The car moved forward slowly and entered a green field. As soon as Xie Lengyun opened the car door, she was shocked by the scenery in front of her. Surrounded by snowy peaks, a beautiful thousand-mile pasture appeared before her eyes. The dark green primeval forests and bright wild flowers add a double richness to this vast end of thousands of miles. Green butter grass grows on the Qianli Pasture, and the clear stream flows along the grass on both sides of the bank. The grassland is so boundless and flat, just like the calm ocean. Under the sun, the blister-like yurts were shining with white light.

When someone is riding a horse on this thousands-mile grassland, he can see thousands of fat flocks of sheep, horses and cattle everywhere. They ate the butter grass containing milk, and their fur was extremely shiny, as if there were stars of oil on the tip of each hair. Especially the oxen, oxen, white sheep, and red sheep that are clearly set off by the green grassland are as beautiful as leopard patterns embroidered on green satin under the sun.

Sometimes the wind brings jingling sounds like silver bells from among the herds, which are the silver ornaments on the shepherds' clothes ringing in the wind. The shepherd girls are riding horses, and their graceful figures are set against the blue sky, snow-capped mountains and green grass, making them look very moving. They laughed and galloped along with the horses, and whenever they stopped, they leaned on the horses and gently waved their whips to sing about their love.

Although this thousand-mile pasture surrounded by snow-capped peaks, green forests, and blooming flowers gives people a low-level feeling, it is located two to three thousand meters above sea level. Whenever a dark cloud comes, the cloud feet always sweep over the grassland and sprinkle showers of rain. The herds appear and disappear in the rain clouds, which intensifies the clouds and makes it difficult to distinguish which is the cloud head and which is the herd. And when the showers passed, the grassland after the rain became fresher and greener. From a distance, it looked like a huge sapphire. From a close look, the water droplets on the grass tips looked like countless diamonds. What is particularly attractive is the dusk in the pasture. The surrounding snow peaks are reflected red by the setting sun, as brilliant as clouds. The red light of the snow peaks is reflected on the vast pasture, forming a magnificent world, with yurts, herds and shepherdesses. , all plated with a single color of rose red. When the setting sun sinks, the red light of the surrounding snow peaks gradually fades, and the silvery gray dusk covers the grassland. You can see countless little red lights, which are the herdsmen burning copper pots to prepare dinner.

Xie Lengyun had seen the blue sea and knew how vast it was, but the vast blue waves that appeared before her eyes now moved her mind even more than the sea.

The lingering green stretched thousands of miles away. She had never thought that a stretch of green that could not be seen to the edge would be so gentle and spectacular. I could see the breeze blowing, the sheep were dotted like flowing clouds and catkins, and the slightly undulating hillsides drew romantic curves on the grassland.

The scenery of the grassland is very meandering and refreshing. This was the grassland of her dreams. Today she finally came. No matter how many times she had imagined it before coming, she never thought it would make her feel so happy.

She couldn't help cheering loudly and ran into the grassland with long strides. The empty grassland was filled with green grass and felt soft under her feet. Her mood suddenly improved.

Leader Zhang couldn't help but laugh when he saw her appearance. The other tourists couldn't help but chuckle when they saw her appearance. There seemed to be a hint of envy in their eyes. It's easy to open one's mind to nature. But not everyone can do it. The strife in the city not only strangles people's bodies, but also strangles their souls.

On the other hand, the herdsmen were very calm. They had seen many tourists like her who behaved like this when they saw the grassland. Usually, most of the people who could do these things were kind, optimistic and straightforward.

Xie Lengyun lay facelessly in the grass. This was just the edge of the grassland. There was heavy grazing and the grass was not too long. But she didn't mind at all. She buried her body in the grass and smelled the fragrance of grass and soil. I have been struggling for money all these years, and I have become a person in the city who has no feeling for the four seasons.

