This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 411 Paris Withdrew from the Campaign

Xiangdang was also confused.

If you don’t run for president, then why are you building momentum? You’ve already come up with a campaign platform, and you say you won’t run for president? ? ?

You know, Paris's campaign platform has greatly touched people in the Elephant Party. Several candidates in the party have read it and found some of the policies in it very useful, and then added them to their own campaign platforms. Canvassing votes.

As a result, I did not want to participate in the election.

Are you making trouble?

"I really have no intention of running for office." Paris repeated seriously.

Politics feels so far away from her, it's not her field at all.

Actually, Paris knew a little about what happened online, but she didn't think there was any problem at all.

She is so good, isn't it normal for everyone to talk about her?

It feels fun.

But it's all fun, so if she were to run for office, it would definitely not work.

That's politics, it's old-fashioned and serious, which doesn't suit her, and she doesn't know what to do.

The representative of the Elephant Party was silent for a long time, and finally persuaded: "Ms. Hilton, this is not a child's play. Since you are not planning to participate in the election, then don't create momentum, otherwise it will cause trouble to many people."

"Besides, you are so popular now. It would be a pity not to run for election. Why don't you think about it carefully? Even if you can't become president, it would be good to be a congressman. There hasn't been anyone as young as you in politics for a long time."

Representatives of the Elephant Party began to persuade Paris to enter politics.

Mainly because Paris is really popular recently, which will help her run for president.

Paris is very conflicted and really has the urge to enter politics and run for president.

What if?

What if she actually succeeds in becoming president?

By then, she will be the first female president in the history of the United States, and will also become the most powerful woman in the world.

It’s exciting just thinking about it.

This is much more interesting than being a star.

But Paris still has concerns, after all, she is just a little girl.

In the end, the representative of the Elephant Party returned in vain. In the end, he still failed to persuade Paris to participate in the election, and he failed to get Paris to join their party.

But he planted a seed in Paris's heart, a seed to enter politics and run for office.

After the representatives of the Elephant Party returned, it was soon revealed that Paris did not intend to participate in the election.

This news quickly swept the entire Internet.

It's a coincidence that at this time, the news on the Internet is usually about so-and-so announcing his participation in the presidential election, or so-and-so being suspected of running for president.

Currently, the U.S. presidential election has not even held its primary election, and no candidate has been eliminated.

Paris was the only one to give up the campaign, and it quickly attracted attention.

The media started making up the news.

“Paris announces she’s giving up running for president.”

"Paris gave up her candidacy due to suspected pressure."

"The two parties are unwilling to accept candidates from outside the party, so Paris has no choice but to give up the campaign."

"From the time she announced her participation to the time she gave up, what kind of mental journey did Paris go through?"

"There are only six female presidential candidates left, and the road to gender equality in the United States still has a long way to go."

"It is rumored that Paris has been threatened by unknown persons."

The media doesn't care about anything, they only publish the breaking news first. In this regard, the big media are a little more rigorous and the news is more conservative. The gossip tabloids don't care about that much, and they will come up with the hottest news.

As the only person who has announced her withdrawal from the presidential race, Paris has received a lot of attention, and netizens also find it strange.


"It only took a few days between Paris joining the campaign and withdrawing from the race. Why was it so sudden?"

"Is this treating the presidential campaign like a child's game?"

"I heard there was a special reason why Paris dropped out of the race."

The matter began to become more and more popular, and conspiracy theories were even sprung up.

Netizens generally believe that there is a conspiracy behind Paris' withdrawal from the race. After all, the primary elections have not even started yet. There is absolutely no need for Paris to withdraw from the race.

Here comes the interesting part.

From Paris's point of view, she has never thought about running for office. Although there is news about her running for election on the Internet, it is just a rumor.

Since she did not participate in the election, of course she did not withdraw from the election. It was a rumor from beginning to end, and she had no involvement. This matter had nothing to do with her.

From the perspective of netizens, Paris participated in the election and worked very hard to put forward her own campaign platform. From the look of her, it was obvious that she planned to do something big and put in a lot of effort to become the president.

But it has only been a few days, and the primary election has not even come yet. Paris will not participate in the election. If you want to say that there is nothing fishy in this, who will believe it.

