Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 205 Love to join in the fun

The back road was blocked by skeleton soldiers, and this situation made the panic in the hyena people's hearts even stronger.

He has long since lost his will to fight. It is not bad to be able to display 70% of his original strength now.

Afterwards, it was unknown who took the lead first. The moment the first hyena turned around and ran away, the offensive of the hyena clan also collapsed.

No matter how the hyena queen hiding in the dark yells and scolds, it can't change this reality.

Also unable to change this reality, there is Zhou Xu.

After finally hardening his body, he even faced the Hyena on his own home court. Relying on the tactics he had rehearsed countless times in his mind, he consumed the opponent while making the opponent sink into the "skull quagmire".

Seeing that his tactics are gradually taking effect, it turned out that the Achilles heel of his tactics at this stage was exposed in just such a turn of the head.

That is, if the opponent wants to forcefully break through, there is a high probability that he will not be able to stop it.

The body of the skeleton soldier is relatively fragile, and the strength is not enough. One reason is that there is no way to forcibly intercept it.

Another reason is that even with the "Skeleton Soldier Speed ​​Enhancement" layer of BUFF, the speed of the Skeleton Soldier basically remains at a normal level, which is far from fast.

This also allowed the hyenas to walk away quickly after breaking through the skeleton soldiers' interception net.

Zhou Xu knew this, so in the chaotic battle, he calmly mobilized the skeleton soldiers to cut off the back road on the opposite side.

But it turned out that this interception could not have the desired effect when the opponent wanted to forcefully break through.

He intends to pursue it, but according to the speed of the skeleton soldiers, this approach is purely a waste of time and mantra power.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a sound of horseshoes suddenly came.

Hearing the movement, Zhou Xu, who was planning to undo the mantra, stopped immediately, and then ordered the skeleton soldiers to maintain their momentum and continue to pursue, and quickly ordered...

"Get on the horse and pursue! Quick!"

While speaking, Zhou Xu took two quick steps and quickly got on his horse.

In Grassland Village, not all the soldiers have gone out to perform their missions, and some of them are staying behind in the village.

There were too many hyenas before, so Zhou Xu naturally didn't expand to the point where he brought a few cavalry and chased them out.

But things are definitely different now...

Accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, the cavalry team headed by Ye Jinghong, who went out to perform missions, returned!

During the period, when the hyenas saw them coming out, they immediately scattered, which greatly increased the difficulty of their hunting.

Judging from this situation, even if they put in a lot of time and effort to hunt them down, they might not be able to kill a few.

Seeing this, Zhou Xu immediately changed his plan.

"Leave them alone, the hyena queen is hiding nearby, kill the hyena queen!"

Zhou Xu, who chased all the way out on horseback, yelled when he saw someone.

Hearing the order, Ye Jinghong reacted quickly, pulled the rein and turned the horse's head.

"Find it!"

Although they have just returned from their mission, in order to turn them into all-round troops, the soldiers do a lot of physical training on weekdays.

But now, the value of this training has finally been reflected.

At this moment, the state of each of them is not bad at all. After receiving the order, they immediately started to act.

But from their point of view, the hyenas are all similar in appearance, and it is not so difficult for them to recognize them.

[Eye of insight! 】

In order to improve efficiency, Zhou Xu directly opened his eyes of insight.

[It is reasonable to say that the hyena queen should be bigger than ordinary hyenas, but... these hyenas seem to be about the same size! 】

With a quick glance, Zhou Xu also felt a headache at the moment.

As a result, at this moment, a howl suddenly came from the snow in the distance!


Zhou Xu's expression was taken aback by this familiar howl, and he subconsciously looked back in the direction of the village.

At that time, all his energy was concentrated on controlling the skeleton soldiers, and he really didn't notice where Chitose had gone.

Now that he heard the sound, Zhou Xu didn't have time to think too much, so he hurriedly pulled the rein and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

That distance wasn't that far away, and at this moment, Chitose was howling frequently, confronting a hyena man.

"Chitose, you really like to join in the fun!"

Zhou Xu was greatly troubled by Chitose's temper.

But after thinking about it, from the perspective of cats, at this time, it should be in a stage of being lively and active with a strong desire to hunt.

Anyway, where there is 'lively', there must be it.

Chitose's peeing made Zhou Xu speechless for a while.

But after being speechless, he quickly realized a problem...

[Wait a minute, looking at Chitose's current position, it probably slipped out a long time ago, but the problem is that the hyena just started running away, how did it match up so quickly? 】

Thinking of this, Zhou Xu, who had already guessed a certain possibility, had his heart beat faster.

【Could it be that this is the hyena queen who hid outside at the beginning? ! 】

Almost at the same time as this thought flashed across the snow, Chitose and the hyena man who was suspected to be the queen of the hyena had already fought back and forth for several rounds on the snowy field in the distance. lower eyes.

In his impression, Chitose is still a brat right now, and although his combat power is somewhat, it is only at the level of being able to howl twice and launch a noise attack.

Facing the hyena alone, it is basically impossible to have a chance of winning.

With this doubt in his heart, Zhou Xu was not so anxious at the moment.

"Go and call Zhou Zhongshan over."

Instructing the matter to a cavalryman who was acting with him, Zhou Xu's eyes were on Chitose and the hyena man during the whole process, and he never moved away at all.

After careful observation, Zhou Xu quickly discovered that the hyena man's physical condition was not good, he looked like he was suffering from long-term malnutrition and starved to the bone.

But even so, it is impossible to deny the ferocity of the opponent's attack, and every attack carries a threat that cannot be ignored.

On the other hand, Chitose was a little lacking in skills. Every time he could only howl to interfere with the opponent, but he couldn't easily cull him, causing effective damage to the hyena man.

Just when Zhou Xu was thinking this way, Zhou Zhongshan had already rushed over on horseback.


"Chongshan, have you seen the hyena man who is fighting with Chitose? If the situation is not right later, you can directly shoot the hyena man to ensure Chitose's safety."


With a response, Zhou Zhongshan directly took the horn bow in his hand, and at the same time the arrow rested lightly on the string, ready to draw the bow at any time.

Specially asking Zhou Zhongshan to do this matter undoubtedly considered an archery problem.

Zhou Xu himself was busy with all kinds of internal work on weekdays, so he basically didn't have much time to practice martial arts, and his archery skills could only be said to be so-so.

Zhou Xu didn't dare to bet on Chitose's life.

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