This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 477 Unlocking a new way to eat cookies

After finishing shopping, mother Shen Ning returned home with her children.

The child clamored for her to prepare a glass of milk.

It just so happened that Shen Ning also had this idea.

The milk is ready quickly.

The child tore open the wrapping paper and imitated the little boy in the advertisement, first twisting it, then licking it, and then soaking it in milk.

During the whole process, the children were extremely serious, as if they were doing something sacred.

Finally, the child put the Oreo cookie in his mouth and ate it happily.

Shen Ning asked softly: "Baby, is it delicious?"

The child replied vaguely: "It's delicious."

Shen Ning couldn't help but laugh.

She was very doubtful about the baby. Could this little guy really tell whether it was delicious or not?

But looking at the baby's appearance, she couldn't help but have the desire to try.

After tearing open the packaging bag, Shen Ning followed the example in the advertisement, twisting, licking and soaking.

Then put the cookie in your mouth.


Shen Ning's eyes widened a little. Crispy biscuits were paired with fragrant milk.

It seemed really delicious, at least better than all the cookies she had eaten before.

Is it a psychological effect, or are the cookies really delicious?

Shen Ning couldn't tell clearly, but there was no need to tell clearly.

She has decided that from now on Oreo cookies will be a regular snack at home, and she will eat them whenever she is interested.

Things like this are happening all over the country.

I don’t know how many people, after watching the advertisement, imitated the slogan, twisting, licking and soaking.

Oreo's new biscuit also used this trend to successfully sell and become the overlord in the biscuit industry.

Xitian Group.

The company's top executives are having a meeting.

At the meeting, the company president singled out advertising director Wang Fan for praise.

"Director Wang has done a great job. The new advertisement has aroused a great response. The sales volume of our new product Oreo has reached the level of the main product in a short period of time."

"Come on, everyone applaud."

All the company executives in the conference room applauded.

Some people may be unconvinced, but it’s useless not to be convinced.

In the workplace, nothing is more convincing than performance.

Wang Fan smiled and said modestly: "I'm just lucky. In fact, someone else came to see this advertisement. I just missed it."

The president asked curiously: "What's going on?"

Wang Fan recounted the process of Liu Yang's visit, and then concluded: "The main reason is that Xu Nan is indeed talented, and I just played a guiding role."

The president smiled: "If you can see the value of the advertising plan, you will have merit."

"As for Xu Nan, if our company has any new advertisements in the future, we can give priority to working with them."

Wang Fan reminded: "He is a great director and his price is very high."

The president waved his hand and said domineeringly: "A little advertising fee is nothing, as long as it is effective."

He is not afraid of being expensive, but is afraid of being ineffective.

As long as the product is sold, a little advertising fee can be earned back ten times or a hundred times.

Oreo biscuits were a hit, and news of the good advertising effect quickly spread to the industry.

Everyone in the film and television industry felt speechless.

"This is Xu Nan's second successful advertisement, right?"

"Yes, a Melatonin ad and an Oreo were both successful."

"Has he forgotten that his true calling is a film director?"

"I must not have forgotten it, because his new movie "The Eyed Man" is in intensive preparation, and it is said that filming will start soon."

"So Xu Nan took a part-time job while preparing for the movie?"

"This should be."

"This is too perverted. I did two part-time jobs and filmed two popular commercials in a row. If I were to specialize in commercials, it would be okay."

"No wonder some people say that Xu Nanzhu is a movie marketer by profession. He is really good at marketing."

"Damn it, how can we mortals live with such a pervert?"

"Give up, the world of geniuses is different from that of ordinary people."

"I'm just curious now when he will join the Film Association."

"It should be soon. In the past, it was because Xu Nan had a lot of controversies, so the Film Association did not accept him. But now that Xu Nan has the highest cumulative box office in the country, and has a well-known movie like "The Beginning", if the Film Association still does not accept him, it will It’s a bit unreasonable.”

"Sooner or later."

The Film Association is a domestic film-related organization. It can be regarded as semi-official. Anyone in the country who is related to the film can apply to join, and its influence is not small.

Because of Xu Nan's controversy, the association had not invited him to join before. However, as Xu Nan's influence grows, it may not be possible to convince the public if he is not invited.

In the film and television circles, the fact that Xu Nan has shot another hit commercial is just gossip and even a bit disrespectful.

But the advertising industry can be said to be furious.

"How could such a simple advertisement bring such a big boost to biscuits?"

"Yeah, why don't you just twist it, lick it, and soak it? What's the point?"

