Trajectory of Dawn in the World of American Comics

Chapter 453 68. The reason why Luthor chose to establish the Legion of Doom must not have occurred t


The speed force broke through the obstacles of the plane, and quietly opened a revolving door in Gotham City's Crime Alley.

Xiao Shan was the first to run out, a little out of breath, holding her knees and retching a few times.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't feel tired from running, but he took the initiative to ask to see the speed machine made by the Isu Hermes. The result of this insight was that Barry Allen rarely ran out of strength.

The machine of the Isu is very good, and what is even more rare is that the other party's understanding of the concepts of time and speed opened the eyes of the speedy man.

He felt that he had learned something again today, okay!

Mason and Ms. Cassandra, who was dragging a suitcase and carrying hot tea, walked out of the gate of time and space slowly. He was about to introduce the city to Sister Kassandra when he heard a gunshot on the street.

All right.

This is everyday life in Gotham City.

"work on your businesses."

Sister Ka took a sip of tea and dragged her suitcase to the other side of the alley. She said as she walked:

"I don't need a guide or a specially arranged meeting, I will use my way to observe the world, and this city that exudes a decadent atmosphere reminds me of Pompeii once.

I am sure to have a lot of fun here. "

"I have to find you a place to stay. It's easy to cause accidents for a new lady to run around in Gotham. Even staying in a hotel in this city is very risky.

Especially for a lone woman as charming as you. "

Mason pouted, took out a VIP card from the Afterlife Bar and threw it over. He reminded Sister Card:

"This bar is our base of operations. In addition, the gangsters in the city should not move casually. Some of them are our people."


Cassandra took the card and waved to Mason, and disappeared as soon as she turned around. It must have activated a special ability of the Isu blood to enter the invisible state in broad daylight.

"Are you really of the same blood as this powerful big sister?"

After recovering, Xiao Shan looked Mason up and down, and went to clean up the group of gangsters who were fighting at the intersection, and got himself a pizza and a milkshake. When he returned to Mason, he began to complain:

"Ms. Cassandra can do almost everything with Isu blood, but you are much worse."

"Nonsense, people have lived for more than two thousand years, but I am only 18 years old this year."

Mason rolled his eyes, picked up a slice from Xiaoshan's pizza box, rolled it up, put it in his mouth, and said to him:

"Open the door and go home when you are full. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to do at Osborne Tower."

While speaking, another reminder appeared on the character card in front of Mason's eyes. His tailoring and jewelry processing skills have been upgraded to another level. It seems that everyone in the Mason Manufacturing Group is not lazy.

While Xiao Shan was eating and drinking, Mason looked at his character card.

His current character information is patchwork, and it is very comfortable to see, much better than the whiteboard posture before.

The most important thing is that because of the day and night work of the "Mason Manufacturing Group", he finally has no obvious shortcomings, and finally realized the all-round development of the legendary "moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor".

Although only the three skills of alchemy, engineering, and first aid have entered the master field, he feels that if he gives the "Mason Manufacturing Group" some more time, he will soon become a full-time master.

"Mason, did you say that all the undercover agents in our world have been caught?"

Xiao Shan, who drank the last sip of milkshake, asked suddenly, his expression under the mask was a little worried, obviously he also had his own answer in his heart, and Mason didn't even bother to answer this question.

He lit a cigarette and exhaled the smoke ring in Crime Alley and said:

"I've said it all, the existence of the Wakeners is a social problem within the universe.

As long as there are losers and people with unsatisfactory lives in a world, the number of people who voluntarily surrender in the face of major events will certainly not be small.

Don't hold the illusion that all the scum will be cleaned up, Barry, you see, the master never thinks things so well.

Let me tell you, at this moment, maybe those bastards who have secretly flirted with the stars are hiding somewhere to discuss how to kill us.

Their methods will only be crazier and limitless than Qun Xinghui, after all, as we all know, the second devils are always more brutal.

Alright, let's go, instead of spending time worrying about their success, you should improve yourself more. Your cosmic treadmill will continue to be modified, and you have to find a way to build a semi-permanent space-time tunnel before the war begins. "


Barry nodded, and took a running posture in the alley again. The next moment, the tunnel leading to Osborne Tower was opened again.

Mason took one last look at Gotham, threw away his cigarette butt and strode in.


Mason's guess about the traitors and the Second Devils was completely correct.

