This director only makes bad movies

Chapter 486 Domestic Movie Ceiling

The movie enters its first climax.

In the laboratory, Liu Xia is still trying to integrate the spiritual beads she accidentally obtained into prosthetic eyes, hoping to create a pair of unprecedented eyes.

Outside the laboratory, the special forces of the secret organization have invaded the Liu Group and arrived at the periphery of the laboratory.

The special team's attack was very efficient. They quickly killed the company's security guards and broke into the laboratory.

Liu Xia still didn't know that there was a small group of soldiers outside who wanted to kill her, and she was still thinking of ways to make eyes.

At the critical moment, the laboratory alarm sounded, and Liu Xia knew that her laboratory had been invaded.

The special team no longer hid and began to attack.

Through surveillance, Liu Xia discovered that this malicious special team was only one door away from her. Once they entered the room, she would definitely die.

One of the soldiers even noticed that Liu Xia was watching them through the surveillance camera, and arrogantly made a gesture of slitting her throat towards Liu Xia, showing an extremely cruel smile.


The last barrier was opened by the special team using explosives, and there was no longer any barrier in front of Liu Xia.

At the critical moment, Liu Xia picked up the eye that had just been integrated into the spirit bead, and put it directly into her own eye socket, regardless of the fact that the eye had not yet been tested.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling light lit up, and Liu Xia's hair moved automatically without wind.

Through her eyes, she gained superpowers and became a superhuman being.

"Kill him."

The captain of the special team shouted, and seven or eight guns were pointed at Liu Xia, firing wildly.

However, these ordinary firearms no longer pose any threat to Liu Xia.

There seemed to be an invisible wall around her, and the bullets would stop immediately after falling into it. One meter away from Liu Xia, there were densely packed bullets, but there was no way to touch her body.

Liu Xia herself was shocked by this power. She waved her hand gently, and the bullets immediately returned along the same path, killing all the members of the special team who raised their guns.

Then, Liu Xia followed the attack path of the special team and killed the two members of the special team who stayed outside with an unrivaled attitude, wiping out all the intruders.

Gu Qing got the news and rushed over anxiously, just in time to see Liu Xia's incomparable, god-like scene.

When Liu Xia looked at him with her divine eyes, Gu Qing fell to the ground in shock.

"what is that?"

Liu Xia smiled: "Extraordinary."

This plot can be said to have no peeing spots throughout the whole process. It is thrilling in the early stage and extremely enjoyable in the later stage.

Especially the scene where Liu Xia uses super powers, the special effects are exquisite and realistic, which makes the audience happy.

This is the first time that a domestic film has such realistic special effects, and Xu Nan did a particularly good job in the atmosphere. The thrills in the early stage and the reversal in the later stage made the audience deeply immersed in it and unable to stop.

The young lovers Tian Hao and Zhao Yu were so shocked that they stared blankly at the screen and even forgot to eat the popcorn they bought before watching the movie.

The plot of the movie continues.

The secret organization was shocked when the first operation failed, and they were even more shocked when they got the videotape of that day and found that Liu Xia successfully integrated the spirit beads into the prosthetic eye and gained extraordinary abilities.

The leader of the organization wants to capture Liu Xia alive and study the secrets of her body.

On the other side, Gu Qing launched a fierce pursuit of Liu Xia, hoping that Liu Xia could be his girlfriend, but Liu Xia clearly rejected him and told Gu Qing that the two of them were not suitable.

Out of love and hatred, Gu Qing also coveted Liu Xia's extraordinary abilities, and came up with the idea of ​​seizing Liu Xia's pair of divine eyes.

At this time, the secret organization's second operation also began to brew. They contacted the military and mobilized a large number of advanced weapons, helicopters, and tanks, trying to imprison Liu Xia with absolute power and take her back for study.

Here, Gu Qing finally found an opportunity and used a high-tech instrument to paralyze Liu Xia's body.

Then, he took this opportunity to look for the pair of divine eyes that Liu Xia had hidden.

Because the power of the Divine Eye is too strong, it cannot be carried with her all the time, otherwise it will affect her health. Therefore, after Liu Xia was paralyzed, she had no choice but to watch Gu Qing do whatever he wanted.

Gu Qing successfully found a pair of divine eyes. Looking at these eyes with extraordinary abilities, his palms were trembling.

Just at this time, the second wave of attacks from the hidden organization arrived. They captured Liu Xia and began to look for the Divine Eye and the third spiritual bead.

When Gu Qing saw this, he didn't care about anything else. He took out the high-tech instruments he had prepared in advance and tried to integrate the divine eyes into his body, thus possessing extraordinary abilities.

He succeeded, but also failed.

He succeeded because he successfully integrated the divine eyes into his eye sockets. He failed because he did not gain superpowers. The divine eyes were like dead objects in his eye sockets and had no effect.

He planned everything painstakingly, but failed at the last moment.

The army arrived, killed the defenseless Gu Qing, and took away two divine eyes and a third spiritual bead.