There must be a conspiracy here.

Things are so fun, everyone has a different version of a thing, true and false, false and true, no one knows the truth of a thing.

Paris withdrew from the campaign. Although netizens found this regrettable, it was not too regrettable.

After all, Paris is an amateur with no experience in politics. Although Paris's campaign platform seems quite reliable, everyone still doesn't take her too seriously.

But for Paris’ biggest fans, Paris’s announcement that she would not run for office was a complete bolt from the blue, shocking them.

Paris’s biggest fan group is about to explode with comments.

"Why, why is Paris dropping out of the presidential race."

"I don't understand why she did this."

"No, Miss Paris, you can't do this. The United States needs you."

"If you don't want to save the United States and make this country great again, how can you withdraw from the presidential race?"

"The United States cannot lose Paris, just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem."

"Without Paris, the United States will have no hope."

The die-hard fan group was wailing. These fans were as sad as if their parents had died.

I'm wrong. This group of people are more sad than if their parents died. This group of fans may not be touched by the death of their parents, but Paris giving up the presidential campaign is like the destruction of the world to them.

However, the reason why fanatic fans are fanatic fans is because the world view in their minds is extremely stable, and even if the reality is different from what they thought, they can quickly find a good reason.

Soon some fans in the group came up with seemingly reasonable explanations.

"Don't be so sad, everyone. Do you still remember that Paris was assassinated?"

Someone immediately echoed.

"There seems to be such a thing."

"I remember very clearly that Paris almost died."

"Yes, Paris was originally very active, but after the assassination she immediately became low-key. Until now, there is no news about her outside."

"Could it be that"

Soon some fans came up with the "truth".

"You guessed it right, someone must be secretly obstructing her, so Paris gave up on running."

"It's not that she doesn't want to save the United States, but because her life was threatened, she had no choice but to give up the campaign."

"So that's it."

"I asked why this happened so suddenly."

"It turns out someone threatened Paris, so she had no choice but to withdraw from the race."

"I knew that evil organizations were trying to rule the world, and they would not let anyone threaten their rule."

With reasonable truth, fans can finally accept the fact that Paris is withdrawing from the race.

It turns out that the idol did not abandon them, but gave up the campaign "out of helplessness" due to "special reasons".

This group of fans felt humiliated and felt sorry for their idol.

"Paris is so pitiful. She could have saved the United States, but because of the obstruction of the evil organization, she could only give up."

"Miss Paris must be very angry."

"For sure, Miss Paris is the reincarnation of Washington. No one cares about this country more than her."

"She might have been crying at home."

"I'm so heartbroken, Miss Paris, she is so sad."

At this time, a fan posted a long message: "As a fan of Miss Paris, do you just speak here?

Obviously, Miss Paris must be in a state of loss, sadness, and helplessness at this time. This may be the most difficult time in her life.

As her fans, we absolutely cannot sit idly by. We must voice our support and let Paris know that we will always stand behind her, support her, and protect her, even if we are enemies of the whole world. We will not back down either. "

This long article simply spoke to the hearts of Paris fans, and many people immediately stood up to support it.

"You're right, we can't just watch Miss Paris sad."

"We need to take action and let Miss Paris know that she is not fighting alone."

"Even if we are the enemy of the whole world, we will fight side by side with Miss Paris."

"Yes, we are Miss Paris's knights. We will always stand in front of her to protect her and eradicate evil for her."

"For Miss Paris."

"For Miss Paris."

"For Miss Paris."

"No, it's for the goddess Paris."

"Yes, for the goddess Paris."

"For the goddess Paris."




Then, these Paris fans were on fire as if they had been given a shot of blood.

They suddenly felt like a knight, alone and against the whole world for the goddess.

But so what, we are the righteous party.

Paris’ die-hard fans took action. They were like a group of warriors, charging into battle online.

"Paris will never give up her campaign.,"

"Only the goddess Paris can save the United States."

"We know that there is an evil organization threatening the goddess Paris, but as long as I am here, you can't succeed."

"Good will triumph over evil."

"Goddess Paris will win."

There was an inexplicable wave of support for Paris on the Internet, sweeping the entire network.

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