Flowers bloom and fall, grass grows and leaves turn yellow. These natural phenomena have nothing to do with money.

Leader Zhang sat down next to her. It seemed that he was right to bring her here this time. Moreover, when he saw the grassland in front of him, his mood also improved. No matter what kind of scenic spot it was, it could not be compared to Nature and comfort given by nature.

The open wilderness seemed a little rough in his eyes, just like a man's heart. The birds are flying in the sky, just like his heart that longs for freedom. In the past, his heart was closed and suppressed his emotions. Arriving in front of this vast land, he suddenly felt that what he had endured before was nothing. This land must have endured more things than he did, but it still continued to multiply life.

He stretched out his hands and closed his eyes, suddenly wanting to embrace this lovely land.

He glanced at Xie Lengyun in front of him, with a smile on his lips. Seeing her happy, he felt happy too.

Xie Lengyun heard the neighing of the horses. After rolling in the grass, she got up and ran towards the place where the horses neighed. Leader Zhang opened a bottle of mineral water and drank it without stopping her.

I saw Xie Lengyun walking to a yurt and saying something to the herdsmen there. Then the herdsman blew a whistle, and a child led a horse over. She said something to the child, and the child gestured to her. A lot later, she finally jumped onto the horse.

Xie Lengyun turned around and waved to Leader Zhang, who also waved to her, and then the child took the horse and led her to walk slowly on the grassland. When Xie Lengyun started, he looked a little scared and nervously holding the saddle of the horse.

After a while, she seemed not to be afraid anymore and asked the child to give her the rope. She pinched the horse's belly and the horse started running slowly. However, Leader Zhang heard her scream and he was frightened. He jumped and stood up quickly, only to see her sitting on the horse, and the horse was still running slowly.

Leader Zhang couldn't help laughing. It seemed that she was screaming because she was too excited.

In the following time, Leader Zhang saw her vocal communication skills and did not know what she said to the herdsmen. Soon she became mingled with them. During lunch, a herdsman actually took her to his house. Went home. After eating, she asked for money, but the herdsman refused. She finally put the money into his hands, and the herdsman turned red.

In the evening, they attended the bonfire carnival party on the recommendation of the herdsman. It was also here that Leader Zhang saw the vibrant Xie Lengyun. Only then did he realize that her sweet smiles before were all modified, and At this time, when she was dealing with the herdsmen, her smile came from the bottom of her heart.

He could see that she was happy, and he was even jealous of the herdsmen, who made her so happy. Xie Lengyun became a little busy, learning to dance with others, and also helping others roast whole lambs. I don’t know what kind of joke they told, and they laughed so happily.

The flames were beating enthusiastically and unrestrainedly. The lines of the valley on the grassland were so beautiful and soft. There was still a hint of charm under the cover of the night. A group of people started dancing around the fire. Xie Lengyun looked at Leader Zhang who was in a daze, curled his lips, pulled him up, and joined the dancing team together.

Exercise can make people happy, especially a happy exercise like dancing.

Leader Zhang was in an unprecedentedly relaxed mood. He threw all those calculations out of his mind and completely forgot about those unhappy pasts.

Xie Lengyun looked at Leader Zhang next to him, who was smiling brightly. She couldn't help but be stunned. He looked much more handsome than him with a straight face.

When the two were tired from dancing, they went to watch the wrestling match together. They were in a good mood after letting everything go.

There are few stars on the grassland and the cool breeze is blowing. Everything is beautiful. It seems that you can still hear the melodious and slightly desolate sound of the matouqin in your ears, and you can smell the unique smell of earthy grass on the grassland.

The night is beautiful. Dreams are also beautiful.

Hands and feet intertwined, they slept in each other's arms.

Early the next morning, Xie Lengyun took Leader Zhang to watch the sunrise together. Xie Lengyun looked at the morning light and the vast expanse of grassland, but Leader Zhang was looking at Xie Lengyun. Her face was a pure smile of joy with almost no impurities. The sun shone on Her body was coated with a layer of golden light on her face.

