In Times Square, the busiest place in New York, where people come and go, and cars come and go, many tourists will stop here, which can be regarded as witnessing one of the most famous cities in the world.

"Come on, please smile."

A man and a woman are preparing to take pictures under the big screen in Times Square.

The woman showed a sweet smile, with a sunny appearance, and her mood seemed quite good.

The men are also very cooperative, it seems that they really seem to be in harmony.

They are tourists who came here, before they were ordinary people living in remote areas of the United States.

Usually, men only work on their own farms and run their own family businesses.

Since he found his wife, he has devoted all his life to his wife, and even cared for her in every possible way after getting married.

This time he came here for his honeymoon at the strong request of his wife.

They will have many more sites in the future.

"Okay!" The man finished shooting and waved to the woman with a smile.

The woman immediately ran over sweetly and watched the detailed content in the camera together.

"How about my wife, how are these photos?"

the man asked proudly.

He thinks that his shooting skills are still very good, so he thinks the shooting should be very good.

"Hmm... I feel like it can be better." The woman showed a thoughtful expression, looking a little distressed.

"Can it be better... Then let's take another picture."


After the woman finished speaking, she walked to the big advertising screen in Times Square again, and made a very cute pose again.

And the man cooperated very well and picked up the camera again and pointed it at the woman.

At this time, a new advertisement appeared on the big screen in Times Square.

Before this ad was a sports drink ad, the man didn't particularly care.

But suddenly the advertisement switched, and his gaze, which was still focused on his wife, began to shift involuntarily.

"Honey, come, we..."


The man sees through the lens of the camera that the big screen suddenly becomes filled with gunpowder.

In the smoke of gunpowder, many soldiers could be vaguely seen fighting hard.

This seems like a modern style battlefield?

No, it doesn't seem to be, because these people's clothes look quite high-tech.

"Husband, are you alright?" The woman put on a cute pose, but found that she didn't hear what her husband said, so she asked curiously, but her husband didn't give any response.

Because his husband has been attracted by the big screen advertisement on the camera.

It is said that mechs are a man's romance, this is not a casual talk.

The man's family runs a farm and has been dealing with the fields for generations.

But they are not facing the loess and back to the sky.

Their life is quite good.

They usually use a lot of agricultural machinery most often on the farm, and almost all large farms use mechanized planting.

And the man who has been influenced by machinery since childhood is particularly fond of some mechanical things.

Of course, he also likes some war movies.

At this time, he was still wondering if this was a promotional video for a movie. It seemed interesting. Maybe he could go back and consider searching to see if there was any relevant news.

While thinking this way, he prepared to press the shutter button.

It's just that he unknowingly forgot about his wife, but subconsciously aimed the camera at the largest advertising screen in Times Square.

"Husband? Are you okay?"

"It's almost ready, wife, don't worry."

The man responded casually, but his heart was completely attracted by the content on the big screen.

On this battlefield full of gunpowder, the war seems to be very unfavorable to one side, so will there be anything that will turn the situation around? He thought so in his heart.

Sure enough, something turned the tide.

It was a man, a fully armed warrior with a peculiar helmet.

This soldier wears all kinds of combat equipment all over his body.

Just when the soldiers on one side were at a disadvantage, he rushed out and jumped into the air.

Is this man an idiot? Jumping into the air, isn't this courting death?

Isn't jumping into the air a living target?

The man couldn't help but feel a little funny, this kind of shooting method is not too clever, it seems that this movie is just a casual thing to fool people.

But suddenly, the warrior who jumped into the air suddenly turned around.

There seemed to be a huge thrust behind him that allowed the soldier to dodge in the air.

This made the man slightly stunned.

Then he saw the soldier in the ad killing the enemy in front of him instantly from an unimaginable angle.

The action is crisp and neat, full of violent beauty.

This is not over yet, and there will be no slack on the battlefield. After killing one of the enemies, this soldier quickly ran in a zigzag shape on the ground, constantly dodging the bullets from the front.

Then he will deal with the opponents one by one.

Hmm, it seems interesting.


"It's almost ready, wife, don't worry, I'm looking for a suitable angle."

The woman's cute pose was already a little sour, but after hearing her husband say the most suitable angle, she had no choice but to patiently put on a cute pose again, showing a sweet expression.

As for the man, he continued to look at the advertisement through his camera.

At this time, that soldier has gradually gained an advantage on the battlefield by relying on his powerful mobility.

These moves are really cool.

In just a dozen seconds, this soldier had killed more than a dozen people one after another, he was simply a killing machine.

He was still a little confused before, but now he has been completely conquered by this exciting battle scene.


In the end, when the warrior killed the last enemy and then put on a very handsome pose, he couldn't help but shouted "Hello".

"Is my husband okay?"

"Huh? Oh no, not yet!"

The man felt a little guilty, and quickly wanted to straighten the camera again, and then continued to take pictures of his wife.

But the ad isn't over yet.

Ads are continuing to surface more content.

At this time, it is not a simple movie-style video, but a combat scene from a first-person perspective.

In this scene, you are the powerful warrior just now, and then defeat the enemy by dodging and maneuvering in various combat scenes.

And at the end, a huge mecha figure suddenly appeared.

The man's breathing also fell into a short stagnation at this moment.

That's a mech!

It's one of my favorite things!

In Japan, due to the popularity of animation culture, things like mechas are also popular all over the world.

There is no Gundam in this world, but there are similar cultural works.

And men subconsciously like this kind of mechanical beauty because of their family relationship.

When a huge mech suddenly appeared, he had only one thought in his mind.

This is the mecha! Find a way to get his mother's one back!

Immediately afterwards, the full picture of the huge mecha in the advertising video finally appeared.

