The Third Reich

Chapter 437: The tow rope is broken

After World War I, Germany was forbidden to develop military aircraft, so the sport of gliders arose. Through gliders, Germany trained a large number of glider pilots, some of which were admitted to the air force.

However, before this, there is no example of applying gliders to actual combat. This is the first time!

Looking at the takeoff of this glider, Hans' eyes were quite envious. Now, Hans has become the best pilot of the Stuka bomber, so he is sometimes called to conduct tactical discussions.

Although they did not say clearly, the most recent tactical discussions were aimed at the Belgian Eben-Emal Fortress. Hans knew that this time they attacked, they must have raid the Belgian's most important fortress!

It would be great if I could go! Hans looked at these glider units depressedly, and he needed to wait until they took off to vacate the runway before he could take off!

A Junker 52 transport plane roared and pulled up almost to the end of the runway. Behind it, the glider continued to fly for a few meters after the transport plane was pulled up, and then took off slowly.

A glider can fly down from a hillside or take off under the traction of a transport plane. In combat, the traction of a transport plane is the most important way. Before entering the war zone, throw away the ropes, return the transport plane, and fly the glider alone to fight.

Seeing this transport plane take off, Hans was drooling with envy, Eben-Emaar Fortress, it is fascinating to think about it!

After the First World War, to defend against German aggression, Western European countries built fortified defense lines on the borders adjacent to Germany. Among them, the Goreby-Kir defense line was used in the Netherlands; the Albert Canal defense line was used in Belgium; Maginot Line.

These three lines of defense are connected from north to south and stretch for hundreds of kilometers.

Among them, the French line of defense is the best built. After all, France and Germany have forged a feud.

And Belgium doesn’t care too much. At the same time, to save money, Belgium simply built an Albert Canal, a fortification canal built specifically to prevent Germany from launching an offensive through Belgium. The river bank is steep and full of fortifications, especially There is also the Eben Emar Fortress by the canal guarding the canal.

This fortress is an important part of the Albert Canal defense line, a strong fortification and an important support point for the northern extension of the Maginot Line, and also the core of the defense system in eastern Belgium.

Engage in this fortress, that's enough! Germany has to take off 41 Junkers 52 at the Erstham and Butzweiler airports, towing gliders to perform this mission.

They were divided into four assault teams, and the plan had already been worked out.

To blow up the bridge in Luxembourg, this task, alas... Seeing this bold team take off, Hans was extremely envious.

About every 30 seconds, there is a crew towing the glider into the air. The Luftwaffe is quite elite, and they have done a good job of maintaining the aircraft.

Seeing the Junker-52 transport planes lifted off, Hans couldn't help envying him, and he had no other choice. Now, there is more than an hour before his departure, or else, go back to sleep again?

On the runway, there were lights that allowed Junker-52 to take off correctly, but when it flew into the sky, it was completely dark.

Flying in the dark is quite difficult, but fortunately they are well prepared.

Due to the need to tow the glider behind, all three engines are now at full power, and the hum of the engines echoes in the cabin.

Captain Loso looked at the dark night sky and flew according to the course indicated by the instrument.

They needed to meet at the meeting point above the green belt in the south of Cologne, and then began to fly west along the "corridor of lights" that extended to the border.

This corridor of lights was set up specifically for their actions.

At the crossroads near Ephron, there was the first light beacon. Then, next to Frehen, 5 kilometers away, I saw a second beacon...

In this way, when the plane flies over a beacon, you can see the next beacon, and sometimes you can even see the third beacon. With the help of the beacon on the ground, you can maintain the correct heading until it reaches near Aachen. The scheduled "break up point".

Suddenly, Loso found a piece of green smoke on his right front!

This blue smoke is emitted by a full-power aero engine, which means that there is still one aircraft at the same altitude!

In the darkness, nothing can be seen clearly. Now, when you see this blue smoke, it means that the two machines are about to collide!

How to do?

Loso had no other choice. He pushed the steering wheel hard and Junker-52 began to dive down. (The Junker-52 uses a steering wheel-type operating device.)

In the darkness, the figure of another Junker-52 flashed in front of everyone, and Loso's wing almost flew by wiping the opponent's landing gear!

If they were just one second slower, the two planes would be in close contact in the air and become two fireballs!

Loso felt his heart throbbing hard, even on the Spanish battlefield, he directly braved the ground artillery to drop supplies, it was not so terrible.

"Oops, where's our glider?" After successfully avoiding a collision, Loso found that his plane suddenly became lighter, and he suddenly cried out inwardly.

At this time, the people in the glider behind were depressed for a while.

Pilot Ross, an experienced glider pilot, just now, he suddenly felt the joystick in his hand, and he didn't listen.

The elevator became extremely heavy, so he pulled back hard, hoping to keep the elevator in its original position.

"Bat!" A clear voice came to the cockpit, as if the windshield of the cockpit was flicked by a whip.

At this moment, Rose guessed something.

The glider regained its balance in the air, but the roar of the tractor engine gradually faded away, and the surroundings seemed extremely quiet.

The tow rope is broken!

This is simply too tragic.

Behind, a person said calmly: "Return to Cologne, back to the airport!"

This calm voice infected Rose. He knew that in his glider, there was Lieutenant Wichig, the captain of the 1st squad that assaulted Eben-Emaar Fortress. Rose was also under the command of Lieutenant Wichig.

In fact, even though Lieutenant Wichig’s words were calm, he felt extremely bad in his heart. As a commander, he was now behind.

Although when formulating the mission, it was taken into account that the glider might accidentally fall behind, so every crew, even every soldier, knows his mission and will not panic.

However, being unable to participate in this operation is still very frustrating.

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