The representative of the secret organization did not expect that things would go so smoothly, and proudly walked up to Liu Xia with his magic eye.

However, what he didn't expect was that after the divine eye got close to Liu Xia, it would actively integrate into Liu Xia's body.

The Glare Man with extraordinary abilities was born at this moment.

Representatives of the covert organization panicked and asked the army to attack Liu Xia and kill her.

As long as they regain the divine eye and take the corpse back to study, they will be able to accept it.

But how could Liu Xia, who had superpowers, be killed so easily? Not even the army could do anything to her.

Next, there is a large-scale battle that lasts for more than 20 minutes and can be regarded as the ceiling of domestic movies.

After the divine eyes were integrated into Liu Xia's eyes, she had extraordinary powers, but the army's various high-tech weapons were not insignificant. Tanks, helicopters, missiles, drones, and various high-tech weapons took turns to attack Liu Xia. Kasumi greeted.

Liu Xia was undaunted and used the supernatural powers given to her by the divine eye to launch an extremely fierce battle with the military's various high-tech weapons.

This battle plot, with its grand scenes and exquisite special effects, makes people's blood boil and adrenaline surge.

The special effects of Hollywood movies are nothing more than that, and many viewers even feel that they are better than Hollywood blockbusters.

Tian Hao and Zhao Yu were both shocked. They didn't expect that domestic movies could also see such intense scenes. In the past, this was something that could only be seen in Hollywood blockbusters.

The plot of the movie continues

After a hard battle, Liu Xia defeated the military and fought her way to the representatives of the secret organization.

Just when Liu Xia was about to kill the representative of the secret organization, a man in uniform appeared and stopped her.

Liu Xia was confused, and the man in uniform told her that he represented the official.

The people who wanted to capture Liu Xia alive came from a secret organization, and behind them stood an extremely powerful civilization.

The official told Liu Xia that she was not the only one in the world with superpowers, and she could find many colleagues through the official.

In addition, the official may be able to help her solve some of the hidden dangers caused by the divine eye.

In the end, Liu Xia followed the official's advice and did not kill the member of the secret organization, but handed him over to the official for handling.

At the end of the movie, Liu Xia used the third remaining spirit bead to successfully develop a convenient, easy-to-use, and cheap high-tech prosthetic eye.

She announced that she would donate 10 billion to establish a blind patient fund to help all blind people in the world regain their sight.

Because of her amazing charity, the media also gave Liu Xia the honorary title of Staring Man.

The movie ends here.

The closing credits begin to appear.

With a "pop" sound, the lights in the screening room came on.

The audience woke up from a dream.



"It's so shocking, especially the last battle scene. It's simply the ceiling of domestic production. This is what Hollywood blockbusters are like."

"The special effects in this movie are really amazing. It's the first time I've seen a domestic movie with such realistic special effects."

"Liu Shishi also acted very well, especially her eyes. She looked like a blind person, as if she really had a pair of artificial eyes."

"This movie made me excited all the way through, especially the battle scenes. It was so exciting."

"The last person in uniform is Xu Nan. He also appeared in "Captain China" and "Spider-Man". This shows that "Starer" and the other two movies have the same world view."

"It's great value for money. Watching this movie is so profitable. I will post it on Moments when I get back and let all my good friends watch it."

There were unanimous voices of admiration in the theater.

The reason is simple. Most of the money for the movie "The Staring Man" was spent on special effects and production, and the quality of the movie can be said to be the ceiling of domestic production.

Moreover, the plot of this movie is very simple and can be understood at a glance. The essence is all in the battle scenes, presenting the audience with an intuitive and stimulating visual feast.

This kind of big scene, high special effects movie is suitable for all ages, everyone can understand it, and the audience acceptance is also the highest.

You don’t even need to read the plot, just watching the big scenes is enough to make the audience shout that it’s awesome.

Tian Hao sat blankly in his seat and asked in surprise: "Domestic movies have developed to this point?"

Zhao Yu felt proud and asked, "Didn't you say that the special effects of domestic films were not good before watching the movie? What do you say now?"

Tian Hao smacked his lips: "The special effects of domestic movies are really not that good."

"Huh?" Zhao Yu's face darkened.

"The exception is the movie "The Eyes". The special effects exceed those of most Hollywood movies. It feels no worse than the top movies."

Only then did Zhao Yu's expression turn from gloomy to clear.

Tian Hao stood up and sighed: "I didn't expect that domestic movies could have such good special effects. It really surprised me."

Zhao Yu said proudly: "No, this was shot by Xu Nan. It cost 500 million. He is also the only director who has beaten Hollywood movies."

Tian Hao nodded: "This guy is really good. You can watch more of his movies in the future."

Just when the two people stood up and were about to leave the cinema, suddenly, a new picture appeared on the movie screen.

Zhao Yu and Tian Hao suddenly looked surprised.

Does this movie have Easter eggs?

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