Although their previous actions in Kandak destroyed the Green Church of All Things and successfully defeated Black Adam, who had defected and surrendered to the enemy, this did not actually affect the "surrenderist forces" in this world too much.

Just as Mason was returning to Osborne Tower, in a large natural park next to the calm metropolitan city circle in the absence of Superman, in a hidden secret place in the swampy terrain, Doomsday The third meeting of the Legion is being held as scheduled.

The reason for this name is that on the one hand, this secret group was established because of events related to the end of the world, and on the other hand, this name also represents the identities of the members of the organization.

A group of supervillains eager to overthrow the existing order, a group of thugs who want to see the end of justice, and a group of bastards who are incompatible with superheroes.

They felt that adding the word "DOOM" to the group's name would be very powerful.

Well, yes, the name was voted on internally, which is too dishonest.

Lex Luthor, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, is standing imposingly in front of a lookout window of the Legion of Doom's headquarters with his hands behind his back. The headquarters built with special technology prevents the outside world from monitoring, and their internal activities can also be monitored. effective protection.

But Lai Tu's mood was not as calm as his cold expression at this time.

He's going to be in a bad mood.

Not only because of the complete failure of the Superman kidnapping plan by him, but also because Lai Tuo just filed for bankruptcy yesterday.

His Lex Group fell into a vicious cycle due to a broken capital chain. After struggling for more than half a month, it finally chose to close down. The high-quality assets under his command have been divided up by the Wayne Group and the Quinn Group. Although the money for selling assets is just right. To make up for the shortfall, Lai Tuo's career that he had worked so hard for all his life disappeared in smoke after all.

He is a very moral villain, who almost left the house after spending the last bit of money on severance pay to his employees, but fortunately, under the identity of a conscientious entrepreneur, Lai Tuo also has a villain half secret identity.

Right now, the ownership of the secret base where he is located belongs to him.

So look at other people, even if they are bankrupt, they are still one of the richest people in the world.

"You look in a bad mood, Luther."

A coquettish and dangerous voice sounded behind Laitou. A tall villain lady wearing a "leopard print" tights, full of some kind of weird temptation but actually has a cheetah head, walked silently on catwalks. Appears around the corner.

She wagged her tail and approached Luther, and said provocatively and sarcastically:

"What? Hasn't the thief who stole all your property been caught yet?"


Luther said angrily:

"He didn't even use any hacking procedures. He logged into several of my bank accounts according to the normal process, entered the correct password, and passed multiple encryptions including fingerprints, irises, and even DNA tests. Nei transferred my property to another account in my name.

All operations are in accordance with the law, and all operations are without any tricks. The most perfect theft is carried out in this most common way.

Do you know what this means? "

Lai narrowed his eyes and said:

"Either I've gone nuts and fallen for a wire scam and handed over my money to a bunch of crooks.

Either I transferred my own money and deposited it in my name, and the money is still my money, it is still in the bank, and it has not been stolen by anyone.

Provided I can get them out. "

"You say this like you've lost your mind."

Leopard Girl pouted.

She wraps her tail around Leo's wrist and says:

"But you're still lucid, so I guess you already know what's going on, right? If the leader of the secret society I just joined is a hopelessly lunatic, I'd be really desperate."

"Hmph, of course I know why."

Lai Bald stared at himself reflected in the mirror in front of him. Under the bald head was the face of a slightly tired middle-aged man. He shook off the leopard girl's tail on his wrist and said in a low voice:

"Someone brought out another me from another world, and another Luthor launched a shameless sneak attack on me, and he stole my success and my status and my wealth.

He thought it would break me!

He can't think about it!

They don't want to!

Those things that were taken away, I will take them back one by one with my own hands. How ridiculous! Who would have thought that one of the reasons Lex Luthor was forced to form the Legion of Doom would be bankruptcy and poverty?

Is everyone here? "

Luther asked casually, Leopard Girl nodded and said:

"Everyone is here, including the representatives of the Sky Eye Society."

"very good."

There was a savage smile on Lai Bald's face, he stretched out his hand to straighten his collar, and returned to the meeting hall of the Legion of Doom under the ground with Leopard Girl.

This dim place is in line with the temperament of the big villains. The overall lighting is dim but not too dark, so that people can see the side faces of the participants and the heavy shadows wrapped on their faces and bodies.

But there are no outside forces here!

