The rise of nanometers

Chapter 280 Killing like crazy

Zhang Weixin said with a smile on his face: "Everyone must be impatient, so let's move on to the release of the next product."

No! I'm not looking forward to it at all! Cui Fengtong, vice president of Samsung Electronics, complained manically in his heart.

"As we all know, among a series of spare parts for mobile phones and computers, CPU and GPU are key parts that determine product performance. There is a joint GPU chip jointly developed by Long Totem and a number of partners."

On the big screen, a packaged chip is displayed. This is the joint GPU chip, or joint graphics card.

Zhang Weixin clenched his fist with his right hand and declared forcefully: "Let us witness the power of nanotechnology, a new peak of human civilization in the field of semiconductors, combined with the technology and performance of GPU."

When the performance parameters popped up on the big screen, everyone held their breath and most people were stunned.

Gulu! Nix, Intel's chief technology officer, felt a little breathless, as if his neck was clamped by a pair of invisible giant hands.

Hasegawa, like a hunter, quickly captured this moment and quickly pressed the camera shutter.

But at this time, Knicks could no longer care about his gaffe, because on the big screen, a line that combined the manufacturing process of the GPU was displaying a number that frightened him: 22 nanometers.

"Oh my God!"

"Nani? 22 nanometers?"

"This is impossible!"

Even the calmest participants could not suppress their rapid heartbeats.

A white-haired technician from Texas Instruments showed a painful expression after he started breathing rapidly. He covered his chest with his right hand: "Jack...Jack, I..."

"Oh? No, something happened to Levis..." A colleague on the side immediately exclaimed when he noticed something unusual about the old researcher.

The medical staff prepared at the scene carried Levis down on a stretcher and carried out emergency rescue.

Hasegawa once again captured the key scene immediately and recorded the entire scene.

After this episode, Zhang Weixin shrugged and joked: "Everyone, if your physical condition cannot bear it, you'd better prepare in advance. I don't want the headline news tonight to be about a press conference where the participants were excited and Died."

Although it was a joke, except for the domestic people, the foreign business delegations did not smile at all.

22nm chip technology is indeed a scary technology.

If it were a concept technology, Intel, TSMC, and Samsung wouldn't be so alarmed.

The problem is that this technology is already capable of large-scale mass production. Faced with this reality, it is no wonder that some people are so excited that they have heart problems.

You must know that Intel's current mass production process has only reached 28 nanometers. The toothpaste factory has been working hard on research and development, but reality gave them a slap in the face, which directly swollen Intel's face.

Moreover, the 22nm process joint GPU has come out, so the 22nm CPU is probably a certainty.

Sure enough, Zhang Weixin's next words confirmed the guesses of everyone present.

"Our joint GPU has implemented a new 22nm process, and our CPU has naturally also implemented a 22nm process."

The detailed parameter performance of Fuxi CPU appears on the side of the combined GPU, reflecting each other on the big screen.

"After nine months of optimization and improvement by our researchers, the Fuxi chip, which integrates 1.08 billion transistors, has achieved breakthroughs in floating-point operations, frequency, power consumption, and fault tolerance, and is now on par with the market. Compared with the Rui i7 on the Internet, there has been a qualitative improvement..."

Rui i7?

Intel's Nix was speechless for a moment, especially on the big screen. Compared to the Core i7 in the picture, the mosaic looks like there is no mosaic. It is better to just name it Core i7.

Cui Fengtong, vice president of Samsung Electronics next to him, wanted to laugh but was embarrassed, and his face turned red from holding it in.

The Core i7 that was taken out to be whipped is a 28nm process chip. It is true that it cannot withstand the 22nm Fuxi chip.

What about decades of accumulation of design technology?

In the face of breakthrough developments in technology, no matter how powerful the 28-nanometer chip is, it cannot compete with the 22-nanometer chip.

What's more, Huang Xiuyuan was fully involved in the design of the Fuxi chip. Although it cannot be said to be the best, the maturity of the design process is certainly not too exaggerated.

So Core i7 was ravaged by Fuxi chips.

If Intel cannot catch up, it will have no choice but to follow the dragon totem and eat ashes.

Hasegawa in the media area took pictures of all the people at the press conference, then turned around and asked:

"Mr. Jerry, it seems that Don Quixote's lance is surprisingly sharp!"

Faced with Hasegawa's arrogance, before the angry Jerry could refute, Dong-A Daily reporter Kim Bo-shi jumped out immediately with a very angry expression on his face:

"Hasegawa, the other party is talking about Dragon Totem's chip now. Who knows if it's true or not? Maybe it's just fake data. I believe Samsung's technology is the best in the world, Smecta!"

"Haha!" Hasegawa laughed and looked at Jin Baoshi with contempt: "Jin Sang, I don't know if Samsung is the best in the world. I only know that Samsung needs raw materials and spare parts from Japan."

"You!" Jin Baoshi became angry with embarrassment.

Obviously, compared to Hasegawa's eccentric temperament, Jin Baoshi was somewhat strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and was stunned by Hasegawa until he was speechless.

Jerry, Johnny and others on the side looked as if they had eaten shit.

Scanning everyone at the venue, Zhang Weixin smiled: "Dear guests, I have finished introducing the joint GPU and Fuxi CPU. The next product to be introduced is the memory module launched by our company."

Fuxi Memory-1 and Fuxi Memory-2, these two memory modules launched by Dragon Totem, although only 16G and 32G, have not surpassed the current international mainstream and can only be on par with Samsung's mainstream technology.

And this tie is a coincidence. A single Fuxi memory stick is actually composed of 8 parallel 2G flash memory chips. However, due to the textile production process, 8 flash memory chips can be processed together in advance during the chip manufacturing process.

There is no obvious difference in the running comparison between Fuxi Memory-2 and Samsung's high-end DDR3 memory.

Samsung Memory, which was used as a comparison object, made Cui Fengtong, who was just gloating about his misfortune, disgusted.

Next to him, Knicks said directly: "Cui, why is this memory from such a star so rubbish? Even Dragon Totem's patchwork version of 32G memory with 16 2G particles cannot form an overwhelming advantage."

Damn it, Cui Fengtong cursed inwardly, but he could only dare to be angry and dare not say anything about Knicks' cynicism. After all, Samsung is just a wage earner, and the real owner of Samsung is the Wall Street capital giant behind it.

How dare the dog bark at its owner.

In terms of memory, Dragon Totem is tied with Samsung. However, Zhang Weixin on the stage and the CEO of Ziguang in the box knew that Samsung Memory’s good days were numbered.

Because Dragon Totem and Ziguang, the real 32G memory chip has almost been developed, and it is estimated that it will be officially launched in September to October in the second half of this year.

Due to the improvement of technology, Samsung's 32G chips will lag behind Dragon Totem and Ziguang in terms of energy consumption and response speed.

As for the 64G chip, it has also begun to enter the project research and development stage.

After the bombing of the combined GPU, Fuxi CPU and Fuxi memory, everyone at the scene saw the strong technical strength of Dragon Totem.

Coupled with the era-changing NLED screen, they can already predict that Dragon Totem's mobile phones and computers will be very powerful.

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