This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 424 Someone is missing

Paul is a college student, and his favorite thing is surfing the Internet.

Not just Paul, many college students are similar to Paul. They are a new generation who like new media and new things.

They are the most open-minded generation and the most receptive to new things.

But that day, when he was browsing the Internet for news, he suddenly saw a missing person notice.

Brown Steven, born in Virginia in 1986, told his family on December 13 that he was going on an adventure and carried a camera with him, and then disappeared. If anyone sees it, please call his parents as soon as possible. The two of them are very sad right now.

Along with the missing person notice, there was a photo of Brown Steven, who turned out to be a handsome and handsome guy, the kind who is the center of attention no matter where he goes.

After reading the missing person notice, Paul couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

No, it's a pity that such a handsome man has disappeared, and he is also a college student like him.

"Who is this person?" At this moment, Paul's girlfriend Jennifer saw the photos on his phone and couldn't help but ask.

I have to admit that appearance is really important.

People who are very handsome or beautiful can easily attract the attention of the people around them no matter where they go.

There has even been a case where a criminal, just because of her good looks, caused many people to sympathize with her and feel that even if she committed a crime, she deserved forgiveness. There was even a Bai Fumei, just because a murderer was very handsome. Take the initiative to marry him.

Jennifer originally had a casual glance, but after discovering that this man was handsome, her curiosity suddenly aroused.

Paul sighed: "A college student, but he's missing and his parents are looking for him."

"Missing?" Jennifer's heart suddenly tightened, she grabbed Paul's cell phone and read the missing person notice carefully.

Especially the photos, I looked at them for several seconds.

"It's such a pity that such a handsome guy has disappeared. Something must have happened to him."

Paul shrugged: "Who knows, but there is still no news after being missing for so long. There is a high probability that something will happen."

"It's such a pity, it's really such a pity." Jennifer shook her head repeatedly.

It's such a waste that such a handsome guy disappeared like this. It would be great if he could be her boyfriend.

Even if he can't be her boyfriend, it's fine to look at him.

He happened to be missing, and he had been missing for so many days without any news. It was a high probability that something would happen.

It's such a pity.

With this emotion, Jennifer took out her mobile phone and saved the photo of the handsome man. At the same time, she forwarded the missing person notice to others around her.

Not only did she do this herself, but she also asked her boyfriend Paul to also forward it to do her part to find this college student.

Although it is of no use, it doesn’t cost much to repost it casually. Maybe this repost will lead to the university student being found.

Jennifer's best friend Sally saw the forwarded missing person notice and sent a message asking.

"Who is this? He's very handsome."

Jennifer replied: "A college student who disappeared last month and his parents are looking for him now."

Sally's emotions were the same as Jennifer's when she first saw the photo.

"It's such a pity that such a handsome guy has disappeared like this. It would be great if he could be my boyfriend."

Jennifer replied: "Then you go find him. If you find him, maybe he will agree to be your boyfriend."

Sally: "Okay, I'll forward it now."

People like Paul, Jennifer, and Sally are not uncommon. After seeing this missing person revelation, many people chose to do their best and forward this message with just a few clicks of their fingers.

But what most people can do is to repost it, or even better, send two comments to express their concern.

After all, everyone has their own life, and most people don’t care too much about other people’s affairs unless it pokes a certain point in their hearts.

But in the next few days, Paul discovered that this missing person notice appeared very frequently.

This missing person notice appeared on many websites, and some even simply posted this missing person notice on the top, letting more people know that a college student named Brown went on an adventure with a camera and then disappeared. His parents Looking for him.

Even some radio stations and some local TV stations broadcast Brown's missing person notice, and even Paul could occasionally hear news about Brown's disappearance in school.

It seems that this college student named Brown has a very energetic family, and he is able to let so many people know about it.

Unfortunately, 99% of missing people cannot be found, and his parents are most likely trying in vain.

"Mr. Spielberg, I am your biggest fan." A fan shouted enthusiastically at Spielberg.

"Thank you." Spielberg nodded reservedly, but there was no fluctuation in his heart.

After being a director for decades, he had seen too many scenes like this, and there was no way he could be moved.

Karen, the actor behind, laughed and said, "The director is very popular. Many people come here for you."

Harrison smiled: "This is director Spielberg. He has made more movies than we have acted in. Of course he has many fans."

Karen and Harrison both starred in the movie "West Side Story," and the reason why they appeared with Spielberg was to participate in the film's promotional activities to promote the movie "West Side Story."

Although Spielberg insists that the quality of a film is most important, he is not a fool and knows the importance of publicity for a film.

The quality of the movie is the most important, and the promotion of the movie is also very important, neither of which can be ignored.

In order to promote the movie "West Side Story", Spielberg plans to invest tens of millions of dollars to ensure the popularity of the movie before its release.

Of course, there must be no shortage of publicity activities. Each publicity activity can provide material for publicity and let more people know about the movie.

This movie promotion is a simple media event, small in scale and a warm-up.

There is still half a month to go until the movie promotion, and there will be many promotional activities. Together, they are enough to ensure the popularity of the movie.

Soon, the event was over, the media dispersed, and Spielberg was preparing to leave with the film's actors.

At this time, several volunteers wearing cultural shirts poured into the hotel. They held a stack of thick leaflets and distributed them to anyone they found.

Even Spielberg and several actors were not spared, several young people said while handing out flyers.

"If you see anyone above, please call and the family will thank you heavily."

Spielberg took the flyer and found it was a missing person notice, looking for a missing college student named Brown, who went on an expedition with a camera last month and then disappeared.

Perhaps because of his old age, Spielberg couldn't help but sigh.

"Having been missing for so long, this guy should be in danger."

Karen from behind nodded: "I know this Brown. He is a college student who likes adventure. I have seen several missing persons notices about him on the Internet in the past few days and even forwarded them."

"But there has been no news about this person. It is probably difficult to find him."

Harrison muttered: "It seems that his parents are very rich, otherwise they would not be able to spread the news so widely. But it is a pity that many college students in the United States have no brains and often like to put themselves in danger."

Spielberg nodded in agreement: "Yes, young people today are indeed very impulsive. We would never be like this back then."

American college students are indeed famous for their love of committing suicide. This can be seen from American movies.

The main content of many American movies is that college students continue to commit suicide. If it weren't for the fact that this kind of thing often happens in reality, the movie would not be made like this.

As an old man, Spielberg particularly dislikes today's young people and always feels inferior to his own generation.

This college student might as well have committed suicide, but his parents were in trouble.

After putting so much effort into searching for their missing son, imagine how sad they must be.


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