Things started to go in a weird direction.

Paris's fans were moved to tears when they saw that their goddess had such great ambitions, and began to work hard to help Paris attract votes.

So something outrageous happened. Paris, a little girl who had just grown up, had not yet announced that she would run for election, nor had she signed up, but her fans had already begun to campaign for her.

Netizens don’t know this either. Most netizens actually don’t understand anything. They don’t even know that to participate in the presidential election, you need to register and go through a series of procedures.

They only saw Paris's fans starting to canvass votes for her and promote her campaign platform, and they thought Paris was really running for president.

Look at this campaign platform. It's very good. It speaks to his heart. The president should do these things. Only in this way can the United States be saved.

When I look at those politicians, I see what kind of insects they are. It’s disgusting at first glance. In comparison, Paris is simply a god.

Nothing else to say, decisive vote for Paris.

"I feel that Miss Paris is very good, and her policies are in line with my ideas."

"Yes, I think so too."

"She's a good person and I would love to have her as president."

"I feel like she will do a good job and bring good changes to this country."

"Miss Paris is the reincarnation of Washington. She must do better than those politicians."

"I have decided that I must vote for her."

"If Miss Paris can be president, the United States will definitely become a better country."

The media has always been a fan of people's choices. Seeing Paris's surge in popularity, they started to follow suit.

“Paris announces her candidacy for president, ranking among the best in terms of winning.”

“Analysis of Paris’ campaign policies, well-known experts say these policies are very difficult to implement.”

"Paris has emerged as a serious contender for president."

"Shocking, the White House will have its first female president."

“What impact will Paris’ candidacy have on the President of the United States?”

"Paris will be in the White House in the next election."

Paris's participation in the candidacy is becoming more and more popular, and she has inexplicably become a popular candidate for the presidential election. Some people have even placed bets on whether Paris can successfully become president.

The United States is the world's largest country, and what happens here can easily attract global attention, let alone a major event like the presidential election.

You know, the United States has many subordinates in the world. It has troops stationed all over the world. The choice of the president of the United States has a great influence on these countries.

Therefore, these countries are very concerned about the US presidential election. From the beginning of the election, they have been analyzing which presidential candidate is most likely to take office, and if he takes office, what policies he will implement and what impact it will have on their country.

Paris appeared out of nowhere, and no one had paid any attention to it before. Now that the popularity is so high, we have to work quickly.

First of all, let’s analyze her character and policies, how far she will go in running for president, and whether it is possible to become the president of the United States.

If Paris really becomes the president of the United States, what policies will she implement, what changes will she bring to this country, and what impact will she bring to their country.

There is a lot of work to do, but it must be done.

"Paris Hilton is running for President of the United States."

"Who is this person and why haven't I heard of him?"

"She is an amateur and has acted in a movie before."

"Oh my god, in the United States, even celebrities can elect the president. It's really outrageous."

"Hurry up and collect her information. Don't miss anything."

For some countries, the choice of the next US president will determine their domestic political structure, so no one dares to neglect.

Although Paris is not famous at all now, she is just a silly white rich girl, but if she becomes the president, maybe the prime minister and president of their country will come over to celebrate.

Foreign media also reported this incident, and Paris took advantage of this opportunity to become famous.

Ordinary foreigners don't care much about other politicians running for president of the United States because they can't recognize who they are.

But when Paris ran for president of the United States, foreigners suddenly became excited.

This girl has such a hot figure and is so recognizable. It would be so interesting to become the president.

It has nothing to do with them if other politicians become president, but if Paris becomes president, then they can feast their eyes on it.

Think about it, it's really fun to see a young girl in her prime among a group of old men in their 50s and 60s, and she is the one with the highest status.

Most foreign media actually reprint news from American media. They may not even check Google before publishing the news, and they don’t know anything.

The news headlines of the American gossip media are more exaggerated than the previous ones. When foreign media reprint them and add some additional information, they become even more exaggerated.

Anyway, he is an American, no one will question him.

As word spread, Paris became the head of the Hilton Group, a billionaire president, the most beautiful woman in the United States, and the most famous star in Hollywood.

These news are very fake, but foreigners just like to read them and find them more interesting.

Some foreign experts have even begun to analyze the probability of Paris becoming president, and what changes it will bring to the world if she becomes president.

As a result, Paris is even more famous abroad than in the United States. Many foreigners don't know who is running in this U.S. presidential election, but they must know Paris.

Then the foreign news spread back to the United States, making Paris even more famous.

Sure enough, Paris is a very good presidential candidate.

So far, she has become a popular presidential candidate, and her campaign platform is very popular with the people. They think it is a good thing for her to be president.

Seeing Paris's popularity getting higher and higher, both the Donkey Party and the Elephant Party couldn't sit still.

The Donkey Party and the Elephant Party are both established political parties in the United States. In every presidential election, their party candidates stand out to perform.

At first, they were indifferent to the fact that Paris was running for president. After all, they were just amateurs.

In the United States, if you want to run for president, you cannot avoid the Donkey Party and the Elephant Party. You must first become party candidates of the two established parties before you can actually run for president.

If you, Paris, want to run for president, it is impossible without the support of both parties.

But things are different now, Paris is becoming more popular.

If there is popularity, people will vote, and if people vote, it will help the presidential campaign.

Maybe Paris can't become president, but with her current popularity, it's okay to be a running mate and help canvass votes.

Maybe just because Paris helped canvass votes, the candidate of the party became president because of this.

Thinking about it this way, Paris still has some value.

The Elephant Party acted quickly and sent a person to find Paris to ask her to join the presidential campaign and help canvass votes.

Paris was stunned.

Am I running for president?

I'm not.

I don't.

Don't talk nonsense.

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