Xie Lengyun was really beautiful, so beautiful that he was intoxicated.

Xie Lengyun seemed to feel his gaze, turned around and asked with shining eyes:"What are you looking at?"

"Look at you."Leader Zhang answered naturally and matter-of-factly.

Tsk. What's so good about her?


If he doesn't look at her now, he will regret it. He has seen countless beauties, but there are not many simple and natural beauties like her. If it weren't for this specific occasion, he probably wouldn't be able to see it.

He is very grateful. This trip around the world, if it weren't for this action, he would never know that Xie Lengyun likes grassland, and he would never know that he likes this grassland so much.

This trip gave him a taste of sweetness.

Xie Lengyun Seeing that Leader Zhang was still looking at her, she glared at him:"What's wrong with you again?"

Leader Zhang smiled slightly and said nothing, but he also looked at where she was looking just now. There was also wonder in his eyes. The rays of light were falling from the sky, and dewdrops were still rolling on the grass tips. The dewdrops were full and reflected. The brilliance of the sun reflected each other beautifully. Thousands of horses were galloping not far away, adding countless vitality to this peaceful grassland.

Xie Lengyun finally couldn't help but ride the horse again, but this time it was no longer herself. Instead of riding, a herdsman took her to ride. The horse galloped on the grassland. She was in an extremely good mood. She felt exciting and fun. The refreshing feeling was the joy she had never experienced before.

She ran away After one lap, she felt like she could ride a horse, and drove the herdsman off. She rode slowly by herself, with a smile on her face that said she was happy. She rode up to Leader Zhang and showed off,"Hi. Handsome guy, would you like me to give you a ride?"

This is the first time that Leader Zhang saw such a playful girl. He smiled slightly and said,"I am a handsome guy, but you are not a sister, but I don't mind if you take me for a ride."After saying that, he jumped on the horse.

The two of them cuddled together. The wind blew gently across their faces, feeling cool and desolate. Leader Zhang felt that his mood suddenly became brighter. He also imitated Xie Lengyun and sat down He shouted loudly towards the grassland on horseback.

Xie Lengyun said sarcastically:"You shout so loudly that your ears are deafened."As soon as she finished speaking, she also shouted loudly to the grassland.

She startled the sheep and horses, but the rough and loud singing of the herdsmen floated in her ears.

The mountains seemed to have responded. , Green grass seems to have feelings too.

Leader Zhang smiled and said:"Your screams don't seem to be better than mine. Look how scared you are of them." He pointed at the sheep and horses.

Xie Lengyun also smiled and said:"They are moving, which means they hear my voice and are responding to me.""

This day was undoubtedly a beautiful day. After riding the horse, the two went fishing in the lake, but they didn't catch any fish. Leader Zhang was sprinkled with water by Xie Lengyun, and Leader Zhang was not willing to be outdone and sprinkled water on Xie Lengyun.

Xie Lengyun Taking advantage of Leader Zhang's unpreparedness, he grabbed the fish caught by other tourists nearby and kissed the fish's mouth on Leader Zhang's face. It turned out that he was just teasing him, but he didn't expect that the extremely domineering guy was afraid of fish and screamed in fright on the spot. He ran away quickly.

Xie Lengyun finally knew why he couldn't catch fish. It's really strange that a person who is afraid of fish can catch fish. When the two were tired, they followed the herdsmen on horseback to hunt in the woods. As a result, Mr. Xie Lengyun After spotting the prey, he roared loudly, scaring all the prey away, but found nothing.

The herdsmen were not angry, and just took the two of them to enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains.

Leader Zhang took Xie Lengyun's hand and said heartily:"My wife , it would be nice for us to settle down and live on the grassland after the prosperity is over."

Xie Lengyun looked at the grassland with deep eyes, a look of yearning on his face.

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