[Just when the Lion King also fell into a sleepless night for another reason, hundreds of kilometers south of the Silver City, a handsome man with black hair and dark skin was sitting in the temple inside his pyramid. , listening to the information obtained by his compatriots after they returned from the investigation.

"Has Chaldea reached this singularity point... Krypton hahahaha!"

Gently shaking the golden cup filled with fine wine, Ramses II seemed to have thought of something interesting. He didn't care about the strange look in Nitocris's eyes under the throne and started laughing.

"Is Chaldea uniting with the Lion King to attack Yu this time? Interesting, so interesting! Originally Yu was still looking forward to the confrontation with the ancestor of the gods, but now he has to meet his old friends, right? ?”

"Chaldea and the Lion King?"

Nitocris tilted her head in confusion, causing Ramesses II to stop laughing, but the corners of his mouth could not help but turn up, which showed that he was in an unprecedented good mood.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I forgot. Nitocris, although you are the incarnation of Osiris and Anubis, after all, you are not as able to use authority as comprehensively as I am. It's normal not to remember. It doesn't matter, you Just go out with me to meet the goddess and savior of that other world!"


Although there were still many questions in her mind, Nitocris, who had always felt inferior in front of other pharaohs, still nodded in agreement, but after thinking about it, she asked another question.

"But if we slow down our attack on Rome, what will happen to Pharaoh Cleopatra?"

"Haha, Nitocris, although you were married, you did not understand what love is because of the premature death of Myranla II."

Ramesses II shook his head.

"What Cleopatra wanted was never the destruction of Rome, she was just fulfilling the tragic wish of the one she loved deeply.

And I also participated in this farce based on my responsibility as Pharaoh, but since it is a farce, it is time to make a fuss as I please! ”]

631: La Er is coming (4k)

[As for Pharaoh Ramesses II’s decision to shift his marching target to the city-state, it is naturally impossible for Fujimaru Ritsuka, who is in his room at this moment, to know.

Of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't have time to care about these things for the time being.

Although Fujimaru Ritsuka was the only one who chose to sleep obediently during this sleepless night, there was one guy who didn't want her to enjoy any exquisite sleep.

In the dream world, Fujimaru Ritsuka once again encountered the hateful red ghost, and as expected, he was tortured by what he read as "exercise" and what he wrote as "beating".

"It's you again, you nasty guy!"

The girl's fierce shouts echoed in this landscape composed of mental landscapes. The Spiritual Rider Driver appeared on her waist amidst her angry scolding and made the sound of transformation.

"Open your eyes! My soul! Let's Go! Enlightenment! Gho·Gho·Gho! Ghost! GO! GO! GO! GO!"

The moment she saw the red color that shocked and angered her, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who had learned to be smart, completed her transformation almost instinctively.

This is something Fujimaru Ritsuka discovered yesterday when she was being chased and beaten crazily by the hooded ghost. In a space that seemed to be a dream, although she could not call Miyamoto Musashi and other great men to fight alongside her, she could Use my soul to transform.

Even though Fujimaru Ritsuka is an ordinary female high school student, after breaking away from the heroic eye soul, her combat effectiveness in the form of her soul alone is slightly better than the ordinary mobilized eye soul, but in the end it is better than nothing.

And as mentioned before, although Fujimaru Ritsuka has no fighting experience, his quick wit and learning ability in battle are actually not bad, and yesterday's beating was not in vain.

At least this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately became evil the moment he saw the red ghost. Instead of letting the opponent seize the opportunity and eat a few more knight kicks, Fujimaru Ritsuka decided to strike first and kill the opponent.

"Open your eyes! My soul!"

With the orange energy exploding around her soaring into the sky, the eye crest flashed behind Fujimaru Ritsuka, and then focused on her right foot and began to kick the red ghost powerfully.

"Omega Drive!"

——Well, it looks a bit better than yesterday.

Facing this menacing knight's kick, flame-wrapped words appeared in front of the red ghost, and then scattered and turned into dots of firelight that converged into the red ghost's right leg.

——But there are still many things you need to learn. For example, when kicking against someone, don’t kick from the left. According to my findings, it is very easy to be counterattacked this way.

As he spoke, the red servant-colored ghost also jumped into the air and struck back in a knight kicking posture that was almost the same as Fujimaru Ritsuka's, no, it was more standard than hers.

Orange and red rays of light flashed through the air, and the two collided.

At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly felt a strange feeling surge into his heart.

--Why? I clearly feel that the power used by the other party is similar to mine, right?

Yes, the opponent's power in this kick did not reach the point where Fujimaru Ritsuka felt unable to fight, but he suppressed himself and slowly pushed himself back.

Then, the explosion occurred.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was kicked out and fell into the pool again.

The moment he flew out, Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes were fixed on the opponent, and he caught some clues in the flash of lightning——

The opponent's attack movements seemed to be exactly the same as his own, but in fact he used some skills and tricks that Fujimaru Ritsuka, who could only use brute force, did not possess. The opponent clearly used the same power as himself, but was able to completely crush him. .

