Ps. Off topic: Yes, Kong Ming in this period was the strongest kidnapper, and Merlin, who is so weak that no one can use him now, was the kidnapper who triggered the first color card reform. When Merlin first came out, it was even because of him The strength of the skill set suddenly increased a lot, and some people joked that FGO was going to make money and run away. Who knew that the strength behind it would completely let go of itself, and the war between gods and demons began, and Merlin actually became a warehouse manager now.

630: Sleepless Nights (4k)

[After what felt like a long day, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Lily parted ways and returned to the residence arranged by the Lion King.

After coming back, Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately saw Newton, who had been in the lab since this morning, and Robin Hood, who had been tortured enough.

Seeing him lying on the table with a hopeless look, even Fujimaru Ritsuka, who had no conscience at all and was deeply loved by his brother, felt a trace of pity, and then gave him a persistent look (Robin Hood) : Hello!), and then walked to Newton, who was thinking with his arms crossed.

Emmmm...well, mercy, but not much.

"How's it going, Miss Newton?"

"It didn't go well. Although with the help of Mr. Gawain, I did find a special part of the spiritual energy in my body and Mr. Robin Hood's, but I was blind to its characteristics and formation method.

As a last resort, I could only ask the two gentlemen to try various things and conduct controlled experiments, but the results were not ideal. I had been busy all day but still had no clue. "

Newton sighed, took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose to relax.

"It's been a long time since I encountered such research that left me helpless. If I had known earlier, I should have participated when Mr. Chen Shi was conducting research in this area, and I would have been busy making the spirit drifting device and secret base with Mr. Edison. "

As she said that, she shook her head and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"It may take some time on my side. Ms. Ritsuka, how are you doing there?"

The latter didn't say much, and instead told the other party what he saw and heard today.

"A trainee knight named Lily and Beethoven?"

Touching his chin, Newton listened to Fujimaru Ritsuka's story with great interest, and even Robin Hood on the side reluctantly cheered up.

"If it were a piece played by the musician himself, I would also like to enjoy it, but it's a pity."

As an all-rounder who was not inferior to Leonardo da Vinci, Newton naturally also had certain attainments in the field of music, and even proposed a theory of synesthesia between music and color.

Seeming as if he really felt sorry for not being able to hear Beethoven's performance, Matthew intervened in the conversation at the right time.

"Well, Miss Newton, I have recorded two pieces of music played by Mr. Beethoven. If you want to listen to them, I can transmit them to you."

"It's really helpful. You are such a good helper, Ms. Matthew."

"No way, Miss Newton is too exaggerated."

"Yes, it's too early for Matthew! The other side must at least step over my body first! By the way, why does this stronghold have such complete music recording and playback equipment?"

Romani followed closely and complained like a stupid father, causing Newton to chuckle.

"After all, Mr. Edison is a man who strives for perfection. For him, he can't give up enjoyment even if he works. But thanks to him, I can enjoy the music of Beethoven tonight."

"Don't Miss Newton know Beethoven?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little curious.

Judging from Beethoven's previous tone, the other party should also be one of the 15 heroic spirits who swore to conduct the experiment at that time.

"Indeed, Mr. Beethoven and I don't know each other. Ms. Ritsuka must have had some misunderstandings about our 15 heroic spirits. We were not summoned at the same time.

I, Mr. Edison, and Mr. Tutankhamun are the last batch of followers to be summoned, because the oath requires us to stay in this world for a long time, use our knowledge and power to build strongholds and climb the technology tree.

The remaining 11 servants except Ms. Musashi were all summoned in batches. Some returned to the Throne of Heroes on their own after accompanying Mr. Chen Oath to complete the experiment, and some stayed like Mr. Robin Hood. .

At that time, because I was not aware of the special features of these 15 heroic spirits, I was not interested in learning about them. "

Having said this, Newton held his forehead as if he had a headache again.

"This is my mistake."

"No, Miss Newton is already very powerful!"

For Newton, who had been making suggestions along the way, Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately spoke out to encourage him. It can be said that among the heroic spirits he has met so far, except for Miyagi, who was the first to lend a helping hand to him, he has been protecting him with all his heart along the way. Apart from Moto Musashi, the person Fujimaru Ritsuka trusts the most is this cold-faced wise man.

After hearing this, the corner of the latter's mouth unconsciously raised a pixel, but he quickly calmed down, stood up and clapped his hands.

"Okay, I invited Ms. Leonardo da Vinci to study the eye soul with me today. Before we study something, madam, you should be able to enjoy the rare free time. It's getting late, so go to bed early. ."

"Well, good night, Miss Newton."

"Have a sweet dream, my dear lady."

Watching Fujimaru Ritsuka yawning and walking into his room, Newton looked back at Robin Hood, who was also about to leave in spirit form.

"Where are you going, Mr. Thief?"


Robin Hood was stunned, and an ominous premonition came to his heart.

