Tokyo Video Game Tycoon

Chapter 681 Breaking the Record


The live broadcast of Titanfall is over, but it does not mean that the heat of Titanfall is over.

A series of related videos of Titanfall began to spread on various platforms, and they were doing their best to express their love for the game Titanfall.

For a while, it became hard to find a machine in the United States, Japan, Europe and other places.

At the beginning, the production line of Titanfall was fully prepared, and more than five million cassettes were prepared on the first day.

But the production line of game consoles has not been predicted in advance.

Because according to the forecast of the sales department, most of the people who buy this game should be players.

Then after the players slowly ferment, and then spread to those non-game players.

But I never expected that as soon as the game was released, those who were not interested in the game at the beginning would become the main force of sales.

Because the Titanfall picture this time is really great, and the plot itself is also very attractive.

But anyone who is interested in science fiction or similar plot settings wants to buy it and experience it.

Those who have no money to buy will also find ways to obtain knowledge related to Titanfall.

"Terazawa, have you played the latest Titanfall?"

"Of course I have played it. This is a super awesome game. It is the coolest game I have ever played. This kind of game must not be missed! But any man must not miss such a game!"

"What what? What are you talking about?"

"Titanfall, haven't you played it?"

"Uh, no..."

The person who answered was immediately scorned by the other party, as if he felt that not playing was the greatest sin.

This scene is happening in many places.

Even if you are not interested, in a society like Japan, you must find a way to follow the mainstream.

Otherwise you will most likely be isolated.

In the past, people often discussed movies, TV shows and baseball games, and occasionally they would talk about some star's lace news.

Later, there were more anime and games.

However, compared with animation and games, film and television dramas and baseball, which have a relatively stable status, the audience is still not too large.

But this time, Titanfall went out of the established circle beyond the routine, and let most people understand this game.

So even if it's just to integrate into the group, they will find a way to get Titanfall first, and then experience it.

"President, the first week's sales results are out!"

In the early morning of March 8th, the head of the sales department came to the game development department very excitedly.

Zhuyouxing is arranging a new game development plan.

Hearing the excited voice from the sales department not far away, Zhu Youxing temporarily interrupted the meeting, and then said: "Let's announce it here."

Many key game producers from Youxing Electronic Entertainment are gathered here, and they should also hear the final sales results.

"The sales in the first week were 7.5 million! Among them, 1.8 million copies were sold in the first week in Japan, 3.6 million in the United States, and 2.1 million in Europe and other regions."

When everyone heard this data, there was a moment of silence.

But soon everyone applauded.

"President, we broke the record again! And it's a big breakthrough!"

The previous sales record for the first week of the game was around 5 million.

In order to achieve this first five million sales, I really don't know how much effort has been made.

However, Titanfall this time has not done as much marketing effort as last time, and it is more of a sales method that takes advantage of the trend.

But it still broke the record, and it still surpassed the previous record by more than two million in one breath.

Zhu Youxing was also a little happy after hearing this data.

Titanfall gets its due in this world.

This is the true strength of Titanfall.

Originally, when the world was squeezed by two major works at the same time, the sales volume of six to seven million in one year proved that its quality was indeed good.

However, in the original world, EA was not a human being, so it chose a bad release time for this game.

But there are no such obstacles in this world. Titanfall has been very stable from release to release, with almost no problems.

Sales of more than 7 million in the first week, it must be easy for the final sales to exceed 10 million, and it is very possible to exceed 20 million.

However, it is indeed a bit difficult to break through 10 million sales in the first week.

At least not in this day and age.

In the original world, there were more than two generations of gamers, and the base was already very large.

The player base in this world can only be regarded as one generation just now, and the gap is indeed not small in comparison.

However, Zhu Youxing believes that it will be a matter of time before the sales volume exceeds 10 million in the first week.

The people present applauded and cheered.

They agree with the game Titanfall from the bottom of their hearts.

They are the top producers of Yuxing Electronic Entertainment, and they can best understand how strong the gameplay of Titanfall is.

The gameplay of Titanfall is the most novel. The wonderful time travel gameplay, as well as jumping and sliding walls, add more dimensions to the combat level of the game.

And the shooting feel of Titanfall itself is also top-notch.

God knows how long it took the development team in the United States to adjust the shooting feel.

Also, according to their known information, Titanfall also took a huge amount of time to design.

"President, we should celebrate properly!"

Zhu Youxing nodded with a smile: "That's right, we really should have a good celebration. The company's headquarters will hold a small celebration banquet in the company tomorrow, and there will also be one in the United States. It can be regarded as celebrating the breakthrough in sales of the Fall of the Titans."

Then Zhu Youxing looked at the people in the sales department and said: "By the way, the specific sales data should also be announced, and the sales of game consoles should have also increased recently, right?"

The person in the sales department immediately nodded and said: "That's right, the sales of game consoles have increased by more than 40%, and our game console production capacity can't keep up. Now I think that if it weren't for the limited production capacity of game consoles, the sales volume might not be as high. There will be more. It is possible to break through 10 million."

Zhu Youxing shook his head: "Impossible, don't do such a beautiful thing. It's not just talking about tens of millions of sales in the first week, but it is indeed possible to break through eight million."

Zhuyouxing also did not expect that Titanfall would cause a circle-breaking effect, and did not make a plan for increasing the production of game consoles in advance.

But it doesn't hurt too much.

The production capacity of game consoles is only temporarily in short supply.

Follow-up players who have needs for game consoles will not wait too long, and it takes about one week to ten days to meet 99% of the sales demand.

Now the department stores in the United States are also crazy. The sales of game consoles have increased so much that they flew to Japan almost overnight, just to get more production capacity of GSX game consoles.

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