This mecha is actually very rough.

It was far worse than the fighting giant mechs he had seen before.

Those mecha cultures from Japan render all kinds of mechas into quite cool images.

But in fact, in the eyes of men, that is actually a bit unrealistic.

And the mecha in the advertisement in front of him, even if it is rough, still gives people a sense of reality.

As if this mech really existed.

The exposed mechanical bone structure, and the simple but not simple combat actions.

What deconstruction is that leg? It looks like the legs of a kangaroo, such legs must be quite explosive.

What exactly is this?

Damn, why have I never seen something so cool? !

Man is now sure this is definitely not a movie.

But he hasn't linked this to the game yet, because most of the games he's played before are just some very low-level content, which can't completely conquer him.


The game will be released soon, log on to the PC platform and the latest GSX console platform, so stay tuned.

The final ending of the advertisement finally revealed the answer.

This is the game!

This is a game?

The man's eyes are widened now, it seems a bit unbelievable.

He swore it was the most handsome game he had ever seen.

It turns out that games can also have such a cool expressive ability, but I didn't realize it at all before.

"Honey, what the hell are you doing?!"

Suddenly, a somewhat angry voice interrupted the man's thoughts.

This voice is right next to my ear.

His wife felt something was wrong just now, so she walked over unhappy.

Then she discovered that her husband hadn't even noticed that she had left the filming location.

Then she saw that her husband seemed to be staring at the big screen that the camera was aiming at and couldn't move his eyes.

She didn't understand what was going on, but she knew that her husband was obviously not particularly concerned about the things she filmed.

This made her very angry.

"Ah, wife!"

The man finally panicked at this moment.

"You guy, you didn't take me to heart at all, you actually..."

The woman began to yell at her head and face.

Now the man can only obediently accept his wife's scolding, and dare not say anything.

But at this moment, he was still thinking about one thing.

That's what that game is all about.

When he was about to go back, he immediately looked up this game called Titanfall.

The ad just now was not just broadcast in Times Square.

At the same time, similar advertisements were broadcast on the Internet and in well-known scenic spots in many regions.

This time, because of the complete image of the Titan, the marketing and publicity department of Youxing Electronic Entertainment is fully engaged in the promotion of the fall of the Titan.

In fact, not only ordinary players were conquered by the Titanfall ad, even the people inside Youxing Electronic Entertainment were also conquered by this brand new Titanfall ad.

Zhu Youxing was still in the United States, and it didn't take long for more than a dozen phone calls.

Some are people in the company, and some are third-party game company partners with whom they work closely.

And they called for only one purpose, and that was to know more details about the Titan's Fall right now.

As for the current players, they are completely immersed in a state of excitement.

"Titanfall! Hehe, I finally have news about my Titanfall!"

"That's a Titan, a living Titan that can be manipulated!"

In the ad, this time the titans have their own voices, unlike any previous mechs in cultural promotion.

A titan with a voice is like having a soul, as if it is alive.

Moreover, the Titan's operation interface is also fully presented in the promotional advertisement.

The human penetrated into the center of the Titan's body, and then the human and the Titan were fully connected spiritually, killing all directions on the battlefield.

This feeling of blood spurting when operating a mech has never been felt before.

The calls from Zhu Youxing's side were all kinds of congratulatory voices.

When the ad airs, people in the industry and within the company can be sure of one thing.

This game is definitely the best game out there right now.

Few other games can match it.

Zhu Youxing was very calm amidst these praises.

The game quality of Titanfall itself is the top in the industry.

In the world of Zhuyouxing, even after six or seven years, the average number of online players in Titanfall is tens of thousands.

This is still based on the premise that its own matching mechanism pulls the hips.

If the online mode is good enough for beginners, this game will definitely be more popular.

Later, APEX, a derivative work of Titanfall, also created countless myths.

Under the premise that the game of eating chicken was gradually saturated at that time, Titanfall still blazed its own trail, and successfully became the most popular battle royale and eating chicken game.

The team that created Titanfall is really strong.

So Zhuyouxing was not particularly surprised by the successful promotion in the advertisement.

In this world there is no Battlefield series, no Call of Duty series, only a half-baked first-person shooter from Brown Entertainment, and that one does not pose any threat at all.

And in such an environment without any threats, what kind of outcome will Titanfall will eventually achieve? Even Zhuyou Xing is not particularly sure.

But now just looking at the feedback brought by the advertisement, the response is really terrifying.

In a very short period of time, the real-time trending searches on facebook were quickly swiped by Titanfall.

Of course, this is also fueled by Facebook

After all, this is the product of the major shareholder, and Bob will definitely promote it vigorously.

But even if there is no such relationship, Titanfall can also reach the top of the hot search.

In community discussions, the topic of Titanfall is also very popular.

Before the announcement of the advertisement, the discussion in the community was only tens of thousands in an hour.

However, after the ad was broadcast, the popularity of discussions per hour quickly increased by hundreds of thousands.

Titanfall has truly become a hot topic among the people.

"Excuse me, I want to know what this is. I just saw an advertisement. Is this a game?"

"The one upstairs is the game."

"It's unbelievable, the game looks really cool."

"Of course, you don't even look at who developed this game."

"who is it?"

"The company of the god of games, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment!" The player replied very proudly, as if being able to show off Yuxing Electronic Entertainment would make him very proud.

"Youxing Electronic Entertainment? I remember the name, I will play when I get back."

"Go back and play? Sorry, you can't play it yet, the game hasn't been released yet."

"Huh? When will it be released? I can't wait."

The player was very calm: "Don't worry, we have already waited for more than half a year, and it is normal to wait another half year."

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