The rise of nanometers

Chapter 279 Opening

May 1, 2011.

Shanmei City District, Suiren Company Headquarters.

Around nine o'clock in the morning.

The Qiusuo Hall, which can accommodate 3,900 people, was packed to capacity. There were 12 independent special boxes above the assembly hall.

In Box 0, CEOs from Huawei, CEOs of ZTE, Ziguang, Inspur, Sugon, Great Wall and Datang were all watching here.

Suddenly the box door was opened and Huang Xiuyuan walked in. He smiled and greeted: "Everyone, long time no see."

"Mr. Huang, you're welcome."

"Mr. Huang, you need to take more care of the wave in the future."

Huang Xiuyuan sat next to CEO Ren and Great Wall CEO. Through the one-way floor-to-ceiling windows, he could have a commanding view of the entire auditorium, especially the main venue of the press conference.

In other boxes, there were also representatives of various corporate CEOs and organizations. Domestic and foreign companies and organizations all sent people over.

In public seating in the lobby.

Reporter Kenichi Hasegawa and several Japanese colleagues were discussing this press conference in a low voice. On their side were Johnny, a reporter from the BBC, and Jerry, a reporter from the Wall Street Journal.

In the media area, reporters from various media were holding long guns and short cannons, or lowering their heads to adjust the camera, or communicating with their colleagues about details, or looking around while whispering to each other.

Although foreign media have long been pessimistic about Dragon Totem's new semiconductor system, the BBC even published a preview news, betting that Dragon Totem's chip performance is only half of the Intel Core i7.

Intel, which has already launched the 28nm process, seems to have released rumors in Silicon Valley in order to suppress Dragon Totem, saying that their company plans to launch the 22nm process by the end of this year and mass-produce it in the second half of 2012.

Not to be outdone, TSMC and Samsung also stated that they are actively promoting the research and development of 20nm processes.

The major photolithography chip manufacturing companies, as if they have given chicken blood, continue to promote the huge potential of photolithography chips, and the immature textile chips are just dragon totem's overestimation.

After Johnny took a photo, he turned around and smiled: "Jerry! Guess how many nanometers their chip technology reaches? 50? 40?"

"Haha, I seem to have seen Don Quixote charging towards the windmill." Jerry replied with laughter.

On the other hand, Kenichi Hasegawa didn't say anything, but quietly looked at his laptop. He was browsing the official website of Suiren Journal, which contained a large number of papers and patent announcements about textile semiconductors.

Looking at the number of semiconductor patents in the past four years, Hasegawa discovered a big problem, that is, the number of textile semiconductor patents among Chinese companies has approached 86,000.

Such a huge number of patents can show how terrifying and radical the development speed of China's semiconductor companies is. He seemed to see the shadow of Japan's gambling on the country's fortunes back then.

This all-or-nothing gamble is definitely not the overestimation mocked by Johnny, Jerry and others. Perhaps everyone was deceived by the dragon totem.

Hasegawa's intuition told him that with Suiren's style, now that a global press conference has been held, decisive results may have been achieved.

Taking a glance at those arrogant Western colleagues, Hasegawa thought to himself: I hope you can still laugh later!

At this moment, the lights at the press conference dimmed, and a beam of light focused on the edge of the stage. Zhang Weixin, the president of Dragon Totem Company, walked from the edge to the middle of the stage.

"Dear guests, I am Zhang Weixin, the president of Long Totem. I am very honored to host this press conference today."

Bang bang bang... Regardless of the reluctance, the applause was still very warm.

Soon the lights at the venue returned to normal, and everyone focused their attention on Zhang Weixin. Many people expressed regret that Huang Xiuyuan was not the host.

Zhang Weixin did not delay and went directly to the topic: "You are definitely not here to listen to my politeness, so I will enter the theme of the press conference, let us witness the true face of the first product in Lushan."

The screen behind him suddenly displayed an ultra-high-definition promotional video, and many of the attendees were stunned.

Not because of the content of the promotional video, but because of the quality of the promotional video.

Park Rongen, the screen R\u0026D director of Samsung Electronics, was stunned when he looked at the large screen in front of him and the extremely delicate picture quality, and he couldn't help but mutter:

"Impossible, this is impossible? Unbelievable, they can do it to this extent?"

Cui Fengtong, vice president of Samsung Electronics, also felt something was wrong.

The large screens used in general meetings are either projection screens or large-area LED screens, but both have a fatal flaw, that is, they can only be viewed from a distance, not up close.

The ultra-large screen in front of me, with its exquisite picture quality, is definitely not a projection screen or LED screen.

Zhang Weixin on the stage said with a smile: "You may have noticed that the big screen behind me is our company's new product that is about to be launched, the pinnacle of the nano era, a nanowire junction light-emitting diode screen, or NLED screen. "

"NLED screen,..." Zhang Weixin introduced the basic design ideas and working principles, and then talked about the technological level of NLED screens:

"The new NLED screens have two process levels, namely 1 micron screen and 200 nanometer screen. This is the screen equipped with Long Totem's mobile computer. We also welcome the purchase and customization of partners."

There was an uproar.

Domestic and foreign reporters in the media area kept pressing the shutter or videotaping the entire process.

Johnny from the BBC and Jerry from the Wall Street Journal were stunned. It was obvious that this first product was like a sledgehammer, hitting their fragile self-esteem hard.

Hasegawa looked as if that was the case.

If the media people were stunned, then the business representatives and technicians of the relevant companies felt the smell of impending disaster.

Even domestic BOE couldn't help but tremble.

This is the most direct dimensionality reduction blow. Dragon Totem, which has NLED screen technology, can cause a terrible blow to BOE, Samsung Screen, as well as a number of LCD TV manufacturers and large-screen movie equipment manufacturers.

Not even the partners in Box Zero knew that Dragon Totem had developed such powerful screen technology without making any noise.

Even Mr. Ren, who had always acted calmly, couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly: "Mr. Huang, you have so many cards."

"The great trend of the times is coming, so let us do our best to fight the world." Huang Xiuyuan glanced at the conference venue with sharp eyes.

The company CEOs present also felt the perseverance and confidence in Huang Xiuyuan's words.

The announcement of the first product was like a depth bomb, making everyone present feel dizzy.

Through the broadcast, the content of the press conference was also simultaneously uploaded to Time Blog, and then reprinted by major domestic websites.

And then spread to the global Internet.

The delegations from Intel, Texas Instruments, Oriental Chip, TSMC, and Samsung present once again felt the terrifying scientific research power of the Suiren system.

The announcement of NLED screen technology not only shocked them, but also gave them an ominous premonition, like a dark cloud covering their hearts.

After introducing the NLED screen technology, Zhang Weixin did not give them a chance to breathe and started the release of the second product.

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