Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 206 Chasing and Killing

They didn't make them wait too long, and the hyena man should have discovered their existence.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhongshan stretched out his arms, and quickly drew his bow. An arrow hit the opponent's shoulder, and then he rode his horse in pursuit for a while.

Zhou Xu also hurriedly followed.

During this process, Zhou Zhongshan acted like a proficient bow horse, riding and shooting all the way, relying on the range of the horn bow, controlled the speed of the mount and kept firing the bow, causing damage to the fleeing hyena man.

It's not that he couldn't catch up, but he didn't catch up on purpose.

Leaving aside stamina and explosive power, the hyena man's speed is not much faster than that of a human being, and it is absolutely impossible to escape from a four-legged war horse.

Zhou Zhongshan naturally wanted to give full play to his advantages and consume the opponent well.

It would be even better if he could be killed with one arrow.

Zhou Xu obviously couldn't do such a riding and shooting operation.

Riding and archery is considered a difficult skill, not to mention him who doesn't spend much time training all day long, even those soldiers who train every day, they still can't show their riding and archery skills at the moment.

The IQ of the hyenas is not low, and at the same time they usually hunt and kill prey on this grassland, how can they not know the routine of this?

There was a rapid howling sound from the mouth, as if calling for his own people.

However, at this moment, in order to save their own lives, those hyenas scattered one after another, and ran away one by one.

The hyena man was probably also aware of this problem, and after calling for help several times to no avail, his face quickly became ferocious.

In other seasons, he could still hide in the lush grass to cover his whereabouts, but now at a glance, there is only snow around him! Where else can I hide?

While thinking about it, he fled to the front. The hyena man, who had already been hit by several arrows, bent down suddenly, picked up a large handful of snow, and threw it behind him.

Its purpose is to scare their mounts and create life for themselves.

But for Zhou Xu, who had a relatively complete idea of ​​cavalry development from the very beginning, what was this little trick?

The horses they tame will be equipped with earplugs and eye masks, and then undergo special training, in order to limit the senses of the horses themselves, so that they can completely trust the rider's command!

At this moment, facing the falling snow, Zhou Zhongshan did not panic at all. While controlling his mount to evade, the weapon in his hand quickly switched to a crescent halberd to sweep continuously, easily defusing the threat.

During the period, Zhou Xu saw the opportunity and acted at the right time.

[Speed ​​enhancement! 】

Compared with enhancements with a clear direction, the improvement of pure 'speed enhancement' is limited, but it is still there.

With the blessing of the power of Zhou Xu's mantra, Zhou Zhongshan, who had already begun to accelerate at that time, suddenly became faster and faster with one man and one horse.

Sensing the rapid approach of the enemy behind him, the hyena man became ruthless, and immediately turned around and counterattacked!

For this counterattack, Zhou Zhongshan can be said to have been psychologically prepared.

After all, at this point, the other party has no other means, and the only choice they can make is to fight to the death.

At this moment, Zhou Zhongshan's horse was charging fiercely, and the hyena man jumped up, trying to overturn him from the horse's back.

But Zhou Zhongshan didn't panic at all, in his opinion, this swooping action was simply stupid.

Without saying a word, he directly raised the crescent halberd in his hand, and with the momentum of a galloping horse, he stabbed at the hyena man.

The hyena man obviously didn't expect Zhou Zhongshan's reaction to be so quick.

At the critical moment, the swooping hyena twisted his body forcibly in the air, trying to avoid the fatal point.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhongshan was able to adjust the trajectory of the attack when the attack was halfway through. With a sudden shake of his wrist, the attack trajectory of the crescent halberd was immediately corrected.

Between the lightning and the flint, the crescent halberd, shimmering in the cold light reflected on the snow, pierced through the hyena man's chest on the spot!

But then, the heavy weight coming from the halberd made Zhou Zhongshan's face change suddenly.

This hyena man has a huge skeleton and a burly body. Even when he is skinny and skinny, his weight is completely more than two hundred and fifty catties.

Zhou Zhongshan was not good at strength, and it was not an ordinary difficulty to pick up a hyena man weighing more than two hundred catties with one hand holding the crescent halberd.

At that moment, Zhou Zhongshan clearly felt that his entire body balance was destroyed.

Before he fell off the horse, he quickly clamped his legs around the horse's belly to stabilize his figure, and at the same time used his arms to try to forcibly pull out the crescent halberd.

However, at this moment, the extremely flexible crescent blade used by Zhou Zhongshan in the battle is now the biggest obstacle for him to draw out the crescent halberd!

This situation made Zhou Zhongshan frowned, and immediately made a decisive decision, let go, and threw the crescent halberd, which successfully avoided the ending of falling off his horse.

Exhaling a long breath, Zhou Zhongshan, who was riding on horseback, couldn't help shaking his hands.

Immediately, he quickly pulled the reins, signaled the mount to slow down, and turned back.

During the period, Zhou Xu, who was following behind, slowed down after seeing the hyena man penetrated by Zhou Zhongshan's crescent halberd.

Now the hyena man was lying on his back in the snow, and Zhou Zhongshan's crescent halberd was stuck in the opponent's chest. It seemed that he was killed with one blow.

In fact, from Zhou Xu's point of view, Zhou Zhongshan's spear was skewed, and the point of impact was in the middle of the hyena man's chest, but the heart was on the left!

The reason why he was able to kill with one blow, from the current point of view, should be due to the existence of the crescent blade.

At that time, the crescent blade was just on the left, and when the momentum of the war horse penetrated through it, the crescent blade on the left cut through the opponent's heart, which directly killed the hyena man!


Looking at Zhou Zhongshan, who was riding on a horse and twisting his wrist, Zhou Xu expressed concern.

"It's a little twisted, it's nothing serious."

"Go back and let the doctor take a look at it for you."


During the simple conversation between the two, the blood dripping from the hyena man's body has already dyed the surrounding snow red.

Just in case, Zhou Xu approached with the crescent halberd, ready to hit the opponent's throat again.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the hyena man's body suddenly opened his eyes, and with a fierce blow, Zhou Xu's mount was startled. fell down.

Seeing this, the hyena man held his body pierced by the crescent halberd and rushed towards Zhou Xu.

Zhou Xu, whose body fell into the snow, took advantage of the situation and rolled twice to relieve the force.

In the process, he felt the hyena man approaching.

At the juncture of life and death, while he was rolling, he quickly put his hand on the saber worn at his waist. In order to gain speed, he directly combined the movement of drawing the saber and swinging it into one.

Completely following his intuition, he swung out a sword-drawn slash with a cold light.

In an instant, blood splashed and his throat was sealed with a knife!

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