This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 476 This advertisement has no technical content

As soon as he walked out of Xitian Group, Liu Yang called Xu Nan to tell him the good news.

"Mr. Xu, it's done. Xitian Group has agreed to adopt our advertising plan and has signed a contract."

"At the same time, they also plan to leave the advertising to us, Summit Films, to shoot."

Xu Nan smiled, not too surprised.

This advertising plan is extremely excellent and it was a no-brainer that it was adopted.

I don’t know how many people were introduced to Oreo biscuits through this advertisement in the previous life, which made this biscuit ever popular.

This is the charm of a classic advertisement.

As for advertising shooting, it is even simpler, and it is not difficult at all for Xu Nan.

In just a few days, he completed the shooting of the advertisement and sent it to Xitian Group.

As a film and television director, Wang Fan quickly saw this advertisement.

In a room with bright and clean windows, a cute little boy was holding a pack of Oreo cookies in his hand.

He tore open the package and took out an Oreo cookie.

Oreo cookies are different from other cookies in that they are two pieces connected together with solid yogurt in the middle.

The child grabbed both sides of the biscuit, twisted it, and successfully separated the two biscuits.

At the same time, the voice-over sounded: "Twist."

After twisting, the child licked the tempting white cream in the middle of the biscuit with his tongue.

The voice-over sounded again: "Lick it."

Then, the little boy put the cookies in the milk.

Voice-over: "Take a dip."

After completing these three steps, the little boy put the biscuits into his mouth with an extremely satisfied look, as if the biscuits were the most delicious food in the world.

Just after taking a bite, a cute little girl walked into the room and saw the little boy enjoying the Oreo cookies with a puzzled expression, as if asking: "Is it really that delicious?"

The next second.

The little girl sat next to the little boy, took out an Oreo cookie, followed his example, twisted it, licked it, soaked it, and then put it in her mouth.

For a moment, the little girl's eyes widened with a shocked expression, as if she was shocked by how delicious the cookies were.

The picture becomes blurry and the voice-over begins again.

"Twist it, lick it, take a dip."

"Oreo cookies."

After watching this advertisement, Wang Fan excitedly slammed his fist on the table.

Yes, this is the effect he wants.

This advertisement can definitely arouse consumers' desire to buy.

Wang Fan is very sure that after seeing the child in the advertisement taking out the biscuit, twisting it, licking it and soaking it, countless people will want to imitate it.

There are so many types of biscuits on the market now, why does the new product Oreo break out of the crowd?

Just rely on this advertising slogan.

Excited, Wang Fan called Liu Yang.

"Thank you to Director Xu Nan for shooting this commercial for our company's products. It perfectly achieved the effect I wanted."

Liu Yang said with a smile: "As long as Director Wang likes it, we, Mr. Xu, have put in a lot of effort for this advertisement and have worked hard to do our best in all aspects. If we can satisfy Mr. Wang, Mr. Xu should also feel gratified."

Wang Fan was even more moved: "Thank you for your hard work, Director Xu Nan. In this way, I will make the decision. After the product is launched, I will send a truck of biscuits to Director Xu Nan for free as a token of appreciation."

Liu Yang smiled and replied: "That's good."

Wang Fan acted very quickly. Oreo biscuits were just one step away from being launched. After the advertisement was in place, it was quickly broadcast on the TV station.

Xitian Food is a large company with strong strength, and the company also attaches great importance to the new biscuit Oreo.

Therefore, Oreo's advertising quickly spread all over the country.

TV station.



As long as you can think of it, you can see advertisements for Oreo biscuits, especially the famous advertising slogan.

Twist, lick, soak.

And with the overwhelming advertising, relevant news soon spread to the circle.

A group of directors in the film and television industry.

"You know, Xu Nan filmed another commercial."

"What advertisement."

"Just the latest cookie."

"Twist, lick, and soak?"

"Yes, that's right, that's it."

"This is a very aggressive advertising campaign, with a big company behind it. You can see it everywhere."

"Why is Xu Nan starting to shoot commercials again? Doesn't he think the price has dropped?"

"It's so funny, as long as the money is in place, the price drop is nothing."

"I'm curious how much money Xu Nan made this time?"

"Xitian Food is a top-notch company, and Xu Nan is a great director, so the money given is very small."

"I'm so envious. Why am I not a big director? Then I can make money by filming commercials."

The film and television industry did not react much to this matter. After all, it is not unheard of for some directors to shoot commercials before. It mainly depends on how much money is given.

But the response from the advertising world was furious.

"Do you know who did the advertising plan for Xitian New Food?"


"Xu Nan."

"Is that the one who is known as the director of bad movies?"

"That's right, it's him. Last time he made an advertising plan for the health product Melatonin, and it was very effective. So the Xitian Group wanted to launch a biscuit this time, so they also approached him."

"You must be sick."

"That's it, what the hell is a director doing for advertising planning if he doesn't want to make a good movie?"

