
The two brothers, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi, were taken aback.

Cao Pi immediately said: “Mother, we don’t have military power in our hands, and the soldiers and horses that can be mobilized in Ye City are limited, how can the mutiny be successful?” ”

“Although we have no soldiers and horses in our hands, we can use external forces to help us launch a mutiny!”

Bian’s eyes flashed a strange color.

“External force?”

Cao Pi became more and more confused and asked, “I don’t know what the external force is referring to by the queen mother, but I also ask the queen mother to make it clear.” ”

Bian pointed to the west slightly: “In the world, the only external force that can help us succeed in the mutiny is naturally only Ma Teng and his son.” ”

Cao Pi’s figure was shocked, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

“Ma Teng father and son have captured Yizhou, sitting in the land of three states, and their strength is strong.”

“If his Xiliang cavalry can go out of Tongguan and gallop day and night, they will be able to kill the city of Benye in less than five days.”

“If we can make good use of Ma Teng’s father and son, his Western Liang cavalry can take him by surprise, attack Yecheng, help us kill Cao Yuan in one fell swoop, and force your father to abdicate!”

Bian Shi’s tone was cold, and he explained his plan.

The brothers Cao Pi and Cao Zhi were gasped and terrified by their mother’s bold plan.

“Queen Mother, if we do this, aren’t we luring wolves into the house?”

“When the city of Ye is destroyed, the people of my Great Wei Prefecture will definitely be terrified, what if the father and son of Nama Teng take advantage of the situation to invade the Central Plains and annex my Great Wei?”

Cao Pi couldn’t help but question.

“Ma Teng’s father and son’s Western Liang army, even if it breaks through Yecheng, it will only be a lone army and go deep, and it will not shake my Great Wei strength in one fell swoop.”

“When your two brothers inherit the throne, you will be able to raise your arms and order the armies of the four directions to come to the king.”

“If Ma Teng father and son are knowledgeable, they will naturally obediently return to Guanzhong, if they are not interested, we will surround them in one fell swoop!”

Bian has long had a comprehensive layout.

Cao Pi’s eyes gradually became excited, but he said: “The queen mother’s strategy is indeed a brilliant plan, but if there is no benefit, how can the Ma Teng father and son lead an army to attack Yecheng to help us mutiny and seize the throne?” ”

“We are not allowed to give benefits to the Ma father and son, of course they will not be our knives.”

Bian Shi smiled coldly and said, “We only need to promise Ma Teng that after your brother succeeds to the throne, he will cede Jingzhou and Union Prefecture, and Ma Teng covets the benefits of these two states, and will naturally obediently send troops to help us mutiny.” ”

Cao Pi gasped, but was silent.

“Queen Mother, Jingzhou is the territory laid down by the bloody battle of his father, if he gives it to Ma Teng, when he goes down the river to the east, Yangzhou will definitely not be protected, and half of the south of the Jiang will fall into the hands of the Ma family!”

Cao Zhi, who had been silent, immediately raised an objection.

“The barren land in the south, if you lose it, you will lose it, there is nothing to be sorry for, as long as the two rivers states, the hinterland of the Central Plains is still our Wei country, then it will not work.”

The Bian people said disapprovingly.

“But even if you don’t want Jiangnan, and Hezhou borders Youzhou in Jizhou, if it is ceded to Ma Teng, the Western Liang army can send out at any time and threaten the hinterland of Hebei, how can it be easily sent away!”

Cao Pi also questioned.

“There are Xiongnu entrenched in Hezhou, Zhang Yan’s Black Mountain Army in the Taihang Mountains, and there are Xianbei people in the north, which can be said to be a mixture of fish and dragons.”

“What we control in Union Prefecture is originally only a few counties, even if it is ceded to Ma Teng, he cannot fully control it, let alone talk about going out of the army to threaten our Youyan Erzhou.”

Bian made another understatement, erasing the disadvantages of ceding and merging the state.

Cao Pi fell silent.

Asking Ma Teng, a foreign enemy, for help, and ceding the territory that Cao Cao had worked hard to fight, Ren Bian said that the sky was falling, and he also knew that he would be ashamed of the world.

Mo said that after getting rid of Cao Yuan, he still had Cao Zhi, a rival, even if he could really ascend the throne, he would not be willing to bear such a name.

For a while, Cao Pi hesitated.

“Bear the infamy, you still have hope to ascend the throne, regain lost land in the future, surpass your father’s deeds, and save your reputation.”

“If we sit still and wait for death, our mother and son can only be slaughtered by that Cao Yuan!”

Bian saw his concerns, so he coldly broke the cruel truth.

Cao Pi’s figure was cold, and all his hesitations and worries disappeared in an instant.

What reputation, what dignity, what vision of the world, what infamy in the history books …

In the face of life and death, it is worthless.

Cao Pi’s eyes surged with coldness, and he said: “The child is not afraid of death, but he must not let the queen mother worry about her life, and the child is willing to obey the mother’s arrangement.” ”

“This is my son!”

Bian smiled satisfied, and turned to Cao Zhi: “Zhi’er, what about you?” ”

Cao Zhi sighed bitterly: “Queen Mother, do we really have no other way out except to betray my father and lead wolves into the house?” ”

“There is no choice!”

Bian said coldly.

Cao Zhi pondered for a long time, and sighed helplessly: “If this is the case, then the child can only follow the mother’s order.” ”

Bian sighed with slight relief.


Cao Zhi’s words changed, but he said: “It’s just that did the Queen Mother ever think that even if Ma Teng could help us mutiny, how could his Western Liang cavalry cross our heavy guards and kill Yecheng by surprise?” ”

Cao Pi’s expression was grim, and he said urgently: “Zi’s advice is reasonable, my father has heavy troops in Hangu Pass, Hedong Front, and it is impossible for Ma Teng’s cavalry to cross these soldiers and horses pass and fly to Yecheng.” ”

“Do you think that the main palace will not think of this floor?”

Bian Shi smiled sarcastically and said unhurriedly: “So, if we want the mutiny to succeed, in addition to Ma Teng’s external force, we also need someone to respond internally and let Ma Teng’s army successfully kill Yecheng?” ”


Cao Pi and Cao Zhi looked at each other, and the two of them fell into a dazed look again.

“Queen Mother, the clansmen all support Cao Yuan as the son of the world, and the Manchu Dynasty and the military and military are also friendly with Cao Yuan, who will act as an internal response and help us mutiny?”

Cao Pi asked with a bitter face.

“Xun Yu!”

With a confident sneer, Bian said a name.

“Xun Yu, this person, originally assisted your father and king, originally to use the power of your father to support the Han family.”

“After the death of Emperor Han that year, Xun Yu tried to ask your father to establish another son of the Liu family, but he refused for your father.”

“After the fall of the Han Dynasty and your father’s accession to the throne, this palace expected that Xun Yu must be worried about your father, and he had long been dissatisfied in his heart.”

“If we promise him that after the matter is completed, we will choose a Liu clan relative to support him as the Son of Heaven and rebuild the Han Dynasty, I expect that Xun Yu will be moved and used for us!”

Bian said her wishful thinking.

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