Li Cao Yuan is the son of the world!

The three of Bian’s mother and son trembled as if they had been cut by a knife.

They did not dare to have any objections, so they could only look at each other and secretly grit their teeth.

“Yuan’er has extraordinary wisdom and calculations, has made great contributions to the Great Wei, and is the eldest son of the Great King!”

“Yuan’er, it is indeed the only choice for the son of the world, and the minister seconded the decision of the great king!”

Xiahou Wei was the first to stand up and support Cao Cao’s decision.

After all, when the Battle of Guandu was fought, he already knew that Cao Cao had made a will to pass on the throne to Cao Yuan.

He didn’t object then, let alone now.

“The minister seconded!”

“The minister also seconded!”

“The king is decisive and wise!”

Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xia Houyuan and other clans expressed their support for Cao Cao’s decision.

Cao Cao’s face was full of relief, and he said with a smile: “Okay, good, from today onwards, Yuan’er will be my great Wei Shizi, wait for Qin Tianjian to choose an auspicious day, and then hold a grand sealing ceremony!” ”


It was Xiahou Wei who stood up again, bowed to Cao Yuan, and shouted: “Minister Xiahou Wei, meet His Royal Highness Shizi!” ”

As the head of the clan relatives, as soon as he took the lead, all the clan chambers stood up with a bang.

“Minister Cao Ren, meet His Royal Highness the Son of the World.”

“Minister Cao Hong, meet His Royal Highness Shizi.”

“Minister Xia Houyuan, meet His Royal Highness Shizi.”

“Minister Cao Chun, meet His Royal Highness Shizi.”

There was a sound of worship in the hall.

Bian’s brows were deeply furrowed, and the anger in his heart was raging, but he had to swallow bitter water and hint to the eyes of his two sons.

Cao Pi and Cao Zhi had no choice but to get up and step forward again to pay homage to Cao Yuan as courtiers.

At first, Cao Yuan was still a little confused.

Just a moment ago, he was a courtier.

In the blink of an eye, he not only became the son of King Wei, but also became the son of the Great Wei Shizi.

The identity change of heaven and earth came too suddenly, and suddenly made him feel a little unreal.

It wasn’t until Cao Cao’s heavy hand gently patted his shoulder, as if placing a thousand pounds of burden on him, that he suddenly realized.

This is Providence!

Heaven does not take it, but suffers from it.

If that’s the case, accept it.

Cao Yuan regained his indifference, nodded slightly to greet the uncles, and calmly accepted their visit.

“This child from afar, in just a few moments, his identity has changed dramatically, and he can deal with it so calmly.”

“He is worthy of being my Cao Cao’s son, and he was born with the dignity of a king!”

Cao Cao looked at his calm son, and couldn’t help nodding slightly, secretly appreciating in his heart.

The family feast continues.

This time, Cao Yuan was able to sit alongside Cao Cao as the son of the world.

The family talked and laughed, drank happily, and the atmosphere was not harmonious.

Only the three of Bian’s mother and son were sitting on pins and needles, and they couldn’t wait to end this family banquet that humiliated them immediately.

The fine wine was also like poisoned wine, which made it difficult for the three of them to swallow.

When Cao Cao drank to his heart’s content, he dispersed the feast.

Although he did not treat the Bian clan, he also disliked her, and after the family banquet, he parted ways and left her to return to the palace alone.

In the inner palace, the door of the temple was closed, leaving only their mother and son.

“Ah Qi, you actually let the three of us mother and son, in front of so many people, plead with that kid!”

“What do you mean of the face of our mother and son?”

“Our husband and wife relationship for so many years, you really don’t care about it, how cold-blooded!”

As soon as Bian came down, he cursed and cursed, venting his resentment.

Cao Pi also cursed angrily: “What’s even more infuriating is that Cao Yuan’s kid actually let us go to visit his mother’s grave, how dare he humiliate us like this!” ”

His mother and son took turns to complain and scold Cao Cao and Cao Yuan.

Only Cao Zhi calmed down a little.

“Mother, second brother, what’s the use of how angry you are now.”

“Who would have thought that kid would be the illegitimate son left by his father.”

“Now that my father has declared him a son, what should we do?”

Cao Zhi reminded with a bitter face.

Bian and Cao Pi’s figures were shocked, and Qian calmed down.

“We have torn our faces with that Cao Yuan, water and fire are incompatible, he has become the son of the world, if he inherits my Cao Wei Jiangshan in the future, how will he let us mother and son go.”

“Mother, I’m afraid we will have to die at his hands sooner or later.”

Cao Pi was also flustered, and Baba looked at Bian.

Bian shivered and fell silent.

She got up and paced, her eyes changing erratically, struggling to think of a way to deal with it.

Unfortunately, she wanted to break her scalp and couldn’t think of a way to turn over.

At today’s family banquet, the attitude of Cao Ren and other clansmen could not be more obvious, and they clearly supported Cao Yuan as the son of the world.

The attitude of the sect is like this, let alone those foreign ministers.

Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Zhang Liao, Li Dian, these military generals, all fought side by side with Cao Yuan and pacified the north and south of the Cao family.

These people were convinced of Cao Yuan, which was not admiration.

Cao Yuan is the son of the world, and there is no reason why they should not choose to support it.

With the grace of Cao Cao inside, and the support of the sect’s ministers outside, the three of them were isolated and helpless, how could they shake Cao Yuan’s position as the son of the world!

“Providence is so, in my opinion, we can only accept our fate, alas~~”

Cao Zhi sighed in frustration and raised his head to pour his drunkenness.

Cao Pi shouted in a hurry: “Confessing to life is a dead end, you want to die, I don’t want to die yet, I will never accept my life~~”

“So what do you do?”

“We are not as resourceful as Cao Yuan, our prestige is not as good as Cao Yuan, and the support of our courtiers is not as good as Cao Yuan, and now we still make my father disgusted.”

“Tell me about it, we don’t accept our life, how can we turn over?”

Cao Zhi asked with a bitter face.

Cao Pi was dumbfounded.


His face surged with grief and indignation, and he looked at the Bian family: “Mother, you have an idea, do the three of us mother and son really have to sit and wait to be killed by Cao Yuan’s kid?” ”

Bian, who was pacing, suddenly stopped.

When she turned around, the anxiety in her eyes had turned into a cold coldness.

“For my mother from a cold dancer, to become the queen of the Great Wei, I only know what I want, I have to fight for my life, I never know, what is called resignation!”

Bian’s eyes were intense, and his tone was secretly murderous, which actually made Cao Pi and Cao Zhi feel creepy, and they couldn’t help but shiver.

“Mother… Mother, what are you going to do? ”

Cao Pi asked in a hushed voice.

Bian took a deep breath and spoke coldly.

“We will launch a mutiny, kill that Cao Yuan, force your father to abdicate, and hand over the Great Wei Jiangshan Society!”

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