. The village chief squeezed out from the crowd and bowed to her, his voice loud and full of joy:"Benefactor, congratulations on coming to our mountain village."

The people around also followed suit and said:"Benefactor, congratulations on coming to our mountain village.."

The simple faces were filled with smiles from the heart. Xie Lengyun was moved by this unexpected surprise, his eyes were slightly warm, and he thanked them continuously. The village chief stepped forward and said:"These neighbors are thinking about the kindness and kindness of the girl in the past. Today, everyone comes to thank us."

Xie Lengyun thanked her again and again.

Looking back at the people behind me, their eye circles were slightly red. How have these people received such treatment among all living beings? Because of her wrong working marriage, these people who followed her suffered a lot of grievances.

The group of neighbors just now were all in the yard and busy in the kitchen. Xie Lengyun checked the dishes she cooked in the steamer. Seeing that the color was good, he picked out a few to taste with those present. They all said they tasted good. It was so good that Xie Lengyun himself tasted it separately. The lion's head and lotus leaf pepper chicken tasted pretty good, but the dried beans and pork belly didn't have fermented bean curd, so the taste was just passable.

Seeing that everything in the kitchen was almost busy, he asked everyone to bring out the dishes, put them on the table outside, and invited everyone to come and eat.

Many of the people who came to the banquet today brought congratulatory gifts, some were a dozen eggs, some were a box of snacks, and some were local products. No matter they were high or low, Xie Lengyun thanked them all with a smile and ordered Xiao Li Hurry up and prepare a return gift.

During the dinner, Xie Lengyun and Leader Zhang talked with everyone about the harvest and life in the village. Everyone still sighed for a while, many people were silent and poor.

Xie Lengyun's conscience was deeply disturbed. After that chance encounter, Xie Lengyun forgot about this place. Today, the mountain village is still poor. Many people are waiting for food. Everyone still lives in small courtyards with earthen walls. People still live in poverty. Today's clothes are all A new coat is put on the old one.

Xie Lengyun thought of the township cadres in his hometown. Maybe those township cadres could help here, so he called the township cadres and waited for the arrival of the township cadres in the mountain village.

The next day, the township cadres from my hometown arrived in a hurry. Xie Lengyun and the village leaders walked around the mountain village. The township cadres were very confident in the village's poverty alleviation. He made a plan. He could lease machinery from his hometown to the mountain village or send technicians. Guide them to grow vegetables, fruits, and breed. When the product is ready for sale, their fleet can incidentally sell their product on a consignment basis. Xie Lengyun felt relieved when he saw that the crops in the mountain village could be provided with one-stop service. The lives of these villagers can be improved and they will become rich from now onroad. It is not in vain that these simple mountain people have a heart for themselves.

Xie Lengyun asked the township cadres in his hometown to guide the mountain village wholeheartedly. After everything settled, he said goodbye to the simple and loyal mountain people and embarked on a journey to travel around the world.

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