This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 425 He went to Area 51

On this day, college student Paul ran to the cafeteria to eat. At this moment, his friend Arthur ran over and asked secretly: "Did you know that a college student named Brown disappeared last month?"

Paul glanced at his friend Arthur and nodded: "I know, what's wrong?"

He had seen the news of Brown's disappearance a few days ago. Originally, such news would be forgotten after just one glance, but his girlfriend couldn't help but kept talking about it for a long time, and even secretly saved Brown's photo. Paul couldn't remember it even if he didn't want to.

Arthur said mysteriously: "I heard that Brown disappeared because he went to Area 51, discovered aliens, and was silenced by the federal government."

Paul was surprised: "Why do you think so? What evidence is there?"

Area 51 is a secret military base located in Lincoln County, southern Nevada, USA. There are many similar military bases in the United States, but Area 51 is extremely famous. Paul has heard relevant rumors when he was very young.

The reason for this is that Area 51 is shrouded in many mysterious rumors. Residents living nearby often witness UFOs and sometimes hear all kinds of weird noises. These news are spread, and then people add fuel to the fire, and quickly It brings a layer of mystery to the military base.

Moreover, the military base in Area 51 is extremely confidential. Not to mention the base itself, even a large area outside is a confidential area. Ordinary people cannot even take a look at the base from a distance. It is precisely because of the strict confidentiality measures that A vast space for imagination for the public.

Some people say that there is a crashed alien spacecraft hidden in Area 51. The reason why the US government has fenced it off to prevent people from seeing it is because they are trying to decipher the alien technology on the spacecraft.

Others say that secret and evil human experiments are being carried out in Area 51. Large consortiums cooperate with the federal government to secretly arrest idle people in society and research and produce biological and chemical weapons.

It was once said that relics of prehistoric civilization were discovered in Area 51, and the federal government was excavating inside.

In an interview, a pilot even said that when he was flying over Area 51, he accidentally glanced and saw a crashed alien spacecraft inside the base, and even saw aliens.

The most exaggerated thing is that someone said that he once worked in Area 51. There were no alien spacecrafts or biochemical research inside. In fact, time machines were being studied inside, and the research has been completed, and there are people traveling through time and space inside.

In short, there are many rumors about Area 51, each one more outrageous and weirder than the last. Let’s put it this way, as long as you are an American, you have basically heard of the rumors about Area 51.

The popularity of the story of Area 51 in the United States is the same as the popularity of the Bermuda Triangle, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Shennongjia Savage in China. Basically everyone knows it, and even if they don’t know it, they have definitely heard of it.

Paul was no exception. When a college student disappeared, he didn't care much because this kind of thing happened often in the United States. But once it was related to the mysterious Area 51, his curiosity quickly aroused and he couldn't wait to get the answer.

Arthur whispered mysteriously: "This Brown has a very adventurous spirit. He has liked to explore the outside world since he was very young. It is said that his trip this time is to Area 51 to see if there are any aliens. He It seems that they really discovered some secrets and recorded them with a body-worn camera, but they were accidentally discovered by the federal government and silenced.”

Paul replied: "How do you know this? What evidence do you have?"

Arthur nodded: "Of course, the Discovery Channel of the American Radio and Television Station broadcast a documentary yesterday, telling the story of Brown."

"And they also said that they found Brown's camera and restored part of it, including the accidental footage of aliens."

Paul was shocked: "Really or not, have aliens really been discovered?"

Arthur nodded wildly: "Of course it's true. It was broadcast on the TV station. How can it be false?"

Paul felt very itchy in his heart. Human beings have a natural desire to get to the bottom of things. The fact that he found evidence of the existence of aliens made him unable to sit still anymore. He couldn't wait to ask: "Where can I see the documentary you mentioned. "

"Uh" Arthur scratched his head: "It seems that the TV show is not replayed. Maybe you can watch it online."

An anxious Paul eagerly took out his mobile phone and searched online for what Arthur said.

Thanks to the Internet, the emergence of the Internet has made it much easier for everyone to find things. After spending a little time, Paul quickly watched the documentary Yasuo talked about.

At the beginning of the documentary, there was an interview with a couple who looked tired.

The reporter asked: "Is your child missing?"

