Rather than disappearing, they had just probed their heads slightly, deliberately letting the sonar matrix in the outer ring find out.

Including the torpedoes launched, all of them belonged to the tactics that Qin Yuan had formulated in advance.

When the free country found out, it hurriedly sent anti-submarine aircraft, anti-submarine ships, and wanted to track them. At this time, the Snapdragon had already taken the submarine force and re-hidden in the deep sea.

Even the sonar matrix of the anti-submarine ship, the sonar buoy of the anti-submarine machine *Luan casts. With their current technology, submarines under 400 meters of sea can not be detected.

“Report, Captain! Hua Xuanguo’s submarine force disappeared from our radar! And the anti-submarine aircraft can not find them! The first officer panicked and sent a report.

Submarines pose no less of a threat to the fleet than a fighter jet. Once they fired torpedoes at the fleet from the depths of the sea, it was a tricky thing.

At present, the only thing that can deal with submarines is the submarine itself. However, the number of submarines in the combined fleet was limited, and the performance was not as good as that of Hua Xuanguo. In particular, noise reduction is easy to be detected by the other submarine’s first and then broken.

“What about the torpedo that was launched?” Did you track it down? Captain Rhodes asked aloud.

“The torpedo tracked down, and its target should be an uninhabited desert island 400 kilometers away from our fleet.” The first mate opened the map and gave the captain directions.

The uninhabited desert island he refers to, with an area of about 680,000 square meters, is a medium-sized island.

The island is rocky with many reefs. When an ordinary ship sees it, it is absolutely necessary to take a detour. Otherwise, it is easy to run aground, and even the hull is damaged.

“Attacking a medium-sized island with a torpedo?” What does the Hua Xuanguo military want to do? Captain Rhodes couldn’t help but have doubts in his mind.

To say that torpedoes are driven under the surface of the sea, to explode is also to explode on the bottom of the sea. It is not like an intercontinental missile, which can explode in the air and form a huge scale and a huge shock.

And the Hua Xuanguo Navy, so painstakingly led the submarine force to show its face, just to launch such a torpedo. Is it possible to completely destroy this medium-sized island?

Captain Rhodes, as well as other captains who received intelligence, were puzzled by this.

Anti-submarine planes in the sky, reconnaissance planes, have been tracking the torpedo. And the real-time picture, through satellite signals, transmitted back to the command centers of various countries and warships of various countries.

The fleets of the Ten Kingdoms, such as the Free Country, the Logging Country, the Y Country, the Canadian Country, the Lee Country, the Bangnan Country, the Earthquake Country, the Earth Country, and the Curry Guo, all carefully watched through the picture.

“Report sir, expect that in a minute, the torpedo will collide with the island!” The front sent a report.

Everyone at the scene, including the commanders of various countries, were all watching the picture intently.

Just at the moment when the destruction level torpedo quickly collides with the island! Only to see the abruptness! The Lu* shelf located on the bottom of the sea is like a piece of paper that is ruthlessly shredded!

At this time, the destruction torpedo began to detonate. The 1600 kg warhead, which exploded on the seabed, was compressed by the high density of seawater. Directly cause the seabed to occur terrifying like the annihilation of the energy * giant * BAO!

This earth-destroying energy instantly blew up the 680,000-square-meter island!

The huge stone mountain on the island collapsed violently in the explosion. Splashing rubble, indiscriminately smashing around, smashing into the sea. Splash waves several meters high.

That picture, not to mention how frightening!

Even the reconnaissance planes and anti-submarine planes that kept a certain distance were affected by this explosion. I couldn’t help but shake it several times.

“Oh my God! What kind of torpedo is this, so powerful? It looks like there is no nuclear *Dan head! Captain Bang Nanguo, looking at the vision, couldn’t help but be stunned.

If it had been that torpedo just now, the target of the strike would have been their fleet. Then after the explosion, I am afraid that their amphibious assault ships, and even destroyers, will be damaged to varying degrees. Located in the central area of the explosion, it is estimated that it will be directly sunk.

“What high-tech weapons has the Huaxuanguo Navy developed?” A torpedo with a conventional warhead has such a destructive power!? If we replace it with a He warhead, then our country will suffer such an impact, I am afraid that it will be more powerful than the previous atomic bomb…”

The Earthquake Fleet, including all the officers in the command center, looked at the picture in amazement.

Their country truly understands the power of the atomic Dan. It’s just that they have been subjected to HE bomb air raids and have not been attacked by HE bombs.

As everyone knows, when the continental shelf was completely destroyed by nuclear torpedoes. It wasn’t just land collapses that caused landslides, landslides and cracks.

Even more dangerous is the ensuing giant tsunami!

Just as everyone was looking through the picture and watching the torpedo power. Only this time! The giant BAO energy, which had been compressed to the extreme, finally broke through the barrier of the sea and directly exploded into a medium-sized tsunami of thirty meters high!

The monstrous waves, like the palms of ancient giants, crashed at the ruined island.

As a result, it was originally fragmented, directly engulfed by the tsunami, and completely disappeared.

When the sea calmed down, the 680,000-square-meter medium-sized island was turned into a gravel beach.

Free country, Logging country, Y country, Canadian country, Li country, Bangnan country, earthquake country, Turkish country, curry Guo military, and senior leadership. After seeing such a scene, they were so stunned that they forgot to speak.

If everyone hadn’t seen such a scene with their own eyes, they wouldn’t have been able to believe that it was just damage caused by a conventional warhead torpedo…

If it is replaced by a nuclear Dan head, it will not be an island that will be destroyed. It will not be a tsunami thirty meters high, but at least 300 meters, or even 900 meters.

The tsunami caused by torpedoes is very different from that caused by earthquakes. Earthquakes are caused by crustal movement that causes the sea surface in the area to subside. Thus making the surrounding sea water crazy *Kuang surge* Ru, resulting in a tsunami situation.

Nuclear torpedoes, on the other hand, directly detonate huge amounts of energy on the seabed, forcing the sea to surge. The latter is explosive, and the picture is more terrifying and shocking.

At this time, the Intelligence Department of the Free Country suddenly remembered the “Huaxuanguo Nuclear Torpedo Research and Development Information” that had been circulated before. Although that information could not be verified at that time, but now that I think about it, I can’t help but think about it with extreme fear!

“Is this the Destruction Torpedo code-named Dragon King?” If it is replaced by a nuclear warhead, it can directly blow up our coastal cities and trigger a 900-meter-high tsunami…? ”

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