The last time we met, both of them were leaders.

At this meeting, both of them became prisoners.


As the original leader of the Blackwood Tribe, Blackwood still has some brains.

Redstone appears here, what does that represent?

It means that the Redstone tribe has also followed in the footsteps of their Blackwood tribe, and even the leader has become a prisoner.

Looking back, when the other party asked him information about the Manshi tribe, he only thought that the other party was crazy and was seeking his own death.

But after being caught here as a prisoner and working for a period of time, Kuroki's thoughts gradually began to change.

Now seeing that Hongshi was also captured as a prisoner, the thought in Heimu's heart couldn't help but become stronger.

[Could it be that the sky is really going to change? 】

Shaking his head and throwing away all these thoughts first, Hei Mu's eyes fell on Hong Shi in front of him again.

At this moment, the two sides looked at each other without saying anything.

"Okay, come with me, I'll tell you about the work."


"That's what you're going to do next."

Hearing the murmurs of the captives, Heimu explained that although he hadn't worked in the mining field for long, he had already mastered a lot of meanings of some new words.

Following Heimu's footsteps, the group quickly entered the mine.

At this moment, inside the mine, a large number of workers are working, and the whole scene can be said to be extremely busy.

Heimu led the crowd all the way to a pile of stones.

"The next job for you is to put all these stones into the basket, and then carry them outside and put them down. It's as simple as that."

This matter, simple is simple, but it is a real physical work.

The back basket is not small, and when it is full, the amount is enough to make people's expressions change. Up to now, they have basically eaten nothing. After a few trips, even Hongshi is already tired and dizzy. They all squatted outside, a little unwilling to move.

Seeing this, Heimu hurried up and pulled him to the nearby shed, and then took the initiative to scoop up water and handed it to Hongshi and the others.

After taking the water bowl, Hongshi, who had long been thirsty and smoked from his throat, tilted his head and drank it all.

"Do you want more?"

Hearing this, Hongshi glanced at Heimu, then handed the water bowl to the other party, and Heimu turned his head and scooped another bowl for him.

Although there are no fresh water resources in Salt Lake Village, there is in Heiyue Village next door.

After the bullock carts came into existence, the fresh water was transported in large vats, so the fresh water here was not too tight, basically it was drunk by the workers and captives.

Three big bowls of water were taken into the belly, and the swollen stomach made Hongshi less hungry, and at the same time cheered up a little.

Seeing Kuroki, he spoke again.

"Are you ready? Well, let's continue to work."

Hearing Heimu's words, Hongshi was speechless for a while, and at the same time couldn't help but run away.

"You are diligent!"

Don't forget, they are all captives now, and their own tribe was taken over by the other party. They worked so diligently for the other party in a blink of an eye. They really didn't have such a high level of ideological awareness. I am a little confused.

Heimu himself also came from that stage, how can he not see what Hongshi and the others are thinking at this moment?

So he immediately said something...

"Work hard and have dinner tonight."

As soon as Hei Mu said this, many people's expressions changed immediately, and they immediately expressed doubts.

"Can we still get food?"

Hearing this, Kuroki smiled mysteriously.

"You can still get a lot, and I promise, you have never eaten such a good thing!"

"Really? You're not lying to us, are you?"

In this era, leaving aside the very few special cases like Manshi, including Hongshi and others, isn't life just for one bite?

Originally according to their thinking, what are their identities now? slave!

Slaves are consumables. How could the other party distribute precious food to slaves?

Following this line of thinking, they naturally didn't want to do anything to the enemy who just took over their tribe.

However, at this moment, Hei Mu was clearly telling them that they were wrong.

However, because this matter is a bit beyond their common sense, and even sounds a bit bizarre, many people don't believe it.

Facing this situation, Kuroki looked at them speechlessly.

"What good does it do me to lie to you? And it's going to be dinner in a while. Do I need to lie like this?"

It has to be said that what Heimu said made them feel a little bit of thought.

The captives who originally wanted to start killing them silently picked up their backpacks again at this moment and walked towards the mine.

Just relying on this thought, they lasted until the meal time.

The field manager who came to accept their work results nodded in satisfaction after reading it.

"The first day is not bad, Heimu, take them to dinner, and I will leave the rest of the work to you."

"Okay, director! Don't worry if you leave it to me! Make sure to settle them down!"

After watching the field chief leave, Kuroki quickly waved his hand.

"Go, let's eat!"

Heimu's hospitality when he faced the field manager before made Hongshi and the others somewhat dissatisfied.

But when it came to eating, they didn't feel sleepy, even those who were tired and felt like they were going to die a moment ago cheered up at this moment, followed Heimu every step of the way, and walked towards the cafeteria.

Hard labor and serious mine workers must have different food and accommodation treatment.

The reason why hard labor is hard labor is because their treatment can be set very low, and they don't need to be paid wages, it is the cheapest labor.

The canteens of the mine workers are all in the village, and they sleep in dormitory rooms at night, and they still receive their salaries every month.

On the other hand, the hard laborers, their cafeteria is just outside the mine, and the big shed next to the drinking water place is where they put their meals. The food is also the most crude, mainly for hunger.

But even so, according to the cooking method given to them by Zhou Xu, and supplemented with seasoning with salt, the taste can make these primitive people dream about it.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why these captives work here so diligently and honestly is because of this stuttering.

Without paying attention, they had already licked the plates in their hands clean, and then the expressions on each of their faces were a bit dazed and blurred, and then a bit intoxicated, as if Still reminiscing about the taste of that dinner, even Hongshi was no exception.

"Hey! Hey! I'm back to my senses, I'm all back to my senses!"

Seeing this, Hei Mu was not polite, he patted them awake one by one, and then expressed embarrassingly...

"How? Did I lie to you? Let me tell you, there are two meals a day like this here! One meal in the morning and one meal in the evening!"


At this moment, Hongshi and the others were so shocked that they were speechless.

It is incredible that slaves can eat such food, two meals a day? It was like a dream!

Cooperating with their previous life, their life was not as good as the slaves here? !

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