Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 414 It's just a meeting ceremony

"I'm very... sorry, we... will quit the film and television industry from now on!"

At a public press conference on NHK, these screenwriters bowed deeply at ninety degrees, with distorted expressions.

They lost completely, but they also have backgrounds among them. They can actually quibble a bit, and then they can continue to play in this industry after fooling around.

But what they didn't expect was that they would be stabbed in the back by their backstage.

Their backstage people didn't take this bet too seriously at first, and they didn't think that Youxing Electronic Entertainment would have much influence.

But when Ace Attorney became more and more influential, and they saw that a game of Youxing Electronic Entertainment directly brought in more than 8 billion yen in revenue, their eyes were red.

NHK TV station can not care about the income issue, they can continue to be the big brother if they lie flat, this is the style of this TV station.

But the background behind these screenwriters are real chaebols.

They have a crazy obsession with making money.

Seeing that Youxing Electronic Entertainment made a lot of money by taking advantage of this popularity, they suddenly realized that the game is so profitable.

It turns out that the video game linkage is so cool.

Why didn't I find such a profitable business before?

In the past, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment often announced the sales volume of its own games.

But capitalists in different industries generally don't pay much attention to things outside their own industries.

They don't pay a little attention until they may be closely related to themselves.

Now that they notice it, they understand the horror of video games.

And sales are secondary.

Even more important is social influence.

Up to now, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has been in operation for eight years.

During these eight years, Youxing Electronic Entertainment's initial fans were children from seven to eight years old to eleven or twelve years old.

At that time, these children could only be regarded as a group of little guys who didn't understand anything. They were completely unable to participate in the big environment of society, and they were a group of babies who were cared for.

But in these eight years, the children will also grow.

Eleven or twelve-year-olds are already twenty years old, and they also have their own right to speak.

The children who were seven or eight years old at the time were already fifteen or sixteen, and they were also regarded as potential stocks to become the backbone of society.

Especially in the recent period, more and more people in society have begun to warn about the problem of social aging, and the voice of young people has also rapidly expanded.

This time, Youxing Electronic Entertainment was slammed by the traditional industry. These players were so cohesive, they gathered together on the new media such as the Internet, and then used all means to speak for Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

This is the real social influence and the mobilization ability of young people.

Not long ago, relevant survey agencies conducted a rough statistics.

Among the most popular brands under the age of 20, there is one company that stands out.

That is Yuxing Electronic Entertainment.

Now, any turmoil in Youxing Electronic Entertainment can affect the hearts of many young people.

This is very scary.

Mastering young people is equivalent to mastering the future.

In the end, the chaebols came to their senses and realized that they needed to curry favor with Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Because the current Yuxing Electronic Entertainment is unknowingly standing on the same line with them, and it is the existence they need to look up to.

Video games, too, have come full circle.

All this is done quietly.

This Zhuyou star really has two brushes. He created the industry and led the industry, making this industry gradually become an important part of society in silence.

But now, if he offends such a person because of a few small screenwriters under his command, he is asking for trouble.

Those screenwriters really didn't put themselves in the right position, they even dared to provoke Zhu Youxing.

So, they were pushed out by the chaebol, and they were persuaded (threatened) a lot.

Obediently admit defeat, you can still retire smoothly, otherwise your life for the rest of your life will be bleak.

Even if these screenwriters couldn't accept it, they could only grit their teeth and admit defeat.

Because their backstage doesn't help them anymore.

Then, there was a press conference on NHK.

These few well-known screenwriters in the industry announced on the spot that they would withdraw from the film and television industry, and would never touch this industry again.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment won an absolute victory.

In the whole process, Zhu Youxing finally realized the BUFF brought about by the increased influence.

Power makes people addicted, and this kind of influence may also be regarded as a kind of power.

However, what does this have to do with making games by yourself? I still continue to make my own games.

However, Zhu Youxing also noticed that more and more high-level figures in different industries began to contact him actively, and hoped to make friends.

Among them are Zhu Youxing's father's old friends, and they used to treat Zhu Youxing as a junior.

Because Zhu Youxing's father used to manage property investment for many upper-level figures, and made these upper-level figures earn a lot of money, they will also take care of Zhu Youxing's junior.

But I didn't expect that Zhu Youxing hardly relied on others, and just used his genius game development mind to conquer everything.

It's really amazing, Zhuyou's family is very evil, Zhuyouxing's father is an investment genius, if Zhuyouxing's father continues to work hard in the investment field, he will probably be the top boss of the investment bank by now.

But he didn't know why he suddenly left this industry and went abroad to write novels, which made people puzzled.

And his child was still unknown before, but quietly created an industry, which is really enviable.

Many of the older generations among these chaebols thought that even if they lost ten years of life, it would be a bloody profit if they could change to a descendant like Zhu Youxing.

As for the invitations of these people, those who can push them down, because Zhu Youxing is really not interested in partying with a bunch of old men, and he is not good at drinking, even if he is not good at sake like white water here in Japan.

He who was not able to drink in his previous life is still not able to drink in this world.

Some of the people who invited him couldn't be rejected. Those people were friends of Zhu Youxing's father, and they all had certain social status.

Under such a relationship, it is not easy for Zhu Youxing to shirk.

But these people are also quite reasonable, and the invitation to make friends with each other is just a simple greeting, and they are familiar with each other. If Zhu Youxing needs help in the future, they will provide help, and if they themselves want to enter the army in the future The game industry also hopes that Zhu Youxing, the god of games, will support him.

Everyone wants to earn money, and the more the better, Zhu Youxing's father earned them a lot of money and won their respect.

Now Zhu Youxing can do the same thing, so they must also respect Zhu Youxing.

As for the screenwriters, it was just a small episode, not worth mentioning at all, it was just a gift to Zhu Youxing.

However, this kind of acquaintance must not be in vain. Zhu Youxing has already planned to ask people like them to help recommend it when the handheld is released.

You Su Rui Electronics has strong technical strength, and I also have my own channels to expand my influence. Coupled with my absolute gameplay advantages, I am really not necessarily weaker than Su Rui Electronics.

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