The people seated here are all the supervillains of this world, and they are all the famous ones, not second-rate or third-rate small fish or shrimps.

Luther stood on the main seat and looked around.

From his left are Leopard Girl, Gorilla Grodd, Fear Yellow Lantern Sinestro, Sea Catastrophe Black Manta Ray, and the last mysterious person who hides his figure with makeup.

This is the representative of the Sky Eye Society and the emissary of Amanda Waller.

However, the seats around the round table were not full, and there were still several chairs waiting for their owners.

"Everyone, let's discuss the next course of action."

Luther didn't make a long speech either. He knocked on the table and said to the leaders and villains who he had carefully selected with full abilities and tactical minds:

"Your Majesty Warlock's envoy has just left our world, and he announced to us that a doomsday operation is about to start soon. I have already informed everyone of what will happen to this world. This is another option!

We are not evil"

Luther paused, and in the darkness he said:

"We just don't believe that giving everything to the Justice League is the right choice, we are part of the world and have the right to choose our future.

Now that the skeleton of the Legion of Doom has been built, the next thing to do is to expand rapidly. I have a plan to help us select suitable organization members, and I decided to implement it in three days.

We're going to Gotham! "

Luthor reached out and opened a holographic projection, turning the map of Gotham City on the desktop, marking Arkham Asylum with a red mark.

He said:

"We can always find like-minded partners in this heinous place, the only regret is that the most dazzling crime prince among them has fallen.

But that's okay, we have plenty of options.

Set them free!

Announce the existence of the Legion of Doom to them and tell them that there are still several leadership seats left for them. They also have their own tasks and must complete them before they are eligible to join us. "

"You called us here for something as stupid as this?"

Sinestro, the lamp of fear, sneered. The alien felt that he was wasting time. He said in the yellow suit:

"It was you who told me that there were two Green Lanterns on Earth, and I came here across the vast sea of ​​stars, Luthor! What you are saying now is completely different from what you announced.

If you need minions, the Lantern Corps has plenty of Lanterns to serve you! But I don't want to waste any more time. "

"Calm down, Lord of my fears."

Luther smiled. He coughed and glanced at the emissary of the Tianyanhui, and said:

"Freeing Arkham's prisoners is a sham, our real target in Gotham is an agent of the dark power of corruption, and it's hiding there.

You have seen the power of the green of all things and the red of all beings before, and I believe that the host of the black of decay will not let us down.

Be patient, Lord Sinestro.

I assure you that after this operation you will see for yourself a land of war and terror, and I assure you you will not leave empty-handed! "

While speaking, Luthor released a video that was just captured. In that video, two Green Lanterns in completely different costumes are working together to rescue a burning building in the seaside city.

And when the Lord of Fear Yellow Lantern saw the Green Lantern wearing the will armor, his eyes burst into a breathtaking coldness. He stroked his little goatee and said:

"Very well, I am looking forward to pouring the power of fear into the mind of this strange new friend. I have a feeling that his appearance will give me hope to defeat the Green Lantern Corps."

"It's you in the end!"

Luther comforted his team members, looked up at the envoy directly opposite him, and said bluntly:

"Go back and tell Amanda Waller that the latent operations of the Skrulls she was in charge of in this world have failed quite well, except for those beheaded by the Assassin League, the rest of the green-skinned bastard aliens are all missing.

This is a terrible hidden danger, and I need an explanation from her!

In addition, prepare enough suicide squads, we will be very, very busy in the future, and we will not refuse any high-quality cannon fodder from the Sky Eye Society. "

"I'll take your word with you."

Amanda Waller's messenger nodded, and then asked:

"But Waller also has a question for you, Luthor, who are the secret members of the Legion of Doom besides the just-dead swamp monster and the missing Black Adam?

She knew that we were more than the few people in front of us. "

"Then please tell her."

Luther patted the table and said:

"Prying too many secrets is harmful to her health! She will know when it's time to let her know, don't say I don't respect her, I respect any valuable life.

But if you want to earn my respect, please show enough value first.

I need drawings and parameters for the watchtower space station, I have been waiting for a week, I don't want to wait any longer, give you another week.

Sorry if I can't see that drawing yet"

Lai Tu snorted, and amidst the sneers of the other big villains, he said:

"On the ark of the Legion of Doom, which is sailing to the other shore, there is no place for you!"

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