Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 459: Be a Trader

"You want me to spread the accurate sales data of GS1 game consoles and CDs through secret channels?"

"That's right, the only person around me I can think of who can do this is you."

Tsukino Aya didn't know how long she hadn't slept well. Originally, her dark circles had disappeared, but in the past three months, because of the development of new games, she put a lot of energy into the development of games again.

For game production, she has an obsession like a demon.

When she was called by Zhu Youxing, she still had some reluctance, but it was Zhu Youxing's call anyway, and she would come anyway, if it was someone else, she would have simply refused.

After hearing what Zhu Youxing asked her to do, she had a slightly strange expression.

Well, the identity of the hacker should still not be discovered.

I have been hiding my identity for so many years, I just don't want people to know these things, because it is a bit shady after all.

In Zhu Youxing's heart, he should still be the special talent who is relatively proficient in computers and understands some secret information on the Internet.

"As long as you help me spread the news, then I will ask for anything..."

"Okay, no need to say more, I promise you, and you don't need to promise anything." Tsukino Cai directly interrupted Zhu Youxing's words.

"Uh, I thought you were going to ask me to give you some game ideas in exchange again."

"I'm not that utilitarian, but this is only for you." Yue Yecai was a little annoyed, she was dissatisfied that Zhu Youxing misunderstood her utilitarianism, and she could unconditionally agree to anything Zhu Youxing asked her to do.

"Then please."

Tsukino Aya nodded and left.

This kind of trivial matter is easy for her. She just deliberately erased some seemingly important information from the information provided by Zhu Youxing, and then randomly scribbled and crumpled the key information that seemed to be accidentally stolen, and finally put it in the Among the secret network intelligence of the Internet.

Of course, it is definitely not easy to obtain this very important information, even if it was deliberately released by Zhu Youxing, it is almost equivalent to the company's confidential data.

It is generally difficult to obtain the data of companies that are not listed through normal channels, especially companies like Youxing Electronic Entertainment, which treat these data as confidential and do not easily disclose them to the outside world.

So when this information appeared on the hidden network, many related people became collectively excited.

They did not hesitate to pay the price to exchange this information.

Surely Su Rui Electronics would be very happy to see this kind of information.

And in fact it is.

Long Weiyu of YOO was the first to get this information.

When he saw that even in the past few years, the above GS1 home computer can still maintain a sales volume of two million a month, he couldn't hide his surprise.

The total sales volume of GS1 so far has reached more than 40 million units, which is really terrifying.

But the latter data is obviously more surprising.

That is, the total sales volume of game discs in GS1 home consoles has reached more than 500 million.

In the video game industry, there is a ratio between game consoles and game software called the hard-soft ratio.

This represents the average number of game software purchased by each user of a game console.

The higher the ratio, the stronger the player's payment, and the machine has proved to be successful enough.

In two years, the hard-to-soft ratio of the GS1 game console is an astonishing 11:1, which is enough to make any game console manufacturer drool with envy.

So far, Su Rui Electronics has barely achieved a four-to-one ratio between soft and hard.

Of the 500 million total disc sales, five games sold tens of millions of copies.

The highest is Final Fantasy 7, which is a double harvest in terms of popularity and sales, and then the second is Mario Bros. 64, and the third is a third-party game called Ninja Project. It is rumored that the Ninja Project series is also the first third-party game series in Yuxing's game consoles, and its game producer Kazuma Yuwaki has already become a superstar producer in the game industry.

The fourth place is very unexpected is a somatosensory game that looks a bit rough, and the fifth place is also.

Moreover, the fourth and fifth places were specially marked, but they were crossed out in the end, and only the fourth and fifth places could be vaguely seen as sales that had just soared recently.

After lamenting the amazing sales of the game, Chang Weiyu saw the sales of 500 million discs, which was the most meaningful point for him.

After many investigations, he was almost sure that this should be close to 100% real data, and he didn't care about how it was leaked.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world, even if there is, it is only temporary.

Now that the scale of Youxing Electronic Entertainment is getting bigger and bigger, it is normal that some secret information cannot be kept.

Didn't the handheld leak out before?

After Nagaoyu got excited, he immediately showed this information to Ueto Hayakawa.

He also marveled at the astonishing sales of Youxing Electronic Entertainment and found the key information of 500 million disc sales.

What does this mean?

Doesn't this mean that CDs are the future?

Look at our competitors' home consoles that are still selling disc games. Who doesn't like such a low-cost physical carrier?

If such news is revealed, it will also be a heavy blow to the flash memory development route planned by Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

Cassette sales are bound to resurface as well.

Ueto Hayakawa also carefully confirmed the accuracy of this information, and then sent this information directly to the newspaper with the best relationship with Yu Nagao.

The next day, the newspaper completely exposed the data of Youxing Electronic Entertainment in a section of the entire page. It seemed that there was no underwear left.

Zhu Youxing also asked people to buy newspapers early in the morning, so that he could take a look at the situation he had set up.

The most profitable company in the new century: Youxing Electronic Entertainment, sold a full 500 million copies in the new millennium just by buying CDs!

This is the headline, and it is a huge headline in bold on the front page of the newspaper, which can be regarded as big news.

The number of hundreds of millions is very impactful in itself, and it is also related to Youxing Electronic Entertainment, which has always been very mysterious, but anyone who pays attention to economic news will never miss this news.

And there is even more exciting news in the back section of the newspaper.

This entire page is full of analysis of the leaked data information.

"According to the analysis of professionals in this newspaper, we have learned a shocking fact, that is, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has made at least five billion dollars in profits in this new millennium!"

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