The remaining advantage on the opposite side is only the number of warships.

Unless the fleets of the Felling Countries and the Y Countries arrive in time. And arrange for their super wind to change the fighter, the strong wind to change the fighter to take off, and increase the momentum. Otherwise, this impasse cannot be broken in a short period of time.

Everything was expected by Qin Yuan. The set of tactics he used is the so-called layer by layer.

By disrupting the rhythm and deployment of the opposite, so that their power does not condense together.

Previously, when facing a combined fleet of such a size, the previous Huaxuan State needed to gather small neighboring countries to deal with it.

Now, however, with the strength of the country. There is no need to go to such great lengths, just one family can handle this.

Of course, in order to pull the surrounding little brother to stand in line. Qin Yuan could not have arranged for them to send warships to support. This is a matter of attitude and must be corrected. Otherwise, the careful thinking in their hearts would be much more.

“Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam… The joint warship, to the designated position? Qin Yuan asked lightly at the headquarters.

“It’s here, Lieutenant General Qin!” The adjutant reported.

“Okay, let the Snapdragon submarine get ready.” Qin Yuan issued an instruction.

“Understood, Lieutenant General!” The adjutant took the order and left.

The “Snapdragon submarine” mentioned by Qin Yuan is a “strategic missile nuclear submarine” secretly developed by the Huaxuanguo Navy.

It is very different from attack submarines. Because as a sea-based weapon, it can launch intercontinental missiles and directly strike destructive blows on strategic targets. These missiles can carry nuclear warheads. And can be divided into bullet attacks, invincible.

In addition to intercontinental missiles, this “Snapdragon class submarine” designed by Qin Yuan also has a terrifying secret weapon.

That was the “Destruction Nuclear Torpedo” that the Six-Eyes Alliance wanted to know very much before!

Compared to supercavitated torpedoes, “destructive nuclear torpedoes” can not only destroy aircraft carriers. And it can also cause unimaginable damage to the continental shelf. Triggered earthquakes and tsunamis.

The range of the torpedo can reach more than 10,000 kilometers. The speed underwater is incredibly fast, and there is no weapon that can effectively intercept it at present…

The military standoff between the two sides intensified. The Freeland’s Moz-22 began to cooperate with warships to conduct large-scale missile exercises at sea.

Anti-ship missiles, aviation rocket launches, capital naval guns, torpedo test firing, so that the surrounding sea rumbling, no tranquility.

On the side of Hua Xuanguo, it did not show weakness, and the Sword-20 fighter roared in the sky. Ning, Guangcheng, amphibious assault ships, 10,000-ton destroyers, guns and fire.

In particular, the electromagnetic cannon of the Guangcheng was definitely making the combined fleet envious and red-eyed. Even if the aircraft carrier is on the same page, it is afraid of being blasted out of a hole.

In general, military exercises of different camps, even if they are to be in the same area, will be divided into old distances. So as not to have the sword without an eye and accidentally slash it.

However, the further deterioration of the international situation has made this relatively peaceful form of military exercise no longer satisfying the current tense situation.

The master of the move, just in a moment.

If anyone shows weakness and fatigue, then the other party will take advantage of the victory to pursue, and you will not be able to lift your head. Until you compromise all and surrender your interests to others.

Just when the two sides are practicing this fiercely. Only suddenly! A strategic-class missile nuclear submarine, with a submarine force, quietly appeared in the sea three hundred kilometers behind the combined fleet of the Free Nation!

“Report, Captain Rhodes! Behind our fleet appeared Hua Xuanguo’s submarine force! The first officer immediately reported nervously.

The location of the submarine force was exactly the outermost circle of their fleet. The reason for the discovery was not the submarine exposure. Instead, according to Qin Yuan’s deployment, it deliberately floated up to let the outer frigate sonar detect it.

Captain Rhodes, who heard the news, was shocked!

“What are those submarines trying to do!?”

In such a tense situation, the opposing submarine force appeared in the rear of the fleet. The sinister nature of this can make Rhodes restless.

However, before Rhodes could make a decision. Only this time! The “Snapdragon nuclear submarine” hidden under the sea suddenly opened the torpedo launch compartment!

Immediately afterward, an incomparably large destructive torpedo, like a dragon out of the sea, was launched from the hatch.

This destructive torpedo, whose warhead is not a nuclear bomb, can be used for test firing. But the power should not be underestimated.

Its target, not the Free Nations Fleet, was a medium-sized desert island in the other direction.

“Captain Rhodes, the other side fired a torpedo!” Will we fight back? “First mate, as soon as he saw the torpedo, he was a little flustered. Instinctively, they thought that torpedoes were coming in their direction.

Fortunately, as the commander-in-chief of the Gospel-class aircraft carrier, Rhodes was also in danger, and immediately discovered the direction of the torpedo, which was the opposite of their fleet.

“! Fight back, what to fight back? Are you trying to start World War III!? Look in the direction of the torpedo, it’s the other side! Captain Rhodes, scolding loudly.

They are on the high seas, and there is no sovereign territorial sea. Therefore, the ships of any country can sail freely. As long as you do not enter the core range circle of the opponent within 300 kilometers, or fire in the direction of the fleet.

Hua Xuanguo’s submarine force happened to be 300 kilometers away. The target of the torpedo launch, nor is it the combined fleet. It is a reasonable part of the military exercise.

If the free nations had attacked hastily and fired the first shot, they would not have been able to stand up.

At that time, it will not only suffer blows from all aspects of the Hua Xuan Kingdom. Moreover, the Dongxuan missiles that are ready to be launched will also fall from the sky and harvest their recklessness.

The whole world will also fall into the panic of war. It’s not a captain who can afford it.

“Immediately send out anti-submarine aircraft, anti-submarine ships, track down their submarine troops!” By the way, trace down the torpedo that was just launched, and where did the launch go! “Captain Rhodes, give the order.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. Moreover, he also knew that the one who sat in the command center of Hua Xuanguo was very difficult.

Not only with his own strength, he led the rise of Hua Xuanguo against the sky. And even the strategy and tactics are a must. Let their free countries and many allies suffer a lot of losses.

However, on the side of the Free Nation, anti-submarine aircraft were urgently dispatched to search for Hua Xuanguo’s submarine force.

Only to see the 26 submarines on the radar, as if they had never appeared, disappeared in an instant!

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