Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 668 Su Rui Electronics' Headache


In the host market, Su Rui Electronics seems to have given up struggling.

In other words, they no longer seek to occupy a certain position in the home console market.

So they turned to the handheld platform, because Yuxing Electronic Entertainment does not seem to have more development plans in this regard recently, but only updates some fixed games on time.

Just in this case, Su Rui Electronics thinks that it can win more market in the handheld market.

Therefore, the competition between Su Rui Electronics and Youxing Electronics Entertainment has become less intense recently.

However, when the trailer of the Titanfall game was announced, Su Rui Electronics still showed great importance.

This smooth CG image quality can be said to be the benchmark in the industry, which is really amazing.

They have also seen the actual gameplay of the game, and according to the feedback they observed on the Internet, there are a lot of players looking forward to it.

Ueto Hayakawa also asked his team to find a way to develop similar works, but it was just a bit of a cat and a tiger, and it would be a dream to produce works of the same quality as Titanfall in a short period of time.

Now a normal large-scale production often takes at least two years to start.

Youxing Electronic Entertainment is the only pervert who always produces a top-level large-scale game within two years. Did they just take a detour?

Fortunately, this game is only registered on the home computer platform and the home game console platform of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

In the handheld market, I still seem to be doing well.

However, in this positive environment, there are still some headaches for Ueto Hayakawa.

That is the mobile Internet market that is gradually becoming popular recently.

In the past, handhelds were entertainment electronics for most people to relax outdoors.

Due to Su Rui Electronics' strong multi-industry chain development capabilities, their latest handheld has very rich multimedia functions.

It's just that the mini-disc standard they pushed wasn't particularly successful.

In this regard, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has an advantage.

Under the same performance, Yuxing Electronic Entertainment can conquer players with a smaller size, because the space occupied by the memory card is much smaller than that of the standard mini-disc drive.

This also makes Su Rui Electronics sometimes wonder if it is going the wrong way.

But that's just suspicion.

Until Mickford released the most complete smartphone in the world, this doubt is slowly becoming a certainty.

It seems that in the field of handheld entertainment, it is really stupid to have a disc system.

A small memory card can store a large amount of content, but the optical disc system also takes up a huge space.

In terms of cost, optical discs may be cheaper, but in the mobile field, people prefer to exchange money for space reduction and functional increase.

One of the most threatening discussions Surui Electronics has heard recently is a smartphone called the MK1.

Because it's stylish, because it's portable, and because it's versatile.

Games, music, videos, photos, calls, and real-time access to the Internet are the greatest strengths of smartphones.

Handhelds may be stronger in terms of game screen performance and performance, but how many people really love games?

More people or some prefer entertainment products with more functions.

And making a phone call is a function that everyone needs, and this is the most important thing.

Multi-functional entertainment products are gradually eroding the handheld market, which makes Surui Electronics more vigilant, so they develop more functions in the handheld, and have plans to directly cut off the seemingly tasteless optical disc system, while adding more Many entertainment functions.

But that hasn't slowed down the expansion and erosion of smartphones.

Of course, this is just a headache for Hayakawa Ueto, while Zhuyouxing continues to promote the new console step by step.

After the announcement of the first wave of trailers for the finished product, the popularity of the topic on the Internet has soared to a high level.

The marketing and publicity department of Youxing Electronic Entertainment naturally began to chase after the victory, using all their strengths to increase publicity.

According to their survey, Titanfall is the most discussed game on the Internet in the history of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

According to this speculation, Titanfall may break through various sales records of Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

For example, first-week sales records.

This has been firmly controlled by Mario. The highest one is Mario Galaxy. After the game console was released, it quickly exceeded five million sales.

This is no longer a simple round of game promotions, but more about hoping that game sales can once again break through their own records and reach a new peak.

But it must be very difficult, but if it is not difficult, it is really not challenging, and it is not refreshing.

In America, Asia, and Europe, the three major sales battlefields, Titanfall's promotional materials are almost promoted on the highest scale.

From the most simple and direct promotion, to the advertising of major TV stations, the cost in this area alone has reached 100 million US dollars, which is really a big deal.

But this little money is nothing, as long as the sales can really meet expectations, the publicity costs can be fully earned back.

And the most important thing is the progress of game development.

Judging from the current development status, the game has entered the final stage, about 80%, and the rest is the overall adjustment of the game, as well as the elimination of bugs. If this cycle is short, it can be done in half a year. .

Just half a year is also a very suitable promotional rhythm, which can cooperate with various media.

So Zhu Youxing directly set the release date of Titanfall.

Early 2007.

And before Christmas at the end of 2006, the trial demo of the game was officially released.

The trial demo will include a complete training level and a multiplayer battlefield online game that can provide multiplayer play.

Titanfall is not only impressive in terms of storytelling, but its online mode is also enduring.

Zhu Youxing believes that if it is operated properly, the multiplayer mode of Titanfall may become a new competitive event. It just so happens that the recent e-sports is worried about the lack of more competitive events, especially the first-person shooter game. There is only one counter-terrorism game. A World War II online battle game by Elite and Brown Entertainment, players have too few choices, and multiple future sci-fi style first-person shooter online games can be said to be just right.

After Yuxing Electronic Entertainment announced the release rhythm of the next Titanfall, the players became even more excited.

Before, it was only a few months to wait for a news, but recently there are more and more actions of Titanfall, which is also a very good signal, which means that the game may be released soon.

And most importantly, there is finally a demo demo!

So, is it possible to drive the Titan Mecha inside?

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