The rise of nanometers

Chapter 391 The confrontation behind the scenes

Shanmei, off the coast of Zhelang Peninsula.

Caiyu Island base.

This Suiren system's earliest biochemical experimental base has been transformed beyond recognition. There are six super-large breeding floating tanks connected around the island.

The octagonal floating box aquaculture farm has a diameter of 800 meters and a water surface height of 8 to 25 meters. The column is made of high-strength materials and is rooted on the seabed with a water depth of 15 to 23 meters.

Caiyu Island, surrounded by six floating tank farms, is a seafood scientific research base on the surface, but in fact, many virus experiments are conducted internally.

Huang Xiuyuan, who has been here recently, is in the core laboratory two hundred meters underground.

The underground base here is divided into three layers and seven zones, shallow zone one, middle zone two and three, and deep zone four to seven.

Huang Xiuyuan's location at this time is in the deep zone six. The reason why the underground buildings here can be constructed quickly is mainly due to the submarine geology of the area.

The seabed around Caiyu Island has only an 8 to 10-meter layer of mud and sand, with a hard granite layer underneath. Using the technology of the Wuding Project, in the vertical downward construction conditions, coupled with the hard rock geology, the speed It will be very fast.

Directly inject a large amount of six-cone ball oxygen ionizing agent, and the rock formation will soon be corroded to create a large pit. Moreover, this construction plan does not require blasting. It only needs to extract the decomposed waste mud and add a special protective layer. , it can be put into use after some interior decoration.

At present, this technology has been gradually put into use in hard rock areas in China, which has greatly improved the speed, safety and concealment of the project, and also saved a lot of costs.

To excavate these deep experimental areas, the technology of the Wuding Project is very practical. The deep area six in front of Huang Xiuyuan is a space 300 meters long, 100 meters wide, and 15 meters high, with the interior divided into three small floors.

Wearing a high-protection protective suit and helmet, he strolled through the experimental testing areas on the lowest level, each simulated greenhouse.

Corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, potatoes, cotton, tobacco, and tomatoes are grown inside. These crops have a unified characteristic: they are all genetically modified crops.

He stopped in front of the corn experimental greenhouse and looked silently at the corn plants in front of him. If he got closer, he would find some black spots on the corn cobs.

When magnified, these black dots appear to be shriveled ticks.

Qin Lizhang on the side was also silent, quietly watching these inconspicuous little things. No one could have imagined that this little thing, carrying the blood of the devil, would bring endless plagues to the world.

Huang Xiuyuan picked up a special test tube. There were more than a dozen ticks inside, jumping and crawling around.

Insert the test tube into the opening of the greenhouse, and the ticks are immediately released. After a brief period of confusion, they crawl towards the corn in unison.

It seems that there is an invisible hand controlling everything.

In fact, these ticks do have a special substance in their bodies. This substance is code-named YM-C32, also known as "Eternal Sleep."

This is a synthetic organic substance, similar to Veritaserum extracted from fungi. Huang Xiuyuan does not know the specific synthetic origin of this substance.

Because eternal sleep occurred during the third biochemical crisis, that is, from 2027 to 2030, when swine fever, avian flu, and plague broke out continuously around the world.

During the third biochemical crisis in China, the breeding and planting industries were severely affected, and there was almost a famine.

After several comprehensive investigations, this mysterious substance-Eternal Sleep was finally discovered. After that, four similar substances were discovered one after another.

This special organic substance itself will not cause harm to the human body or large animals, but it has a very strong hallucinogenic effect on insects and can change the tendency of insects towards certain things.

It only takes 3 to 5 days for the insects to become addicted and remember the smell of the target for a long time.

For example, for ticks, the staff mixed the eternal sleep agent with detoxified genetically modified corn extract and detoxified Bacillus thuringiensis extract and fed them to the ticks. These ticks will remember the pheromones of the insect-resistant genetically modified corn.

Once the pheromone memory is burned, it is possible to attract ticks even if they are dozens of kilometers away from the corn.

If it is a domestic small-scale farmer model, ticks may not be able to reach the designated target area, but in large-scale mechanized corn planting areas, they are almost guaranteed to hit.

The tick crawls along the pheromone with the gift "prepared in advance". The fatal attraction is just like those of drug addicts.

And when they arrive at their destination, because the insect-resistant genetically modified corn itself has highly effective insecticidal proteins, the ticks will soon die after eating the corn.

This ensures that the tick corpses will stay on the corn cobs for a long time. As long as the corn harvesting time is calculated and released within half a month, the effect can be guaranteed.

For the mechanized feed corn, ABCD is sent directly to the factory for processing. Naturally, they don't care too much about the bugs in the corn.

The swine fever virus cannot be completely eliminated during high-temperature processing. This is the root of everything.

Huang Xiuyuan was just using the methods of his future enemies on themselves.

In this regard, he asked to take the initiative. Although this method is disgraceful, the world is so cruel.

You don’t need it, but you can’t live without it.

In terms of biochemistry, how do you prove that you have it?

The plan formulated by Huang Xiuyuan and above simply proved that "I own it" and "I can deliver it quietly."

Instead of spending all your time talking about it, it's better to take concrete action.

Obviously, the effect of this operation was not only a blow to ABCD's feed and pig industry, but also a deterrent to the small moves of the vampire consortium.

Huang Xiuyuan, who has future memories, made the best arrangement based on the current situation.

Against the background of hard deterrence using high-energy materials, canopy systems, Khok Qubing-class nuclear submarines, and exoskeleton armor, the possibility of a head-on conflict between the two sides is basically minimal.

As for the economic confrontation, the two sides are now very stalemate, basically in a situation of local stability and international competition.

Huang Xiuyuan has had several discussions with strategic think tanks. Those large consortiums are almost at the end of their rope.

Since we can't fight hard, and we can't use soft-knife economic warfare, then the only methods left are "color", "evolution", and "biochemistry".

Compared with "color" and "evolution" which are very difficult to operate, it is obvious that biochemical methods have many advantages, such as small investment, strong concealment and strong effect.

Of course, the side effects are also very severe. If you are not careful, you may even get involved in it.

The "Eternal Sleep" that Huang Xiuyuan came up with is a very efficient method, and it is also very safe. When combined with the swine fever vaccine that has been successfully developed by the Suiren Department, it will not accidentally hurt you.

This action is a warning to those vampire consortiums, telling them to think carefully. If they dare to make small moves in biochemistry, beware of catching fire in their lair.

If this kind of thing happened in the past, these vampires would have controlled international public opinion and poured dirty water everywhere.

But this time, they knew who did it, but they dared not speak out.

This is where deterrence works.

Perhaps it's like that sentence: When the other person slanders you for having it, it's best that you really have it.

Thank you for your support (ω`).

My cold is better and I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

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