"I can't understand what the audience thinks."

Many people in the advertising industry find it puzzling and think it is outrageous.

When did advertising and marketing become so simple?

If it was so simple, why couldn't they do it.

Xu Nan's continuous success makes them look like clowns.

And it is true that many people do not understand what is so good about the advertisement of twisting, licking, and soaking.

Fortunately, there are still experts in the advertising industry.

Someone quickly analyzed the subtlety of this advertisement.

"The reason why the Oreo advertisement is successful is that it unlocks a new way for customers to eat."

"In the past, when people ate biscuits, they simply tore open the package and stuffed them into their mouths. Although you can't say it wrong, there is nothing memorable about it, no matter what brand it is."

"But Oreo has used advertising to let everyone learn to twist, lick, and soak when eating Oreo in the future. It may seem ordinary, but it relies on this to deepen its understanding of customers. This impression lets everyone know that when eating this biscuit, you need to twist, lick and soak it."

"This is a unique memory point that instantly makes consumers remember this biscuit, and as long as they remember it, their first choice when buying biscuits is the one they are familiar with."

After this analysis, many advertisers only belatedly understood the subtlety of this advertisement.

"So that's it."

"I asked why Oreo is so popular. It turns out that the advertisement gave it a memory point."

“Co-authoring a simple ad can have so much meaning.”

"To deepen my memory and unlock new ways to eat, I seem to understand something."

After understanding the subtleties of advertising, many people suddenly thought of a crucial question.

Is Xu Nan's Oreo advertisement a blind cat hitting a dead mouse, or is it a carefully designed one?

Some people are not convinced.

"It must be a blind cat hitting a dead mouse."

“It’s not like you don’t know how complicated advertising and marketing is.”

"No one can accurately grasp the psychology of consumers. He is just lucky."

"Yes, it's just luck."

People in the advertising industry are still not convinced by Xu Nan.

After all, Xu Nan's job is a film director, and when he came to the advertising industry to kill people, everyone was certainly not convinced.

Unless Xu Nan continues to succeed, it will not work to force them to disobey with his brilliant record.

But this is obviously a difficult thing to do.

Lele Food Company.

The atmosphere in the conference room was dull.

A company executive is making a report.

"This month, our company's biscuit sales have dropped by more than half. The main reason is that the new biscuit Oreo of Xitian Group has been launched, which has taken away our market share."

The president asked: "Why can a new product take away the share of our old product?"

The company's top executive responded nervously: "The main reason is because of Xitian Company's advertisements, with the words twisting, licking, soaking and soaking, which made many consumers try to follow suit and buy Oreo biscuits in large quantities."

"Consumers have gone to buy other biscuits, so the sales of our company's biscuits have dropped."

"Is it because of an advertisement?" the president said thoughtfully.

At this time, advertising director Jiang Bo spoke up: "The designer and photographer of the advertisement are both Xu Nan. In fact, our company was the first to go to Xu Nan for cooperation. We were about to sign a contract, but the vice president stopped it directly. ”

Upon hearing this, a gloomy look flashed across the face of the vice president, who had been silent since the beginning of the meeting.

Jiang Bo was his subordinate, but he dared to accuse him of his mistakes in public. The meaning revealed in this was a bit subtle.

The president looked at the vice president at the right time: "Vice president Luo, please explain. I remember during the last meeting, you said in public that Xu Nan was not suitable for designing cookie advertisements, and that his advertisements would definitely not be popular."

Vice President Luo stood up and said, "It's my fault. I didn't expect Xu Nan to be so good at making movie advertisements."

The mistake has been made, and there is no point in quibbling. It is better to admit it directly.

Because it’s useless not to admit it. The bloody facts are right here. Everyone has eyes and can see them.

"If you make mistakes, you will be punished." The CEO said coldly: "You go home and have a good rest for a while. I will leave the company's affairs to others."

Vice President Luo looked in disbelief.

But at this time, no one in the conference room cared what he thought, and he had lost his qualifications to be here.

The explosion of Oreo biscuits has had an impact in all aspects.

If the success of the first Melatonin advertisement can be explained by luck, then the success of the second Oreo advertisement shows that Xu Nan really has something in him.

At least that's what the outside world thinks.

So Liu Yang's phone number was buzzing, and countless people came to him and conveyed it to Xu Nan through him, asking Xu Nan to help advertise their products.

The ones who come to Liu Yang this time are not the low-end brands before, but some first-tier brands and big companies in the industry.

Xu Nan is very popular in the advertising world.

Fire explodes.

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