Of course, the current Fujimaru Ritsuka may never know that another major reason why she lost the kick just now is that she is on the left side of the video screen.

At this time, with the help of Beethoven and Lily, she had changed her mentality. Like a dry sponge, she finally began to eagerly absorb the training results given to her by the red ghost.

And he was so smart that he started to draw inferences from one example.

——If this force-generating technique can be used in knight kicks, what about other special moves?

With his mind spinning, Fujimaru Ritsuka took advantage of the gap where the pool water blocked the opponent's field of vision to summon the eye gun saber in the form of a great sword, and made visual contact with the belt the moment it came out of the water.

"Open your eyes! My soul! Omega Break!"

Among the splashing water, orange energy slashes flew out. This unexpected attack stunned the red ghost.

But this dazed world was very short-lived. The moment the energy blade hit him, a sword-like weapon wrapped in flames suddenly appeared in the hands of the red ghost.

He held the knife with both hands and slashed his Dantian with force, shattering the energy blade in the air.

After completing this set of actions, the moment Fujimaru Ritsuka was shocked to stop moving, the flame sword in the red ghost's hand actually changed further, turning into the shape of a handaxe in an instant.

He switched from holding it with two hands to one hand, and with a sudden lift of his charged right arm, the hand ax was thrown by someone of the same level as Fujimaru Ritsuka, hitting Fujimaru Ritsuka's breastplate, sending out sparks. .


The pretty face under the mask was so painful that she almost burst into tears, but Fujimaru Ritsuka gritted his teeth and did not cry out in pain. He leaned back and pressed his free hand on the eye gun saber.

——If the opponent can change the form of the weapon, then I can definitely do it too!

With a thought, the sword in his hand changed into the pistol mode commonly used when Edison was in his soul form.

Fujimaru Ritsuka waited for the opponent fiercely, raised his hand and fired.

At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka's heart was already filled with anger, and she just thought about giving an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,

But what she didn't realize was that in such a severe battle, she was constantly absorbing the Red Ghost's fighting methods and experience, and slowly began to turn them into her own. 】

President of Meili's Support Association: Should we really say that a strict teacher makes a good disciple? Compared with the way he could only rely on instinct and physical fitness to fight randomly at the beginning, Fujimaru-kun's attacks have begun to become more sophisticated.

Double Gun BBA: After all, combat is the best teacher. The Master's brother seemed to have taught her the fighting methods of the Spirit Cavalry through battle, which was a bit interesting.

Monk Head Lover: But why did Mr. Chen Shi attack as soon as he came up, and why didn't he explain clearly to Ms. Fujimaru that he was teaching her?

Monk Head Lovers: Ms. Fujimaru seems to be really on fire now.

The great teacher’s dead fish eyes: It should be that he wants Fujimaru Ritsuka to adapt to the feeling of fighting as soon as possible. After all, if he knows that this is just training, Fujimaru Ritsuka will probably not feel any nervousness.

Chaos Evil Gudazi: He is the best!

[The battle in the dream lasted for a long time, probably because both sides were essentially dead ghosts. They fought like this almost all night long.

In such a fierce battle, Fujimaru Ritsuka had seen almost all the moves and abilities of the Spirit Cavalry in my soul form, and had mastered most of them through combat.

Holding the eye gun saber that was transformed into the naginata mode, Fujimaru Ritsuka launched a series of slashes, like a violent storm, and the red ghost made a "ding, clang, clank" sound.

With the anger that must make the opponent look good, Fujimaru Ritsuka finally accidentally swept away the opponent's sword blade, and then shouted loudly at the opponent's flaw, and then launched the ultimate kill in the form of a naginata.

"Open your eyes! My soul!"

With an orange air current wrapped around the blade, Fujimaru Ritsuka seized this rare opportunity to twist his waist and hips to drive his body, and used his whole body's strength to slash at the red ghost's waist, which was composed of black soul energy.

"You should also have a taste of nirvana!"

"Omega Stream!"

However, the blow that Fujimaru Ritsuka was sure to win did not fall on the red ghost in the end.


The sound of the sword cutting through the air made the bright smile under Fujimaru Ritsuka's mask suddenly disappear. At the critical moment, the red ghost actually released his condensed human body and returned to his original posture as a hooded ghost.

The blade slashed across the empty spot, the red eyes under the hood narrowed mischievously, and then hit Fujimaru Ritsuka's stomach with a headbutt.


The familiar pain made Fujimaru Ritsuka scream miserably. Lying on the bed, she jumped on the bed board and woke up from her dream with a strange scream.


Holding her flat and smooth belly, even though her reason told Fujimaru Ritsuka that the pain in her dream would not bring her back to reality, she still seemed to be able to feel the slightest phantom pain coming from it.

"Damn you! Next time! Next time I will hit you back with my headbutt! Watch me stab you through with the horn on my head!\

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