The Third Reich

Chapter 436: Depressed Hans

Simply put, in fact, the principle of night vision in this era is very simple, just like lighting the road with a flashlight.

The flashlight glows, shines to the front, reflects back, and the eyes see it.

It's just that the light of the flashlight can be seen by others.

Therefore, it is necessary to change to another kind of light, which is infrared, which is invisible to the human eye, but can be received by the receiving device.

At this time, in the front of the tank, tanker Trigg stepped on the accelerator, listening to the peculiar sound of the engine behind, then he released the clutch and the tank moved.

In front of him is the driver's observation hole. He opened his eyes and looked forward, but he could only see a dozen meters away, which was far from guaranteeing his safety.

"Continue to accelerate and move forward." The captain Kurt Nespel's voice came from the earphones, and he said: "We have the road ahead, so feel free to drive!"

Night vision devices are a new thing, the output is quite scarce, and only Guderian, who has always been good at studying technology, will equip his armored division with these night vision devices.

At the same time, the current night vision device is very simple, only the captain has a receiving device, and the other gunners and drivers are still in a state of smearing their eyes, that is, they must completely trust the captain.

Nespel dutifully commanded his tanks and moved forward quickly, and behind them, tanks followed them.

Every few tanks are mixed with an infantry fighting vehicle, with something like a large pot on the roof, which is the more powerful owl infrared headlight.

It releases more intense infrared rays to help illuminate the road ahead, so that the captain of his tank can have enough reaction time.

In fact, at night, it is not impossible to move. When the stars of the month are scarce, the auto soldiers often turn off the headlights and start the cars. There are also some people who are born night owls and can see everything in the dark.

However, their speed will never be as fast as they are now. At the same time, their ability to observe at night is determined by moonlight and starlight. The sky outside is quite dark now.

If there is no night vision goggles, then the tank unit can travel several kilometers in an hour.

The track of the tank ran across the field, and within ten minutes, it walked a few kilometers and came to the national border.

Nespel's eyes were fixed on his receiver, and he saw the outpost in front, the outpost of the border guards in Luxembourg.

"Prepare the machine gun, at eleven o'clock," Nespel said.

The imminent entry into the border of Luxembourg will attract resistance from the border guards of Luxembourg? Your own tank can easily crush them, but that will expose your own target.

The loader pushed the machine gun and got ready. Although he couldn't see the distance clearly, he could just do as the commander said. Moreover, as long as the shot was fired and the bullet was mixed with tracer, the trajectory could be clearly displayed. Then continue to adjust.

Nespel was constantly observing the post, and soon he saw the situation on the post from his infrared receiver.

Several scouts, standing outside the outpost, raised their right hands toward them, saluting in a standard way.

Our scouts had already ambushed outside the outpost ahead of time. When the order was issued, they took control of it!

Nice job!

The tanks drove along the road next to the outpost, one after another, the tanks in front of them, and after an hour had passed, the troops behind them were still moving.

This is a huge army!

No one noticed the situation in Luxembourg. After all, Luxembourg is an extremely small country, as small as two wars, this country has no resistance, whoever comes will surrender, and live as they should be every day.

On the border, they only had a small number of garrison posts, and when these posts were controlled, the German army's march was simply easy.

At the same time, the backward communication system prevents everything happening here from being passed on.

It is now in the early morning of May 10, 39, a full year earlier than in history!

The powerful Waffen-SS armored division entered Luxembourg's territory on this dark night, and then drilled into the Ardennes Forest.

Everything is silent.

At the same time, all air bases in western Germany are making intense preparations.

It was still pitch black outside, only the runway lights were shining. In the hangar not far away, Hans-Urich-Rudel, looking at his landline.

Hans has already fought for the 178th time. At the same time, he has accumulated 121 victories.

Now, the Air Force is making an improvement in the system. When Hans has accumulated 200 victories, Hans must retreat from the front line. What is waiting for him is to teach the rookies in the rear, which makes Hans quite unhappy. .

What makes Hans even more uncomfortable is that now, Germany has thousands of bombers. Now, in the battle against, they are assigned their own targets, and Hans’s bomber squadron, The target is not France, nor Belgium, the Netherlands, but Luxembourg.

This is simply a sledgehammer. What did he do to fry Luxembourg?

The sickle-wielding operation is confidential. Only the senior officers who are directly in charge know the real combat plan. As for ordinary lower-level officers, they are not qualified to know.

If every soldier knew that he was going to cross the Ardennes Forest, then he would be a fart!

Although he can't figure it out, as a soldier, Hans still knows that he must obey orders as his bounden duty.

Now that the aircraft has been maintained, the crew is preparing to hang two 500kg bombs under the belly.

Now, just after four o'clock in the morning, there is still more than an hour before dawn. After dawn, it will be the turn of the Stuka bombers.

Hans, bored, walked out of the hangar and looked at the runway under the lights in the distance.

Under the dim runway lights, a Junker 52 transport aircraft was towing a dfs230 glider taking off from the runway.

The three engines were running at full speed. Aunt Juncker was working hard at this time, preparing to tow the glider behind to take off.

The entire World War II, from a technical point of view, was absolutely dominated by Germany. Tanks, aircraft, artillery, and almost a lot of technology came from Germany. Many of them were first applied in Germany.

For example, the glider!

Compared with airplanes, the biggest difference between gliders is that they have no power and rely entirely on getting down from high altitudes, constantly consuming potential energy, and finally landing. At the same time, because there is no power, the glider can be thrown away after use without worrying about the cost.

At the same time, because there is no power, the glider hardly makes any sound during the flight, which can play a role in a surprise attack.

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