The rise of nanometers

Chapter 392 Prevention and Control

Huang Xiuyuan and Qin Lizhang walked around the Deep Sixth and Seventh Deep Areas, both of them tacitly understanding this special and sensitive product.

According to the relevant terms, the contents inside will probably never be declassified and made public. All previous research dates have been adjusted to start in 2014. The insiders are all very reliable internal personnel.

The information that will be released in the future can also be said to be something accidentally discovered from the pig feed problem in North America.

Inside the first area of ​​the base.

The two exchanged some opinions on the recent situation.

"Xiuyuan, the higher-ups are very worried about the future biochemical prevention and control situation. What suggestions do you have for this?"

Huang Xiuyuan poured tea and said with a smile: "I can't guarantee 100% about the future. After all, anything can happen. However, in my opinion, there are only two ways to completely contain biochemical attacks."

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details." Qin Lizhang said with interest.

"Don't be too optimistic. Neither of these two methods is easy to achieve." Huang Xiuyuan put down the teapot: "The first method is for human beings to complete the internal unification; the second method is for us to develop to the interstellar colonization stage and establish colonies on the moon and Mars. ."

Upon hearing these two methods, Qin Lizhang immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Unification of mankind? Interstellar colonization? I don't know if I can see it in my lifetime."

Huang Xiuyuan spread his hands and said: "It is true. The divisions and differences within human beings are too great. Within 50 years of unification, I think there is no hope, unless there are foreign enemies."

The so-called foreign enemies are enemies outside of human beings. Only in this way can it be possible to force human beings to reach a consensus and establish a unified union.

But both of them understand that humans are alone within the solar system. If there is an enemy coming from across the star system, humanity's current technology has no chance of winning.

Instead of thinking about the possibility of human unification, it is better to focus on interstellar colonization within the solar system. The possibility of realizing this method is actually higher.

Qin Lizhang remembered something: "Speaking of interstellar colonization, the Tiangong Space Station is currently operating well, and its scale has reached 60% of the International Space Station."

"Well, next month, the two stationed astronauts will be back."

"I heard that this time the return will be carried out through a shift change. The launch vehicle will send two new astronauts and supplies up, replacing the original two astronauts."

Huang Xiuyuan, who understood part of the situation, nodded: "It is indeed arranged this way. After all, the service life of the space station is limited. The design life of our space station is to be decommissioned in 2030. We will try to do more experiments during this period."

"I don't know if I will have a chance to see our lunar colony." Qin Lizhang lamented that time is not forgiving.

"Haha, Lao Qin, you still have a lot of time. You will definitely be able to see the stars and the sea in the future."

Qin Lizhang shook his head: "Stop talking about this, let's talk about biochemical prevention and control!"

"The situation at this stage, after being intimidated by us several times, the vampires will definitely restrain themselves, but they still have to be careful as much as possible where they should be careful."

Huang Xiuyuan put forward some suggestions based on current technology and some situations of future biological and chemical warfare.

"I won't talk about publicity and education. You have been strengthening these tasks recently. My suggestion is to start from the technical level."

Qin Lizhang took out a small notebook and pen and prepared notes.

"For imported products at the port, I think it is necessary to upgrade the security inspections at each customs clearance port. As long as the security inspection standards for Tuocheng garbage imports are met, there will basically be no major problems."

Qin Lizhang replied while taking notes: "As for the situation over in Tuocheng, I heard Rong Ji say that the security and epidemic prevention level there is indeed very good."

Since Tuocheng is engaged in the business of importing waste and garbage, it pays more attention to security inspection and epidemic prevention. In the past two years, smuggling activities in the Chaoshan area have also been swept away.

On the contrary, smuggling on the southwest border remains unchecked.

For example, cattle from Annan are often smuggled into Guangxi Province. These cattle that have not been quarantined are inherently risky.

In fact, this situation can also be suppressed through the scale of production. For example, the price of beef. With the expansion of beef cattle breeding scale in Mobei, Mongolia, and Central Asia, domestic beef prices will gradually decline, resulting in a decline in the cost performance of Annan beef cattle, and thus Suppress smuggling.

“The second is to establish a strategic reserve of epidemic prevention and chemical prevention materials. For example, our company has set up a special reserve warehouse for protective clothing, anti-virus helmets, disinfectants and movable disinfection channels, which are available in every branch. reserve."

"Your company is indeed well prepared in this regard." Qin Lizhang also admired this very much.

The biochemical protection work of the Suiren Department has basically reached military level, which can ensure the normal operation of factories and companies in the event of a large-scale epidemic outbreak.

During the previous A-flow period, the Suiren system had gradually completed this strategic layout.

Even if the H1N1 epidemic has passed, a month of biochemical model exercises will be conducted every winter, coupled with various safety trainings, so that diseases similar to the H1N1 flu will not have a serious paralyzing effect on the Sui people.

"In addition, I suggest improving the law, adopting strict control over those exotic animals and plants overseas, and catching some typical ones to kill chickens and monkeys."

Qin Lizhang nodded: "I will report this to the superiors."

As one of the leaders of the secret front, he is aware of some trends in recent years. With the improvement of people's living standards, many people like some exotic animals and plants, or they are used by forces with ulterior motives to remove some unlicensed animals and plants. , secretly brought into the country.

For example, in the Lingnan region, American fire ants have appeared one after another in recent years, which is a very typical biological invasion phenomenon.

Huang Xiuyuan then said: "Regarding the current severe biochemical prevention and control situation, I suggest the establishment of some biological isolation areas, such as using the natural barriers of the Northwest to establish some high-standard biological isolation areas to protect the original local ecology."

"The northwest and Mongolian areas are indeed suitable for establishing ecological protection zones, and the southwest can also be considered." Qin Lizhang knows the difficulty of prevention and control along the eastern coast.

After all, they are all treaty ports. It is basically difficult to completely isolate the incoming and outgoing international trade, unless the port is directly closed.

This is the compromise that must be made in the process of economic development.

Although security inspection and epidemic prevention must be strengthened along the eastern coast, the ecological defense line in the central and western regions, as the final trump card, must be paid more attention to.

The two discussed some situations of biochemical prevention and control, and then Qin Lizhang left in a hurry, preparing to return to Peking to report on his work.

Huang Xiuyuan also left the Caiyu Island base and returned to the headquarters in Shanmei City.

Recently, breeding companies around the world have sent negotiation teams.

Especially in Lucia, Xizhou, Indochina, Australia and Latin America, which have huge pig-raising industries, companies in these regions are already as anxious as ants in a hot nest.

Thousands of companies, large and small, from all over the world have organized delegations to come to Shantou and the United States for the purpose of getting the swine fever vaccine and solving their worries.

Before, many companies still planned to wait and see for a while to see if other companies had developed a vaccine for swine fever. Now they can't wait.

Shennong Group and the Grain Alliance simply held a global aquaculture industry safety seminar in Luhe County, Shanmei.

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