"Yes, his name is Brown. He is a great, great child. He is usually very well-behaved and often helps his neighbors. Everyone likes him very much."

"Why did he disappear?"

"He said he wanted to travel and brought a camera with him. He said he wanted to record all the beautiful scenery for us to see. Then, he disappeared."

"Have you found any clues?"

"Yes, we found the camera he carried with him. Unfortunately, the camera was severely damaged and the contents inside can no longer be seen."

In the first few minutes of the video, it was revealed that Brown, a college student, disappeared while traveling, and his parents only found his camera.

Paul had known about this content for a long time. This documentary was shot very well. Not only did it not make people feel bored, it also gave people a strong desire to watch it and to know the truth of the matter.

After interviewing Brown's parents, the reporter then interviewed Brown's neighbors, classmates, and even his girlfriend.

According to these people, there is no doubt that Brown is a great young man. In China, he is a child of other people who has both good character and academic performance, is filial to his parents, and can do all decathlons.

It is such a shame that such a person has disappeared like this.

So how did Brown disappear? His girlfriend revealed the news.

"He happened to read news about Area 51 on the Internet and was particularly interested in it. He told me that we must find out the truth."

Seeing this, Paul's breathing slowed down.

Sure enough, it is related to Area 51. Did he go to the rumored Area 51? Does his disappearance have anything to do with Area 51?

The next content is for the reporter to go to Area 51 and interview people around him.

A local farmer nodded and accepted the reporter's interview: "It seems that there was a college student who came here. He stayed with me for a day. I advised him not to go in, but he must go in."

The reporter asked: "What about others?"

Farmer: "Gone, gone, but that's normal."

Reporter: "Why is it normal?"

The farmer smiled: "This is Area 51, anything can happen."

Suddenly, he showed a sneaky expression and whispered: "I live nearby and I often see some strange things?"

Reporter: "What's weird?"

The farmer then began to talk about the strange things he had seen while living near Area 51. For example, mysterious flying objects once appeared in the sky and then disappeared quickly.

For another example, a large number of troops escort an object into Area 51.

Another night, while he was asleep, troops broke into the farm and asked him if he had seen anything special.

He said he saw nothing at the time, but the troops still searched the farm and made sure they found nothing before leaving. Before leaving, the farmer accidentally heard someone talking about aliens, but soon the soldier who spoke Got kicked.

Seeing this, Paul's emotions were completely aroused, and he couldn't wait to know the truth.

Are there really aliens in Area 51, and did that college student disappear while pursuing its secrets?

What Paul didn't notice was that a classmate appeared behind him. He was attracted by the content of the documentary and stood behind and watched carefully.

The video is still playing, and reporters continue to pursue the truth about the disappearance of the college students.

Next, the reporter asked nearby residents and passers-by. Some of these people had seen the college student, and some had not. But regardless of whether they had seen it or not, they all believed that the college student could not go back.

Because this is Area 51, no one can go back after knowing the secrets inside.

The reporter even interviewed a soldier from Area 51, but in order to maintain confidentiality, he wore a mask throughout the process, only revealing a pair of eyes.

Soldier: "Yes, I know that college student. At that time, he wanted to enter Area 51. I refused him without hesitation because this is a confidential place and no one without permission can enter."

Reporter: "Then what?"

Soldier: "Then he left, but I could see that he was very unwilling and just left out of necessity."

Reporter: "What happened next?"

Soldier: "Later, I went back to rest after completing my duty. When I was sleeping, my superior suddenly woke me up and told me that someone had broken into the base. He asked me to be on guard and look for the intruder. Once found, he could be killed immediately without any liability. responsibility."

Reporter: "Then."

Soldier: "I was on guard for about three hours. The commander came over and informed me that I could go back. I asked him if the intruder had been found. He said yes, and that this guy had been punished. Then I went back to rest. ”

Reporter: "What is the punishment you are talking about? Do you mean execution? Did you kill him?"

The soldiers were silent.

The reporter continued to ask: "Please answer me, is that college student dead? Does this kind of thing happen often in the base?"

The soldier remained silent.

The reporter asked: "Are there aliens in the base? Did the college student find anything? Where are his belongings?"

Soldier: "Sorry, I can't answer these questions."

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