Throne of Vientiane Civilization

Chapter 248 When I see my fellow countrymen, my eyes are full of tears

Meanwhile, in Salt Lake Village...

Since all the camps under Zhou Xu's command were fully upgraded to villages, his four villages basically have their own responsibilities.

Among them, Salt Lake Village is like an industrial area. There are two mining farms, a chicken farm, a salt mining farm and a pottery factory in the area.

Taking into account space and environmental issues, the firing of pottery has also been transferred here.

Among them, the most labor-intensive ones are undoubtedly the two mining farms.

On the front line, the first batch of prisoners had just been sent over, and they were all 'robbed' by Salt Lake Village.

The loss of personnel in winter, coupled with the previous conscription, made their not-so-abundant manpower suddenly more tense.

Now that hard labor is finally being sent over, none of the places in Salt Lake Village will be let go.

This made the escorts dumbfounded for a while.

"Mr. Li, don't worry, there are still several groups behind this captive, and at the moment the leader is leading a large force to collect the population of other tribes in the mountain. This time, at least a hundred hard laborers can be arrested. return."

"That's not right. Since there are so many in the future, then you can give us these ten in Salt Lake Village first. What can happen to Heiyue Village? Our Salt Lake Village is almost out of business!"

While speaking, Li Shitou was ready to take all the ten captives off the bullock cart.

At the same time, the people in Salt Lake Village stopped doing their jobs at the moment. Seeing that the village chief moved, they immediately followed up to pull people away.

Seeing this, the escort hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't! This group of captives was escorted here, and none of them were taken to Heiyue Village? How will I explain to the leader and Village Chief Zhang?"

"Leader and Xiaoshan turn around and I'll talk about it!"


For Li Shitou's words, the escorts didn't dare to take it seriously. When the time comes, they really blame him. Isn't he the one in the middle who suffers?

"Leave three at least?! At worst, the next batch of captives will come over, and I promise to leave two more for you, right?"

Surrounding the ox cart escorting the prisoners, the escorts and Li Shitou were constantly dealing with them.

Although Li Shitou and the others looked aggressive, they didn't dare to really try to grab them, even if neither side let anyone go.

After a last-ditch fight, an agreement was finally reached.

"That's a good deal, this batch will keep three for Black Moon Village, and the next batch of captives will keep two more for me!"

"Okay, okay, everything is easy to talk about."

While speaking, the escort hurriedly left the seven prisoners behind, and then ran away with the ox cart without looking back.

Seeing the other party running for his life made Li Shitou feel embarrassed.

He doesn't want to do this either, but isn't the manpower on his side in Salt Lake Village fast enough?

As the two attendants who have been with their leader for a long time, Li Shitou originally thought that in his life, he would just follow their leader's side to do some things like serving tea and beating his hands.

It never occurred to them that before the beginning of spring, their leader would directly promote him and Zhang Xiaoshan to be village chiefs.

One is in charge of Black Moon Village, and the other is in charge of Salt Lake Village.

This startled them, and their first reaction was to wave their hands and refuse, saying that they were not that capable and couldn't do this.

And then their leader said...

"The two of you have been by my side for so long. When I deal with various affairs on weekdays, you also watch. Even if you watch, you should watch it for a while, right?"

"And don't be so nervous. It's not that difficult to be the village chief. In Black Moon Village and Salt Lake Village, there are ministers and field managers in charge of various departments and venues. They will handle daily affairs."

"What you two village chiefs have to do, to put it bluntly, is to help me look after those departments and venues, and make arrangements from them, and report to me if there is anything that cannot be resolved."

With a flicker, Zhou Xu tricked Zhang Xiaoshan and Li Shitou into working.

At first when their leader assigned Black Moon Village to Zhang Xiaoshan, Li Shitou was relieved.

Because in Li Shitou's view, there are many departments and complicated affairs in Heiyue Village, and those ministers are all of high status, so it is difficult to manage at first sight.

On the other hand, Salt Lake Village is full of venues, and to put it bluntly, it is just work, which seems to be a lot easier to manage.

Facts have proved that most of the time in Salt Lake Village, it is true that you only need to work hard, but you can't hold back the work!

Moreover, these places have a great demand for labor force, so the village chief Li Shitou was so busy with the labor problem that he just took office.

There's no way, the first thing those directors do when they see him is to take care of him.

But where did he come from? It can't be changed out of thin air, can it?

No, he drove people into a hurry, so he came directly to rob the bullock cart.

In the next few days, follow-up prisoners were delivered one after another, which gradually replenished the insufficient labor force in several villages.

"Okay, you guys come with me!"

On the side of Salt Lake Village, pointing to the few captives he had assigned, the director of the external copper mine took them directly outside their mine.

Then he pointed to the opening of the shed outside the mine...

"Drinking water is here, there is a bowl next to it, and the water is in the jar. When you are thirsty, use the bowl to scoop water."

After finishing speaking, the director directly stuffed a big backpack into the hands of each of them.

"Put the backpack on your back, I'll find someone to take you with the next thing."

It was the first time they saw carrying a basket, but the workers who came in and out of the mine all carried it.

And the head of the scene, after looking around, shouted directly at the top of his voice...

"Black wood! Black wood, come here!"

Hearing the director calling him, Heimu who had just put down a basket of stones hurried over.

"Heimu is the same as you. He is a newcomer. Although he has not been here for a long time, he has a good work attitude and is very serious! Next, I will let Heimu take you!"

After finishing speaking, the commander turned his head to look at Hei Mu, whose face was covered with plaster, and then patted him on the shoulder.

"I'll leave these newcomers to you. Be good! As long as you keep at it, you might be awarded a Hard Work Award at the end of the month!"

Hearing this, Hei Mu was suddenly excited.

"President, don't worry, I will perform well! Lead the newcomers well!"

"Well, I like you."

After speaking, the director turned and left.

Watching the field manager leave, just as Heimu was thinking about how to bring the newcomer, a slightly familiar voice sounded, which made Heimu's expression dumbfounded.

"black wood?"

"Red, red stone?!"

Heimu did not expect the Redstone leader to appear here at all, and the two were quite confused when they saw each other.

All of a sudden, there is really a feeling of "when a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, there are tears in his eyes".

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