"Aren't you going to rest?"

"what are you talking about?"

Newton pushed up his glasses, and the lenses reflected a cold light under the Egyptian moonlight.

"Heroic spirits don't need to sleep. In the current situation, we must race against time."

Yes, Newton never responded to Fujimaru Ritsuka's "good night", right?

The moment he realized this, Robin Hood showed a desperate expression like a social animal when his boss told him to work overtime. Just as he was about to take the Faceless King away, a strong hand pressed down on his shoulder.

Miyamoto Musashi's impure voice reached Robin Hood's ears, causing his expression to change to "Ma Po → Hour.jpg" again.

"Robin Hood, Ritsuka's time is limited, you can't rest now!"


Before he could even say "No" in a hoarse voice, Robin Hood was gagged by Newton's robot assistant, and was dragged to hell (the laboratory) by two beautiful girls, one on the left and one on the right.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. 】

Green Archer: Sure enough, whether it’s Elizabeth, BB, or Newton, the more beautiful a woman is, the more trouble she has! I will definitely not team up with a beautiful girl next time.

BB Channel: That’s too much, Mr. Archer, for beautiful girl 007, this is a blessing!

Green Archer: Climb, crawl, crawl.

Breeder of Ganwumei: Damn it, it hurts.

Dragon Lord: No, I don’t want to work overtime, don’t make me think back!

Labor is shit: a nightmare! I would rather die if I was treated like this at all.

Accountant Ishigami: By the way, the attitude of these heroic spirits towards Fujimaru Ritsuka is too good. In comparison, Robin Hood seems to be even worse, right?

Barrus: It is indeed a group favorite level treatment. The ones currently attacking Fujimaru Ritsuka are not the enemy characters, but Fujimaru Ritsuka's two brothers.

Lily, partner of justice: Ah this.

ZIO 2nd Generation: That’s a good summary. Don’t summarize it next time.

Bei Panpan: Hitting is kissing and scolding is love (sure).

[In the throne room of the City of Silver, the Lion King, who had returned from outside, walked in silently.

The metal boots made a clanging sound on the white ground, echoing in the throne room that was supposed to be empty, until it was interrupted by a man's voice. It sounded rhythmic at the whim of the owner. footsteps.

"My king, where have you been during this time? Why didn't you bring any guards?"

The man with black hair and black armor walked out of the darkness, with a rare look of worry on his meticulous face.

Because he regretted not being able to assist King Arthur, after being summoned by the Lion King this time, Agguiwen was determined not to let the King make any mistakes again.

Therefore, Agguiwen was really worried like an old father about the fact that the Lion King disappeared for a whole day without any protection.

"Even if Percival is responsible for guarding the city-state, Gareth and Tristan are always on standby in the royal city. If that doesn't work, you can bring those two idiots Mordred and Lancelot with you. Those who were thrown out to block the knife in times of crisis, no, let’s forget it, those two traitors didn’t betray me on the spot, I will look down on them..."

"Ahem, I just went out to relax, I didn't go too far."

Seeing that Age Guiwen was about to start chattering non-stop, the Lion King quickly interrupted the other party's spell casting, pretending that he did not want to continue chattering.

Although she didn't hate Agguiwen's concern for her, she didn't want her rare good mood to disappear like this.

"More than that, Mr. Aggui Wenqing, I have a favor to ask of you."

"As long as it is my king's order, I will go through fire and water."

When he heard that his king had something to give him, Agguiwen immediately shut his mouth and returned to his usual cold-faced butler image. He knelt on one knee respectfully and waited for the king's instructions.

"I need you to add a new person to the Solemn Knights. Her name is Lily Lancer. Well, just name her as a trainee knight. You must get it done tonight so that all the Solemn Knights will know when someone asks. Just have this one person, and you don’t need to worry about the rest.”


Agguiwen nodded respectfully, and then couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

——Lily Lancer? It’s a name I’ve never heard of. Why would my king arrange for such a person to enter...

Thinking of this, Ageguiwen hurriedly shook his head to dispel the king who doubted his disrespectful behavior.

——What are you thinking about, Ageguiwen? My king must have a deep meaning in doing this!

Thinking about it, Agguiwen stood up and excused himself to the Lion King.

"Then, I'll get started on this."

"Well, go ahead."

After the Lion King watched Agguiwen walk out of the throne room very quickly, he silently returned to his throne and sat down, holding his head with one hand and looking at the bright moon outside the window.

"Tomorrow... where should I take Master to play..."

There was a ripple in the calm eyes full of divinity, and then the Lion King thought of Agguiwen who had just left.

"I still need to find a substitute so that Agguiwen can't notice that I sneaked out. about Mordred?"

Thinking, the Lion King lowered his head and glanced at the invisible toes.

"If you add some fruit, you can get away with it, right? Alas, that guy Morgan isn't that good either...\

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