"Do you really think that if you succeed once, you can succeed a second time?"

"The advertising industry is not that simple."

"Xitian Company is also funny. They actually believe in Xu Nan so much that they gave up a plan proposed by an advertising company that they have cooperated with for many years."

"That's ridiculous. You don't trust professionals but you trust outsiders. Are Xitian's top management just showing off their brains?"

The advertising industry has strong objections to Xu Nan's crossover because it offends their interests.

The key point is that if you are a film maker and come to do advertising planning, this is too far a cross-border crossing.

I really thought this line of work was easy and anyone could do it, right?

Someone started throwing cold water on it.

"I saw the advertisement, and it was unremarkable."

"Twist, lick, soak, what a stupid advertising slogan."

"A great director is only at this level, why not as good as me?"

"I'm curious about Xitian's expression now."

"I guess my face is already green."

"It's good. After suffering a loss, these people should be able to understand that professional matters should be left to professionals, and don't just hire laymen."

"Xu Nan should also learn a lesson and know where the limits of his abilities are."

Meanwhile, Lele Food Co.

The top management of the company was having a meeting. After the meeting, the president of the company looked at the vice president.

"I heard that you stopped our advertising cooperation with Summit Films Xu Nan."

The vice president felt nervous and replied calmly on the surface: "Yes, Xu Nan is a layman after all. I don't think there is any need to cooperate with him."

A senior executive interjected: "But I seem to have heard that Xu Nan's advertisement for health products made the Giant Group make a lot of money."

The vice president retorted: "Health products are health products and food is food. The two cannot be confused."

"Furthermore, Xu Nan's image is somewhat controversial, and it is not very consistent with the tone of our company."

In fact, for this kind of thing, if the public is right and the mother-in-law is right, you will never get the result by relying on words.

At least now, no one can find fault with the vice president.

The president didn't say much, and just wrote lightly: "Xu Nan has cooperated with Xitian Food to advertise their company's new biscuits, which also created a little competition with our company's biscuits."

The vice president said decisively: "I also know about this matter. The advertisement is very ordinary, nothing special."

A senior executive suddenly said: "It seems that this advertisement has just been launched not long ago. The vice president is so arbitrary and sure that it has no effect?"

The vice president said loudly: "Yes, I dare to say so. This advertisement is very mediocre and has no effect on promoting product sales."

"It can also be seen from this that it was the right choice for me to stop the cooperation with Xu Nan."

The president didn't say much, just vaguely said: "Let's take a look."

The advertisement has just been launched, and the effect is not yet obvious.

Only when the effect of the advertisement is confirmed can we see whether the vice president's decision to stop cooperation with Xu Nan is a good or bad thing.

It doesn’t matter if the advertising effect is not good, but if the advertising effect is very good.

Then the vice president will definitely be unlucky.

This is the workplace.

Shen Ning is a mother.

And she is a stay-at-home mom.

She usually leads a very leisurely life, just taking care of her children at home and doing some hygiene.

The child is still very young, only six years old, which is the age when he likes to play.

When cleaning, she likes to turn on the TV, which can make the empty home more popular and attract the attention of her restless son.

Best of both worlds.

Advertisements are playing on the TV.

In a bright room, a cute little boy is eating cookies.

Shen Ning's eyes accidentally glanced at the TV, and then paused without moving away.

She couldn't tell why, but it might be because the ad was more attractive and less boring.

The child who was playing with toys also watched the TV without blinking.

"Twist, lick, and soak."

The simple and clear advertising slogan unlocks new ways to eat biscuits.

Then, the commercial ends.

Everything is back to how it was.

In the evening, Shen Ning took her children to the supermarket for shopping.

They took a lot of things from the shelves, including food, useful things, and things to play with.

When passing by the snack area, the child suddenly screamed.

"Mom, mom, I want that."


Shen Ning curiously looked in the direction the child was pointing and found that it was Oreo biscuits.

Involuntarily, she remembered the advertisement she had seen before.

Especially the advertising slogan: Twist, lick, lick and soak.

This advertising slogan seems plain and simple, but people always think of it unconsciously when they see the product.

If you learn to twist, lick, and soak like in the commercials on TV, how delicious the biscuits will be.

While still hesitating, the child ran over and took two packages of biscuits.

Shen Ning smiled, but didn't stop him.

It's just a few packs of biscuits, not very expensive, and it's not a big deal to satisfy a child.

When paying the bill, Shen Ning took out the biscuits and was seen by another mother behind her.

She immediately laughed: "Did you buy this too?"

Shen Ning asked curiously: "Did you buy it too?"

The mother nodded: "I bought it. I didn't want it at first, but the children at home clamored for it. It was all because of the advertisement. The child bought the biscuits and had to learn to follow the advertisement, twisting, licking and soaking. .”

"Hey, I have to buy a bottle of milk by the way, otherwise he will cry."

"I'm really convinced by today's advertisements. They look ordinary, but the traps are one after another. It's impossible not to buy them."

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